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Posts posted by stuwilky

  1. I agree with you however that by and by we are far better off financially than any three of the promoted teams and have no excuse for not cutting it above them, but you're stabbing yourself in the foot with that last point. Besides, to survive above the three promoted teams, we need to win all those games. Need I remind you we got thrashed by West Ham?!


    Wigan - sugar daddy, money no object

    West Ham - in the very recent past made it into the European Top 20 Money League, debts reduced by £10m whilst in the CCC!!!!

    Sunderland - I'll give you that one!

  2. Well apparently Rev West Ham have a mega bucks sugar daddy who has promised up to 30million available to be spent in the January transfer window.  sad.gif


    Is this the Iranian blokey who has been "on the verge" of making a takeover bid for about 3 years and even last week said he wouldnt be doing anything until next summer at the earliest?

  3. no wyq we wil beat by spufdds, cos we ahve the nafic sign over them. If kuqi plays for  rovers theh so can I. and I`m disabled. wat with my t4endency to gwqmder offside. its my lacklm of pace that. get in mey frein d tugay, you ate truky ny turkishgh date. 160000 cant be wring.


    not forgetting this one.

  4. That's what I started off doing - both the Beeb and the Gov't for not protecting the so called sporting crown jewels  unsure.gif

      Let's just put it this way - I don't want to put money in Murdoch's pocket in order to watch test cricket !!


    Test cricket isnt one of the crown jewels, and hasnt been for almost ten years.

  5. Manchester Blue

    Can I politely inform you that many, many people do not subscribe to Sky.


    Really? People dont have sky? bloody hell.

    Now is the problem because it wont be available to the "masses" (ch4 audience in the small millions) or that they will "change it"?

    Or both?

    Or neither?

  6. This injury would only be a concern if your manager had decided to put all his eggs in one basket this summer and rather than strengthen a substandard squad, had gone out and blown his entire budget on one over-rated, 'everyone look at me', goofy halfwit. Thankfully Hughesy's far too clued up for that and thus you will be fine.

    No really, I think this could be better than the Brian Kidd year(s).


    AAt least we have a squad. You lot have to rely on some doddery old barsteward turning up with his boots to complete your bench

  7. Well it did say double injury worry so maybe the thigh happened after the ankle...


    I think Alan's point is that how could Bellamy get injured with this welsh squad if he didnt join with them due to already being injured?

    Is that right Al?

  8. At the moment the cricket's more entertaining than the football. Shame they can't play cricket all year round  sad.gif

    EDIT: Didn't know where to put this so i'll put it here

    Anyone going to watch Lancashire tommorrow ?

    It looked very empty on Sky today


    That was about average for a county game sadly.

    I might be there tomorrow and friday.

  9. True Phil, but C4 didnt want the first tranche of tests in a summer and instead only wanted teh second lot (ones in school holidays) also its because of them we have this stupid 6 oclock is simpsons time end.


    is it?

    Isnt that ICC rules?

  10. This is something the club could solve. If each school party had 3 or 4 volunteer stewards to look after them for the day, meet them from the coach to putting them back on the coach after the game.

    It just needs a bit of thought and effort but I don't think the club can be bothered.


    Its incredibly hard. It involves taking loco parental responsibility, the process is an absolute minefield with police clearance necessary, paperwork up to your eyeballs etc.

    Now presumably some of this is in place for the schools projects, but it is more than a case of "cant be bothered"

  11. I've no problems Stu.


    1.  Scotty's ignorant attitude ensures that he gets plenty of stick particularly by way of retribution, and anyway he gives almost as good as he gets.  But why do you feel the need to stick up for him, are you two mates or something?  I'm not referring to Scotty but I've got to say a pet hate of mine are ignorant / smarmy / blinkered people.


    Im not a "committee man" either. But I am involved in this "project" as it is something I feel worthwhile.

    And I only stick up for people when I think they are right, Ive had some right arguments with some of my very best friends as well as people I have and/or havnt met from messageboards.

    Anyway, we digress somewhat.

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