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Posts posted by stuwilky

  1. Is Brisa going to have a 'supporter of the year' award?  If so Kimberley gets my nomination.  tinykit.gif

    See you at West Ham too Kimberley.


    TND, Every other post seems to be a dig at either Scotty or another poster, or the proposed ISA. May I ask what your problem is?

    You have been invited more than once to come along to the ISA meetings, we want as many people as possible to attend, as the 8 or so new faces at the last meeting will testify.

  2. Shirt deals are nothing to do with the size of home crowd, it's all about appearances on TV and in press pictures.

    We finished 15th, not 20th; yet we have the salary bill of a top 10 team and the shirt deal of the bottom team. If he was as good as everyone thinks, then those two statistics would be reversed.


    And I would hazard just a little guess (and I might be wrong) that crowd size at the crowd is directly proportional to success on the pitch, which is pretty much proportional to press exposure nationally (internationally doesnt apply - prem coverage in many overseas countries involves Man Utd/Chelsea and Liverpool regardless of league placing.

    I am sure that you could do a far better job than John Williams, so why dont you apply. This is real life not fairytale land. Good job in difficult circumstances.

  3. Yeah, isnt he terrible.

    The club with one of the lowest attendances in the country, not to mention one of the smallest fanbases in one of the smallest towns.

    Bloody hell, having the smallest shirt sponsor (and given that the same company also plough cash in through being kit sponsor and on the retail space the amount they give us is considerably higher!) what a shocker.

  4. Its frustrating that the club has faceless owners with limited funds of over 600 million. Still opinions aren't allowed here. Maybe the mods should open a second messageboard for anyone with the nerve to have a different point of view.


    What did Mr Williams say when you went to see him as you promised? Or are you all mouth and no trousers?

    Opinions are allowed, but take a look through your post history and see why its boring.

  5. if you say Iraq is a reason for why London was attacked, you're giving excuses for and justifying the attacks" it's a tad worrying. What, exactly, counts as "justifying" these days?

    That could have come straight from the pages of the daily mail.

  6. Would need the Walkers to provide the funds too. Im not surprised Rovers brought in less than most clubs. Can't lose too much of that 600 million fortune. At least its an inprovement on 150,000 although after such a huge outlay for them it will probably be reduced to that figure next summer.



  7. 1 Brad Friedel Goalkeeper

    2 Lucas Neill Defender

    4 Andy Todd Defender

    5 Garry Flitcroft Midfielder

    6 Ryan Nelsen Defender

    7 Brett Emerton Midfielder

    8 Robbie Savage Midfielder

    9 Shefki Kuqi Striker

    10 Paul Dickov Striker

    11 Craig Bellamy Striker

    12 Morten Gamst Pedersen Midfielder

    13 Peter Enckelman Goalkeeper

    14 Steven Reid Midfielder

    15 Aaron Mokoena Defender

    16 Kerimoglu Tugay Midfielder

    17 Matt Jansen Striker

    18 Vratislav Gresko Defender

    19 David Thompson Midfielder

    20 Paul Gallagher Striker

    21 Dominic Matteo Defender

    22 Jonathon Douglas Midfielder

    23 Lorenzo Amoruso Defender

    24 James McEveley Defender

    25 Jemal Johnson Striker

    26 Andy Taylor Defender

    26 David Yelldell Goalkeeper

    27 Matt Derbyshire Striker

    28 Gary Harkins Midfielder

    33 Michael Gray Defender

    Steven Drench Goalkeeper

    Jerome Watt Midfielder

    Dont think there are any real shocks in there, apart from the obvious mistake at no 26!!

  8. Firstly, treason is the only crime in the UK which still carries the death penalty as I understand it.


    Fortunately it no longer carries the death penalty. There is no offence which, in this country, carries the death sentance.

  9. £15? It's not so bad. I'd have liked it cheaper of course but then again what did I expect? Please, someone find me another Premier League club that is playing a pre-season friendly at home and charging £15 or below to watch.


    Sorry Bob but fulham are charging a tenner (or a fiver for STH) for their friendly on 6th against Panionios. wink.gif

  10. I couldnt justify buying a season ticket to get that stuff(I'm just not that hardcore), but I would pay some price to get that stuff so I could say I was a paid up supporter for the coming season.  International supporters are forever on the outside looking in.


    I think that some (all?) of the stuff was to do with this new members club that is being touted about although I am not sure.

  11. Talk about fiddling whilst Rome burns eh?  You lot would talk a glass eye to sleep. 

    You pontificating lot all sound like Vicky Pollard.  Ah but... Yes but..... No but.


    TND - give him some lessons in answer avoidance! he needs help!

  12. Deportation.


    Why does the HRA prevent deportation? No

    Have people been deported since 1998? Yes

    So, what precisely are you trying to do other than make yourself look like you havnt got a clue what youa re talking about?

    NB - I dont disagree with the sentiment that terrorists should be rooted out of our society and locked up. But the HRA neither helps nor hinders that activity. The big problem is identifying them, the same as with any crime.

    Now unless you have something relevent to add shall I consider this particular discussion to be over?

  13. OK then, lets keep Hooky, Bakry et al on the DSS and turn a blind eye.


    Hooky is currently in jail awaiting deportation. (and yes it took to long)

    You appear to be doing a "blue phil" and not answering the question.

    What relevance does the HRA have to what you are saying?

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