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Posts posted by stuwilky

  1. Good to see they've brought the U8 thing back (although it may see an increase in kids near me  sad.gif ). Also its cheaper for juniors now than in 94/95.


    Now read it again Clarey!!

    Renewals only, as per the last two seasons.

    I think personally it would be a good idea to give free Under 8's in the family stand or something, a number of other local clubs started doing this after we did, and they carried on, I wonder why we stopped?

  2. I think that's one good side of my character to ignore such insults

    See above post... there are obviously some very good characters on this board.

    Anyway, what did John tell you in your meeting, or did you not finish college early enough ?



    Deary me, the standard of education in this area really is going downhill.

    But as a direct result of Vinjay's senseless ranting I have decided to make an offer to purchase Blackburn Rovers from the trustees. Now as a business which has lost £17m over the last two accounting years, despite a £6m injection of new capital and a £12m effective debt write off from our current owners (so creative accounting says this is a loss of £35mill.) I beleive that a fair offer would be the sum of 1 English penny.

    Hows that VJ?

  3. Well what did that go towards then? Not on transfers obviously with the 150,000 spent last summer.


    Didn't we spend £2.5m on MGP?? and £3m on Savage?? and another £150k on Mokoena?? unsure.gif


    I was referring to how much was spent in the summer. It was a big reason why the club got of to such a poor start.


    So when precisely did we buy MGP? didnt he start for us Against Manchester United? Wasnt that in August? Which is in summer?

  4. Well what did that go towards then? Not on transfers obviously with the 150,000 spent last summer.


    They wrote off a debt to them of £12mill. They gave us the traditional £3m or so to make our season on season loss nopt appear to drastic. The reality is we loose money as a football club. 5mill last season, 12mill the year before. If it wasnt for the trust topping up our income those figures would be even worse.

    Go and shout at the trust by all means, get them to pull out, then watch us plummet to the place in the league we can sustain as a sole entity.

    Now, have you rung Mr Williams? Or are you all mouth and no b*llocks?

  5. What positive side? I would love to be positive but the club dosen't have any ambition.

    No club has dropped in terms of ambition than Blackburn Rovers in the last few years since Jack died. Do I need to remind you who is to blame for this?



    How much money would you like from them Vinjay?

    £15mill in the current accounting year....?


    That wouldn't be bad at all. Wouldn't be much of a loss for them would it?


    Thats how much the trust have given us in the current financial year. Just to make you sound really ignorant and stupid.

  6. What positive side? I would love to be positive but the club dosen't have any ambition.

    No club has dropped in terms of ambition than Blackburn Rovers in the last few years since Jack died. Do I need to remind you who is to blame for this?



    How much money would you like from them Vinjay?

    £15mill in the current accounting year....?

  7. I know what they mean. As far as I'm concernced my agenda is to speak out against our current owners before my account gets terminated. Then I want to talk with John Williams.

    But you seem to think my agenda is simply to annoy the other posters on this board or something like that. It isn't. If it was then I wouldn't have asked for the suspension of my account would I?


    So why make a fool out of yourself on the internet. In my experience both Mr Williams and Mr Finn respond positively to approaches from fans. Give them a call now rather than waste your time (and most importantly everyone elses) by posting your vitriolic nonsense on here.

    The clubs number is 0870 113 232

  8. Oh and I will also ask him why our so called owners have just extended their shirt sponsorship with Birmingham City until 2007. I'm sure Jack would be thrilled  rolleyes.gif


    Simple business logic mate. Flybe's biggest operations in the UK are from Birmingham airport, so it makes good sense to increase your profile by sponsoring the local football team. They also sponsor Exeter for the same reason, and i'm sure that as soon as they start flying from Blackburn international they might sponsor us.


    I wouldnt bother Ste, this bloke clearly has very little understanding of anything. Let him continue his trolling. Clearly a muppet of the HIGHEST order.

  9. WEll Im going to Cardiff for the third time this season next Monday. Been landed with some Comps, courtesy of a large multinational fizzy drink company. Dont know where they are in terms of "end" and dont much care.

    Not bothered who comes up, slightly prefer Preston in that they are local, and we will dick them.

  10. Btw, when do s/t details usually come out, i cant remember. Is it in June or the start of July?


    Usually pretty late although I am reliably informed the club are trying to get the details out within a few weeks. Best bet to make sure you get them is to ring the TO and ask to be sent the pack when they are available.

  11. Waggy's idea is a good one.

    Family Stand should be free season tickets and a token £1 for match day tickets for kids. Its not like its full anyway - and the corresponding drop in income would be peanuts anyway.

    Student matchday tickets. There are thousands of students in preston/blackburn/bolton etc. Matchday tickets for £10? Again not a massive knock off for the people we get now, but we could well attract some over from those areas (again these would be match by match attendees).

    I like the sounds of Biddy's idea, but what about some kind of correspondign special offer. eg Buy a ticket for Man United and for Charlton (or whatever high and low games) for £45 or whatever. (Would be £28 plus £24 = £52) again takes a little bit of income away but might encourage bums on seats.

    The difficulty is that (as with the card scheme) the people who will mainly benefit are those who attend regularly, the question is how many new peopel (or floaters, or ex attendees) do the club have.

    The biggest problem of all is the reluctance of Rovers to use the mailbase. There must be thousands and thousands of names and addresses in that mailbase, why dont they get a letter, or a phone call or whatever. If they havnt been for a while ring them and offer them a vastly reduced match day ticket to try and get them back interested. £5 in the Darwen End for the opening game of the season? Again, the seats would be empty anyway why not try and get a few people back interested?

  12. I find it incredible the number of people who seem to be getting a fix from seeing Shearer in a Rovers shirt again - it's not real.

    You mean it doesnt mean he is coming back? Oh shucks.....

    Everyone knows it isnt "real", however. Seeing those players, in that kit, for one last time is very very real.

    I for one will be there. On my own by the sounds of it, but Ill be there.

  13. On the Glazer thing - The issue here to my mind is the future of the premier league, unfortunately I don't think Glazer will ruin scum - He will ruin teams like Blackburn and heres why:-

    Glazer owns the team with the highest number of "armchairs" and as such will want control of the TV rights. The EU competition watchdog has expressed concern at the way the premier league currently sell the rights bordering on calling it illegal.

    So 5 clubs will go solo on TV rights, splitting the premier league - what will follow will be bloody and messy and they will be casualties, the European superleague will rear its ugly head again, talk of break aways

    The net result - the biggest clubs and essentially Glazer will get control of the premier league. Is it in their interest to have 20 clubs? No.

    So we all laugh at the muppets now but we wont be laughing in the long run. We will be powerless, penniless pawns in the new billionaire era and it is us The Rovers who are in danger of ruin!

    I mean really when you buy something for a lot of money and wait a long time to get it - do you then abuse it and ruin it?

    I was under the impression that the only thing they didnt like about it was the fact that Sky had won all three packages available for live games?

    Hence next time that wont be allowed.

    Ill wager that the current UK based Sky contract remains largely unchanged following renewal. Including the distribution of the income.

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