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Everything posted by moerpho

  1. Like I said before the game started: this squad is good enough to beat Hull and that is all that matters today. Good to see someone else than Brereton score. No good being to dependent on him for goals and he will tire. He has started in all our games so far this season and put in a shift every time I’ve seen him. He deserves a day off. Hyam and Adam Wharton - I’m lost for words. Haven’t been this excited about Rovers squad since Hughes.
  2. Yes - until the finals where Belgium just might be…
  3. Maybe it’s just my early afternoon buzz, but I think JDT is superior to Mowbray when it comes to thinkering….in that JDT is more sensible. Don’t mind this squad at all and has enough quality to beat Hull despite Travis at right back. Also good to see Garret and Carter on the bench. Well deserved if you ask me - rather than having out-of-form Buckly or Hirst there (remember Mowbray?). Makes me hopeful for the future despite the world burning and the World Cup right before christmas. Now - 20 mins until kick-off and in a couple of hours I’ll hopefully be slightly drunk and very happy after a delightful win against Hull. COYB!!
  4. This WC feels wrong in every aspect (time of year, host, corruption etc) and I have never before been this un-interested in a WC before. Don’t care who plays the opening game, don’t care who wins etc….just want it to be over so we can get back to club-football. The WC and EC are supposed to be little DLCs to be played every other year after the main game is completed - not some lootbox you don’t really need, but have to buy to proceed. Ohh…and it will be a hoot when star players start picking up injuries in the heat. This will be a real shitshow….
  5. We seem to be getting a lot of victories as well….go figure. Seems the young guns are doing ok when given a chance.
  6. Kaminski immense today. Good to have a winning goalie again.
  7. And there it is - 10 victories! I don’t really care how, I’m just enjoying the show. JDTs blue and white army!
  8. This feels absolutely surreal. I just keep looking at the table then the match and my mind can’t comprehend it. I am getting so drunk tonight. Edit: and they score as I type…
  9. We have a top keeper and a good defence. Isn’t that the starting blocks for good football?
  10. Burnley down 2-0 against Mowbrays Sunderland. This could end up a really nice saturday!
  11. Every time we meet Birmingham I can’t help but think of the Robbie Savage debacle. BIG CLUB! Still gives me a chuckle.
  12. Still 0-0. Get a lucky goal and I think we'll win. Looks like Wigan couldn't score if their life depended on it. Now watch this come bite my behind...
  13. Grant Hanley scores for Norwich. Not a lot of goals today. Happy with 0-0.
  14. Another bad half but still 0-0. Not the first time this season is it? Some of you are really doom and gloom but the score still says 0-0. If it is still 0-0 at full time that’s a game well played away from home. I like to keep faithful as long as we’re not losing. Bring on 2nd half!
  15. I think it is a very good win at the start of a grueling set of fixtures. I expect relative heavy rotation in the weeks to come. Try to avoid injury to key players etc. I think the run-in before the WC will have some twist and turns and makes the league impossible to predict in my opinion. I’ll take every win with a smile at this point. COYB!
  16. Glad it is 7 days untill next game. Need to get players in that can be drilled to play like the manager want. Most of this lot is still in Mowbray-mode.
  17. Considering injuries and our wafer thin squad I’d consider 0-0 more than acceptable - win and I’m convinced JDT can walk on water!
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