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Posts posted by stuwilky

  1. The HRA is a UK Act of Parliament. It is based on the principles laid down in the EU Publication but essentially it is a UK Act of parliament.

    Can someone tell me how the removal of anything in it would facilitate the easier removal of terrorists from society?

    It is here for those who want to check http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1998/19980042.htm

    And Phil, the HRA placed into statute many things which, in the UK, were common law principles, adding them into statue reinforces them, and on certain issues clarifies them. LAw in this country is far from clear otherwise we wouldnt need an army of judges to decipher the many complex parts. Statue is far clearer than case or common law.

  2. Hang on  - by 'baddies' I mean those who are out to commit crime. What angle are you on StuW?


    I was ensuring that was the case. And that you werent referring to...

    "all asylum seekers"

    "all immigrants"

    "all muslims"

    or something similar.

    So, what relevance does the HRA have to people who are out to commit crime? None, they can be nicked for the same offences as you or I. If conspiracy is one of them then they get charged. Same as you and I.

    The problem, as always, is identifying them before (or indeed after) they commit the crime. Repealing the HRA wouldnt help in this....so what good would repealing it do?

  3. Then Modi, how do you propose do deal with those baddies who shelter in our in our land under this 'law'?


    If you are talking about asylum seekers (and you appear to be - although labelling them all as baddies stinks of total ignorance) you might find that they are in this country under provisions laid down in the Immigration and Asylum ACt 1999

  4. Yes , MCMC , the vast , vast majority of the country of all racial and political persuasions .

        Unfortunately , the liberal elite are contemptuous of the people and pursue their own agenda . The barrister Blair and his human rights lawyer wife wouldn't want to repeal unnecessary laws would they ? Not in their interests ....

      How about a referendum... ?




    If that was the case why the hell did the Labour party get re elected? Some "majority".

    Most people would love to deport the "benefit claiming terrorists" but of course how do we identify them?

  5. Today I was offered a bet that made me stop and think. Usually I’m more than willing to back my judgement when it comes to backing Blackburn Rovers but this bet got me thinking.........

    Wigan's average gate over the season will be bigger than ours? i obviously disagreed.

    To be even thinking about it shows just how far our home support has declined in recent times.

    Should I take the bet or not......... dry.gif  £50.



    I think ours is likely to remain fairly static at 23 - 24k

    Wigans is likely to be a touch over 20k (or it better had be cos then 1864 will owe me a pint!!)

    And as a little reminder 1864 - I am led to believe they have sold nearly 12k Season Tickets - better get saving the prices have gone up in the leyland gates again!!! wink.gif

  6. With the last 4 things happening almost as fast as they can be read!

    I suspect (but its only conjecture on my part) that the 'police' were in constant radio contact with their base through mikes and earpieces as they gave chase and that the orders to 1. arrest him, then when that failed 2. to stop him at all costs / shoot to kill came from somebody in a control room elsewhere who was reacting to him running hell for leather toward a crowded London underground station.

    Unfortunate in the extreme but a 'consequence of the present circumstances.


    I was under the impression that the first attempt was outside the tube station - so may be incorrect.

    Not been to Stockwell tube for many years, but I seem to recall it is fairly deep down, would have been a while before he could have reached the question.

    But yes, in very quick time.

  7. Actually, blue phil is mostly right.


    The fact that they got it wrong is what they have apologised for.

    Phil clearly knows there was little or nothing in the way of a warning shout (or shouts).

    Much as I am very liberal in the main the reality of this situation as far as I am concerned is thus

    - Man followed from address under surveilance

    - Man approaches tube station

    - Police shout "POLICE - STOP"

    - Man legs it into tube station towards train

    - Man ignores further shouts

    - Man gets shot

    As an aside the way any police officer is treated following the discharge of a weapon is nothing short of disgraceful (whether or not the target is hit/shot/killed - or a guilty person). They are very much presumed guilty of all kinds of things.

  8. You have a very naive attitude towards the police if you believe that was what happened . Basically , a trigger happy cop saw a bloke who wasn't quite white , who didn't understand what the hell was going on , chased him , and then shot him in the head five times .  I call it murder .

      The intelligence servives , politicians and the police have ballesed this up from day one . Don't let them con you that they know what they're doing . They don't ...


    You seem quite sure you know EXACTLY what happened Phil. Why dont you let the rest of us know howmany shouted warnings were given. Explain why the person ran (who spoke good english according to statements from his friends).

    But obviously you know better than them (and everyone else) why dont you stand for public office?

  9. Last Friday I was waiting at the lights on Lower Audley Street next to a bloke in a battered Granada dressed in a Bin  Laden hat and a long beard. He had no tax disc - am I a racist or should I carry on motoring?


    Quite impressive vision you have to know there was no tax disk.

  10. Go on,

    Risk an answer.

    Anyone would think you were avoiding an obvious question tnd.  Of course, even despite your petty and childish insults I appear to keep coming back to one unanswered question..

    Go on, risk it (or would it undermine you)...?


    You seem more than prepared to lay donw challenges to other people yet someone afraid of answering this question without resortng to schoolyard insults....

    Go on tnd. Prove me wrong.

  11. withstupid.gif

    Before you chuck any more mud Nayef I would ask you to please qualify that accusation about me having obvious extreme right wing views by quoting any of my posts on this thread that would back up your statement.

    I await your response with interest and if you cannot then I trust that either admin or moderators will take appropriate action against you in accordance with the board rules. 

    Mods.........These wild accusations are both rude and insulting, and its notable that Philipl could find nothing to back up a similar accusation on page 13 /14 either.  mad.gif


    Go on,

    Risk an answer.

    Anyone would think you were avoiding an obvious question tnd. Of course, even despite your petty and childish insults I appear to keep coming back to one unanswered question..

    Go on, risk it (or would it undermine you)...?

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