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Posts posted by stuwilky

  1. Isnt it typical how the usual suspects start linking this to illegal immigrants and asylum seekers (with some of them not even knowing the difference between the two).

    Drummer boy hit the nail on the head with this line...

    "A bas***d is a bas***d regardless of his skin colour or faith"

    I have read comments here and elsewhere about banning all Muslims from the country, stopping all immigration (including legal immigration).

    Nowt like a knee jerk reaction!

  2. Of course, as anybody arousing any kind of suspicion in a situation of full alert  would. 

    Why I have even to spell this out amazes me!  Bombs going off all over the place, security forces in the capital placed on full alert and some bloke looking like Osama bin Laden saunters down the streety opp MI5 gets challenged........... and I have to explain it 3 times!


    So suspicions are aroused because he chooses different clothes?

    Bloody hell, suspicious lot on here.

  3. Appalled?  They'd have looked stupid not stopping him to check ffs "just across  the road from MI5"!  laugh.gifwithstupid.gif  Crikey the security forces were placed on FULL alert yesterday.  They have trained for such an eventuality since 9/11.  Have you not heard of suicide bombers Biddy?  Muslim clothing is ideal for hiding expolsives strapped to the body.  If he has any sense he will be in a suit today.  Seriously! 

    Now if you had said 'a scotsman in a kilt who works with us got stopped and searched' then yes I would have been suprised.


    So simply because he was in a different choice of clothing he should be stopped and searched?

    Ok then.

  4. Hope so, they are literally feet away from Russell Square. Im presuming they have been evacuated. Just looking on our system cos this is where we come into play with emergency co-ordination etc, put a sh!tload of coaches on standby in area. It really looks bad


    I have found the West Ham Forum www.kumb.co.uk quite useful, lots of people in the area.

  5. BBC is still going with 'Power surge' on its website.


    Its not been updated since 10am though.

    Its wait and see time, plenty of fuss and wait for the real info to start emerging.

    Cant get much sense out of PA News feed

  6. In 2002/2003 There were seven clubs with a lower turnover than Rovers.

    Not to mention the 114% increase in turnover over 1998/99 - 2002/03

    Compared to Spurs at 56%, Middlesboro at 44%, Everton 84%.

    A little unfortunate thatBolton had 201% in the same period.

    *Not based on most recent accounts, but taken from the Deloitte and Touche review from last summer. Im waiting for this years to arrive.

  7. TwentyTwenty is bad for the game.

    The English batsman are playing ridiculous shots that should be confined to the rounders version of cricket that 2020 is.


    Seeing Old Trafford full of kids and families for the Twenty20 last night, compared to the 600 or so that were there for the Lancashire v Northants 4 day game Id have to strongly disagree.

  8. 1 - goalie

    2 - right back

    3 - left back

    4 - midfielder

    5 - centre defender

    6 - central defender

    7 - right winger

    8 - midfielder

    9 - striker

    10 - striker

    11 - left winger

    thats how it SHOULD be smile.gif


    no no no no no

    1- goalie

    2- right back

    3- left back

    4- centre half

    5- centre half

    6- centre mid

    7- right winger

    8- centre mid

    9 - centre fwd

    10 - centre fwd

    11 - left winger.

    Thats how is Should be.

  9. Right that's us signed up for another season......the online thing is a dream once you suss out the credit card problem. It seems the form doesn't like spaces between initials and surname so  J P SMITH needs to be JPSMITH  smile.gif 

    Anyone know if we decide to move stands if we can still do it, even though I've just paid up for the FS?


    I beleive so Paul,

    Friend of ours changed seats last season about a week before the start of the season. But that was within the same stand.

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