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Posts posted by stuwilky

  1. They made a good point on skysports, why is the bolton player Stelios allowed his first name to be printed on the back of his shirt but Zurab wasn't allowed to have his on?!


    He was allowed to have Zurab.

    However he wanted his nickname Zura.

    The PL said he could either have Zurab or his surname (Im not even going to attempt it!) he chose his surname.

    Didnt Lee explain this t'other day somewhere?

  2. It's gotta be Matteo at centre-back with Nelsen - but I doubt it will be.

    A difficult one to call - but with Emerton having been on international duty, and not playing particulalry well - I wouldn't be surprised to see Bentley make his debut - in this formation :-


    Neil      Nelsen    Matteo    Gresko

    Reid      Mokuena  Savage  Pedersen


                      Kuqi (Bellamy if fit)


    Zurab at centre half anyone?

    Neill, Zurab, Nelsen, Matteo

    Emerton, Reid, Savage, MGP



  3. What a cock!

    You dont even know where I work but yet you slag me off.  If you must know I work for the market leading firm in our line of Business.  And we have a celeb in the office today.  Bit of a MILf aswell!  tongue.gif


    i can only think of one "market leader" based in Blackburn. And I need to go and buy some of what they make later.

  4. Invisable Man,

    no one is calling you scum for singing at the football, having met a number of people on here that would be highly hypocritical of them.

    People are having difficulty accepting that there was no blame in the "brick throwing" incident, which does appear to have been blown up. what isnt helping is the constant name calling and telling people to "sod off" and the like, if you want to disprove peoples opinions of you, ignore this topic and start posting about the football (or whatever is was they pretended to play on Saturday)

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