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Everything posted by moerpho

  1. Now watch us go behind early on then put on the mighty Ben at 85 mins (because Mowbray) only for him to get injured 5 mins later and out 'till 2022.
  2. WOOOHOO!!! About time we get to be on the other end of a pasting. And against the genius Mick McCarthy of all managers! Disclaimer: This is not meant as praise for Mowbray
  3. If the season continues this way I will first of all be very happy, but at the same time I can't help wondering if Ted Lasso is more of a documentary than a fictional comedy? On a more serious note I've always thought football was about getting a team to gel. To much focus on singel players these days. Look back at the last three mediocre seasons.....most of the players who started today has been a part of it. But now there is now Adam Armstrong to hide behind - just a spot on the team to make your own. I never thought I would say this but I actually like the look of this team and they appear to be playing for each other. Long may it continune. COYB!
  4. Hey, OsloRover! Skååååååååååål! Corona fri hilsen fra Tønsberg/Færder!
  5. I am from Norway and we just lifted all restrictions for covid-19 as of 3 p.m. (16:00 in Norway). The sun is shining, every one is happy, and Rovers currently in 5th after Diaz' goal. What a day!!! Long may it contnue! COYB!!! Disclaimer: if you are mr. Mowbray or Maggot- this message was not intended for you.
  6. Winning this one would most likely see us in the top 6 so this is a nailed on defeat. Good start to the season so time for the Tony Moxbrays Bottlers United to enter the pitch after putting our performing players on the bench. Actually trying REALLY hard to be enthusiastic, but after the last two seasons I need more wins, preferably a stint in the top 6, RoversTV to sort out their mess for us foreigners, a beer every 5 minutes and a cure for depression for that to happen. Life really sucks at the moment. Still....can't help myself....COYB!!
  7. I agree with @bluebruce but would like to single out Gallagher. His final run towards goal, 3 vs 3, Dolan in acres of space.....and he decides to run to the corner flag rather than pass it into the box. Considering that A: Gallagher is not good at keeping the ball B: He has the technical ability of my 3-year old niece with no interest in football C; You only win matches by out-scoring the oppsition! He lost it in like 2 seconds....if he had passed the ball we all know there would be no power behind it so it would take AT LEAST 3 seconds just to get into the box....go figure.... Then again - gotta feel with Luton if I'm being honest and they deserved their point. We should've had Lenihan sent off in 1st half and they were denied a perfectly fine goal from Cameron. Now...watch Luton use this result to boost their confidence and power on and Rovers crumbling under the pressure to go on a 6-game beaten run. Time to go, Tony....time to go. Thanks for the memories - good and bad - but your time is up. COYB!
  8. Another well worked and good goal. Please keep ´em coming before Tony gets ideas. COYB!!!
  9. It's on Viaplay in Norway today thus ifollow don't have the rights. https://viaplay.no/sport/fotball/championship/blackburn-luton/s21090361515526647
  10. I'll probably get heat for this, but I'd rather Rovers lose those first 5 games and then have Mowbray either gone or having an epiphany that results in decent football and a good run from december throghout the season. Sick of Rovers starting the season looking like contenders and then fizzle out around Christmas thus making the rest of the season a slog and more than a little infuriating. Send the boys to Iceland for pre-season so they get used to the cold and perhaps a bit of muscle. And at least TRY to bring some enthusiasm back!
  11. Thanks for all the replies! Means a lot actually.... And no hard feelings when it comes to Paul. I guess we're all a bit on edge these days.
  12. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. but it's probably just the state of things outside of football. Had Covid, got really depressed and sent to hospital (mental), just lost my apartment (clearing it out as I type) and everything is just sh*t. Usually Rovers and the community is what keeps me afloat, but right now EVERYTHING is miserable. So...I really really miss my Rovers "fix" - even on bad days for both me and the club. Now it's just murky misery. So once again sorry....and COYB! if that helps....
  13. Even though this is a horrid thing to say/type: keep 'em coming!!! I'd rather we get a 5-0 drubbing even though it's Big Club if it means we'll have new managment come august.
  14. Preston 1 down against Forest.....still can't catch 'em....thank you Mowbray!
  15. Rotherham takes the lead against Cardiff. As of now they are up and Derby go down. Only thing interesting today. Knowing Rovers we'll probably win to keep the Chosen One for another year.....
  16. Ewood Park perhaps? It truly is a travesty judging from behind the tv - probably worse up close.
  17. So..still 0-0 I guess? Really not bothered anymore when it comes to first halves at home. Seems like we haven't scored in first half since last century! /s
  18. Why am I not feeling more elated after a win? One quick look at the table, a quick reassessment with my brain, out for a smoke and still....this was not good, Tony!!! "Big Club" were about as bad as was predicted but we should really have performed better today. Still....3 points so act like a russian and say "I CAN'T complain....really...I can't!"
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