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Posts posted by stuwilky

  1. There was a clue in my previous post Stu

    "Dont be childish. You arguments are becoming more and more juvenile and stupid. Please do not descend to the politics of the playground Stu."

    Sorry Stu but I did warn you, with you continually resorting to an infantile 'Yah boo sucks' type argument and you attempting to put words in my mouth I decided that our own personal 'debate' had gone well past its sell-by date.  The day that I have to continually explain myself over and over again to intellectual pygmies is the day to wrap it up.

    Choose your own rebuttal from the following as both apply.......  Life is too short / Sorry but I dont suffer fools gladly.

    Anyway Stu........Up the Rovers thumbs-up.gif



    Its easy to see why people resort to name calling with you. I merely asked a simply question of you, one which you refuse to answer, nad have still refused to answer. Comments like "continually", continually referring - as far as I am aware this our first exchange on this matter so how can I continually do something?

    You decided that our debate had gone past its sell by date so resorted to petty name calling.

    Yes Up The Rovers. tinykit.gif

  2. 1.  Because 'brainwashed d1ckheads' is fairly accurate.

    2.  They think that they are doing it in the name of Islam even if no one else does.


    Of course I meant towards me, your comments about the INDIVIDUALS who bomb indiscrimately are absolutely spot on.

  3.   When we see some action from the moderate leaders in isolating the radicals , ie  actually naming names and providing evidence to the police along with banning the distribution of extremist literature and propoganda both in and out of the mosque then things might improve .

      Will that happen ? I don't think so . Unfortunately we are in the very early infancy of this phoney war on terror . Don't shoot the messenger !


    I am hoping that you are of the same opinion therefore of the BNP....

  4. It is interesting that the article appears to exonerate BwD council. the phrase "took them by surprise" springs to mind.

    Also 100 people is hardly "packed to the rafters"

    And look, Muslim leaders, condemning his views.

    But still, lets kick them all out of the country.......

  5. Perhaps AESF shouldnt make judgements about what people have or havnt read.

    I had a rather interesting chat with my local candidate just before the May election. He commented that "well we'd stop immigration and ship all these bloody muslims out" or words to that effect.

    When you stop talking about asylum seekers and immigrants in the same breath and actually recognise that there is a huge difference between the groups of people.

    And also recognise that stopping either group of people gaining access to the country would not have prevented these attacks then we might make some progress.

  6. I just got back from holiday to find out about this, so I haven't read all the details, but I noticed philipl mentioned a first year release clause of £6m a few pages back. If that's the case then unless he signs a new contract next summer, haven't we effectively got him 'on loan'?


    No, he has signed a 4 year contract.

    If the release clause gets activated we make a profit potentially of £2m.

    Which would cover his wages for the year.....

  7. Yeah - I tried to get tickets there for Man City, Newcastle and Fulham last season. All I could get was ones for Man City, just behind the goal so that the crossbar completely blocked the view of the pitch! Still, the missus enjoyed it and I will be taking her much more next season - especially as she was singing!

    As for the other games, had to sit in the extremeties of the Jack Walker and Riverside.


    Bloody hell!

    There are usually empty seats at the bottom of the BBE. YOu must have been really unlucky. I managed to get them for every game I wanted to go to in a good location (where I now have my season ticket) every time.

  8. I've no figures, but the 40% drop rumours are rubbish, we are a touch down on this stage last season, but hopefully the Bellamy signing should perk things up


    Mrs stuwilky's renewal is yet to be processed. It might not make a huge difference to thed ST numbers, but takings in Blues will rocket (as anyone on the BRFCS meet will testify wink.gif )

  9. All the better for a decent pub crawl.  Bit of an earlier start than anticipated.  What's up lad, get tired quick?  It's only a stroll.


    On the contrary Wily, will eat into drinking time.

    Meeting some friends in Lancaster for lunch (liquid naturally). They are Morecambe ST holders so a few beerss with them, bus to Morecambe, to pub at the end of the road, 5 min walk to the ground. Then prob a night out in Preston to follow.

    Im glad football is (nearly) back. biggrin.gif

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