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Posts posted by stuwilky

  1. And for the three hundreth time, it isnt relevant - and they have probably been sent back with a copy of John Williams latest interview and a note that says "stupid kick off, stupid venue"

    The club can ONLY sell the tickets in the order specified by the FA, its rule 26 b  of the challenge cup rules.

    Sorry Stuw - I think it is

    To me the club must have been aware of this before the tickets went on sale but the information was lacking in it numbers re 'limited tickets'

    Yet again they have been very quiet on the subject - whether they could have done something or not about is another thing which I think you are trying to say.

    It's like going into a shop for a new tv and there are two on the shelf - 1 at say £100 the other at £150 - the one at £100 has a damaged box (ie nothing at all wrong with the TV) but they will not sell it to you until the other one is sold - would you then buy the £150 TV?

    Stu, we disagree, I think the club did OK (Not well, Not badly) the pictures on the ticket info sheet clearly showed that those tickets were very limited. I cant remember but I also think the text said limited as well.

    Whilst they could have released the actual number of those tickets I dont think that would have helped for a few reasons.

    1 - They probably wouldnt have been told by the FA in time to get the info sheets produced in time for the game

    2 - The tickets have to be sold in a certain order, so saying "2000 £25 in total" would be no use if we only had 1200 in the stands goign on sale.

    3 - And knowing there were only 2000 of them - how would that have made a difference?

  2. Hi

    I live in Denmark and rarely gets the chance to see Rovers. However I'll be in London next weekend and I'd love to go to the game.

    I could use some pointers on how to get there. What is the best way to get from London to Cardiff in time for the game? How much time should I count on for delays, getting into a stadium and so on?

    I'm not used to travelling in England and I'm pretty much a big-game-virgin, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


    There are some trains across but due to the line being closed you need to be careful that they are running!

    The train is supposed to take around 2 1/2 hours from London but if you check at www.national-rail.co.uk - once you get to Cardiff Central station the stadium is literally 5 minutes away, you cant miss it!

  3. Can I explode a few myths that are doing the rounds on various websites.

    Firstly, Rovers fans have tickets in the BT Stand East and the North Stand, the capactity for these two areas is 20,000.

    All £25 and £35 tickets for these areas have been sold.

    As we have sold nowhere near 20000 tickets, it is almost certain that the West Stand area will not be available for Rovers to sell to fans and will be empty.

    Indeed, if Arsenal get a rush on tickets, they could ask the FA for those seats.

    Had we been playing Man Utd or Newcastle, they'd have almost certainly been snapped up by the other club.

    rover.gif yes but do rovers have £25 and £35 tickets in there possesion tinykit.gif

    And for the three hundreth time, it isnt relevant - and they have probably been sent back with a copy of John Williams latest interview and a note that says "stupid kick off, stupid venue"

    The club can ONLY sell the tickets in the order specified by the FA, its rule 26 b of the challenge cup rules.

  4. Well I seem to be the only one who wants to actually speak about something else than negative things. Glenn was the lone soul who replied when I asked who will be around cardiff city center on the Friday night before the game - surely he cant be the only one?

    I want another "Ankara experience" were loads of Rovers fans were sitting in a pub on the night before and the night after the game, getting drunk and singing Rovers songs into the small hours. The two nights in Ankara were some of the best memories I have got with the Rovers (the game in itself was a major let down) and I feel this can be another one if people who have bought tickets stop whining and starts to look forward to the first FA-CUP semi final we've been in for 45 years!

    My supportersclub have arranged a trip for the Norwegian Rovers fans and there will be more than 30 of us at the Millenium stadium. We are all very much looking forward to a great friday night and beating Arsenal on Saturday afternoon. I hope we are not the only ones!

    Let's try to "all" meet up in Cardiff and make this a magnificent weekend!


    Penny, it seems we are all out in Bristol the night before - but we have two hours or so after the match in Cardiff to celebrate our final appearance or commiserate our defeat.[/size=1] Not sure where the pub plans will take us.....

  5. OK, I'm annoyed at the kick off time but I'm going to make the most of the occation. It's games like these that makes following the team wothwhile, after all the unattractive games weve had to endure in the last two seasons, We have to be greatful for being involed in such an event.

    That is exactly how I feel - I was furious at first - letters fired off n all directions - of the 5 sent only Tom Finn at Rovers had the courtesy to reply.

    I booked the tickets, and hotels in Bristol - then found out about the lack of trains, so sorted the bus out for everyone!

    Come hell or high water Ill get to that match, and Ill enjoy it.

    And for anyone that hasnt met (or heard) me - It appears I will have blue and white hair that day!

  6. I have emailed the FA 12 times and although the message has been read on each occasion they have failed to respond.

    Every newspaper I have emaile dhave also failed to take onboard the decision to hold this match at Cardiff.

    It appears the FA have got their way, no protests, no answers that defy logic and its all their fault tinykit.gif

    Check out the "customer charter" links on the FA - they emailed pretty quickly back. Either that or steve clark is the competitions manager - fa email addresses are pretty easy to work out!

  7. But really the club is not at fault though, can only blame the FA for another cockup!

    Directly maybe not - but indirectly yes they are

    What would the FA have done if the club had said no?

    I have said previously on here - Rob Coar is on the FA challenge committee, if he couldn't have said/done something then WTF is he doing there - in fact WTF is the Dingle doing at our club>?

    Its all a complete and UTTER COCK UP or maybe a well planned (or so they think) FA money making scheme.

    The challenge cuo committe dont make operational decisions, they are a strategic body, they deal with rules and admission criteria etc.

    If the club had said know one of the tacks the FA would probably have used would be

    -selling the tickets directly (what a cock up that would be)

    - letting the club do what they want, but charging them £45 for each of the "extra" £25 tickets in the West Stand.

    -or of course, removing us from the competition, which they can do at a stroke for failing to follow competition rules.

    Unfortunately the club are not in the best of positions to dictate to the FA, if only they were.....

  8. The ticket office said yesterday that they were not going to be selling anything in the West Stand until all of the remaining £45 and £55's had sold out. She also said that they had been told they were unlikely to go on sale at all - so low is demand.

  9. I'm a Rovers fan living away in Newcastle now and considering traveling to the semi. Can anyone tell me if the £25 tickets will be available tomorrow? £45 seems a bit steep as I'll have to take the other half and get her a ticket as well.

    No. £45/£55 are the only ones left.

  10. Maybe if you looked at it like this:

    Divide the cost over the period till we next get to a semi-final. Based on past hisory, that's 45 years. Hence a £45 ticket has cost £1 per year. Which is a bargain. Officially.

    As a friend of mine is always sayng "if I was a Manure or Arsenal fan, I'd be peed off- or I'd save up and go to one out of three. However this is Rovers, and there's NO guarantee that the age home will be running a bus the next time we get there, so there's NOTHING that will keep me away this time"

    Thats exactly how i looked at the U2 tickets....... £800 for something that comes along every 4 years.... £200 a year! bargain!

  11. rover.gif thats why rovers should stick two fingers up at the fa and sell the cheaper tickets,before you all start moaning 'I HAVE PAID £45' you could always return them tinykit.gif

    They are non returnable...... surprise surprise.

  12. Paul, BRFC already do cheap tickets - they are the standard prices!

    However, if the initiative brought prices for Rovers supporters going to Stamford Bridge or Highbury into line with Ewood prices, surely that would be a very good thing.

    But it wouldnt.

    Stamford bridge reduce there away prices by a tenner - to £39 - Rovers reduce ours by a tenner - to £18, which is more than two quid cheaper than the average matchday price of an ST in the BBE.

  13. Im with both of you on this one. I dont understand the mentality of some of the ppl that post here. Blackburn is in the FA cup semi final and ppl are almost looking for excuses to screw the FA by not going to the game; WTF!!!

    Maybe it is because of the saturation of football in the UK/Europe that drains your enthusiasm, but speaking from a country starved of the game; all those that dont want to go to the semi, buy a ticket for me and on behalf of everybody else that cant get there but would gladly sell their own grandmother to do so and then you will have your grand day out.

    If only it were so siple but given the figures totuted around on here for a family day out I can really understand why people arent going, the cost coupled with the ridiculous venue and ridiculous kick off time are discouraging people.

    Given the lack of opening the West Stand I fail to see why they dont extend the family stand and put some more concession tickets on sale.

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