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Posts posted by stuwilky

  1. from what I have seen of the second team, no one is pushing for the first team.

    I would love to see some youth players pushing for a first team places, but there have to be ready for it and as yet there are not.

    so its time to push on and get as hogh as we can biggrin.gif

    I agree Des, the only youngster that I believe has any chance of imminent involvement is Gary Harkins - he is a centre half though..... I dont fancy dropping either Nelsen or Toddy (especially Nelsen given his likely work permit issues next season!)

  2. Thank God for the voice of reason from Jimmy Hill on Sky sports who absolved Todd and instead condemned the divers and cheats (Ronaldo today for one.  I dont often praise Riley but he was spot on today).

    Hill did though infer that Van Persie had over done the incident. The blood in his mouth would suggest otherwise.

    Having bust my lip a few times as a result of falls, elbows, slaps etc. i can honestly say I have never rolled around on the floor for 2 or 3 minutes afterwards. One of them was so hard it loosened a tooth. I bled. I didnt act like I had been shot like Mr Van Persie did.

  3. Last place I expected any pre-match banter with the opposition was at today's antenatal class with the wife. When asked by the facilitator what special item of clothing we had bought the baby, this one dad-to-be said "An Arsenal football shirt". I don't know if it was the 20 or so pregnant women all going "Aaaah" in unison or the pre-match tension but I couldn't help myself and replied "Yeah, but that's not as good as the Rovers babygrow I've got". I suppose I should have realised that the audience weren't really interested in, or understood the significance of my response, but from that moment on I lost all interest in learning about natural child birth and spent the rest of the session exchanging glares with the other guy. Suffice to say the wife was a bit disappointed with my attitude and even told me to stop being immature and to grow up!

    I just hope he's not brought before me for sentencing............. wink.gif

    Firstly, congrats.

    Secondly, I bet you are looking forward to next week!! Rub in the victory...

  4. Can't blame the FA for me not being there - I'm bloody working and the manager is on holiday so I have to cover. I was gutted and I definitely gone had it not been for that.

    Still, the FA have cocked up big time. Mind you I'm getting bored of slagging them off - they are a clueless band of numpties with the interests of the game/fans certainly NOT at heart.

    Can you not feel a migraine coming on? wink.gif

  5. Can anyone else confirm that the ticket prices for Rovers are more expensive than the prices for United fans at the Millennium? In last weeks programme at OT it says that the ticket prices are from £21 - £29. The FA maintains that we are undersubscribed and so are charged more. I find this particular rumour very hard to believe but if true is scandalous.Rovers fans want to go but are being priced out.

    Thats their match day price.

    Prices for the semi final are IDENTICAL for all four clubs.

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