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Everything posted by moerpho

  1. C'mon Rovers - get in there and top Brums offer with another 100,000£ and tempt Bellamy with "the Welsh connection". He surely will score the goals to keep us up as well as a good finish to the season and additional £ come may.....and we all know how good it would feel to snub Brum! Heck - when we've captured Bellamy - offer 'em to take over Bambi Bothroyds loan-contract and throw in Amo while your at it
  2. Rovers are going to absolutely demolish Notlob on monday and gain som confidence before the Chelsea game: Rovers 3 - Notlob 0 (Savage, Stead x2) Savage will have Stead firing on all cylinders and along with Thommo provide the service that has been missing from central midfield for most parts of this season. Pedersen to provide an assist for Steads first goal before dissapearing in the second half, Savage to score from a set piece, and then Gally and Stead linking up to provde a little bit of magic towards the end of the game. My team. Friedel Neill - Mokoena - Todd - Johannson Emerton - Thommo - Savage - Pedersen Gally - Stead Other results will go our way - Brum - Fulham 0-0, Pompey, Newcastle and the bottom 4 all losing bringing us further up the table and making it 12 points down to relegation. Then we beat Chelsea next round, put Newcastle behind us and start looking up the table for that 6th place that we'll have at the end of the season! Rovers in Europe next sesason! I'm allowed to dream ain't I?
  3. I have a growing feeling that Ferguson will be staying with Rovers and (sadly) will be allowed to continue as captain. How that will work out for Rovers as a team remains to be seen. In regards to fans reaction to the player - two words (and one name): Andy Todd. After his runout before the Leeds-game last season, lots of people on here said they would boo him if he played and never wanted to see him play in the blue and white halves again. After a good run under Hughes he is now a favourite for new captain according to the poll on this forum. This shows that the fans can and will be turned around if the player performs no matter what has happened that turned the fans against him. I'm only (sort of) thankful that Ferguson is injured while this debacle is going on so that he can't play until the transfer window closes, but I'm sure that if he strings together a good run of games during february all this will soon be forgotten. No matter the outcome I trust JW and the board will go about this as professionals and the club will come out of this on top. On a different note (should perhaps be in a different thread), when talking about Souness coming in with a bid - anyone else surprised that good old Souness hasn't tried to buy one Rovers-player during the transfer window? When he left I was quite sure he would try to buy one of Ferguson, Emerton, Stead or Neill during the transfer window, but perhaps he made a gentlemans agreement with the board?
  4. I have to admit I'm guilty of being one of those who tried to con myself into believing Ferguson was as good a player as mr. Souness claimed and that he would justify his transfer-fee. I always hoped that Ferguson would provide stinging attacking runs into the oppositions box, score vital goals, provide killer passes (like Tugay when in form), score the occasional setpiece goal and be the kind of captain that could turn a game around on his own by pure grit if nothing else, but I have to admit that to date I haven't seen him do any of this (albeit only on TV). He has been dissapointing to say the least and right now I wouldn't be the least bit sorry to see him go and the sooner the better. I'm worried that if he stays 'till summer he might cause unrest in the team if Hughes lets him keep his captaincy and seeing as we've still got some way to go before another season in the PL is secured, we need a captain who is ready for a scrap and WANTS to play for the club and the manager. For me this would be Savage - at least until summer. Keeping Ferguson (both as player and captain) could cost the club in terms of were we finish on the table. 4 places is 2 milll£ and an uninspired Ferguson could easily be the negative difference. It's not very likely that he will increase in value over the next months so if someone comes in with a bid of 3.5 - 4 mill£ I say let him go. Perhaps JW should call Brady at Brum an inform her that Ferguson in not for sale at any price - at least not for less than 6 mill£?
  5. I used to have respect for Brum and their fans as I always thought of them as another small club performing above what could be expected, but after this Savage-debacle I must say I've completely lost all respect for them. I actually feel sorry for some of their fans who'd have to put up with all this bull**** from the club and from other fans. If Blackburn Rovers were behaving in the same way I would be very quiet,try not stick my head out and hope that both the manager and the director got sacked on account of stupidity. Right now I welcome Savage to the club and feel pretty sure that he will be treated better here than at Brum. I also hope that Brum plummets to the bottom of table come may.....might not be that unlikely seeing as we've "stolen" their best player or what? Seriously though - I can really see Brum playing the Coca Cola Championship next year and Bruce leaving before the end of the season.
  6. According to mirror.co.uk the Savage-deal is done with Gray leaving for Brum as part of the deal. The fee for Savage is said to be 3 million plus and that he is to be paid 25,000£ a week - a lot less than the 47,000£ that were mentioned earlier on this thread. The article also more worringly states that Ferguson _will_ move back to Rangers for 4 mill £ + Michael Ball. I pray the Savage part is true and that the Ferguson part is rubbish. Link: http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/sporttop/tm_...-name_page.html
  7. According to the Guardian, Rovers are willing to sell Ferguson back to Rangers but not untill summer: http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/...1390231,00.html Can't find any other links confirming this at the moment. -- See now that this has been mentioned earlier in this thread but that noone has provided a source/link for the story so hope it's ok that I posted the link -- Another edit - story from mirror.co.uk (also posted in Savage thread) saying that Ferguson will be moving to Rangers for 4 mill £ and Michael Ball joining us: http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/sporttop/tm_...-name_page.html
  8. Absolute disaster! However this story ends it can't be good for the morale of the team. A captain who is unsettled and wants to go "home".....hate myself for saying this but Hughes should consider releaving Ferguson of his responsibilites as captain no matter how this ends. Whoever is captain he should at all times be willing to die for the shirt, encourage unsettled players to stay and keep on playing at their best and show that he's proud of wearing the white and blue halves. I hope Ferguson makes a statement during the day and hopefully stating he's happy here and is going nowhere but fear that will not happen. If he goes I hope Hughes is able to bring in a midfielder with grit and some ability but most of all someone who can be a leader in midfield. No idea who but hopefully Hughes does.
  9. Before he joined our beloved Rovers I always called him DjerkOff but now it's quite simply Djorkaeff and he seems to be a decent if not good signing by Hughes. Absolutely gutted we didn't get 3 points but it seems to me that Hughes' ideas have improved our play and that it will only get better. Considering how we started off this campaign i'd be happy if we're still playing in th PL next season. Bring in Hartson come january and clinch the points we need to stay up and give Hughes the time and money he needs to build a squad and we will come good. Next season: Newcastle flirting with relegation after a superb 04/05-season and Rovers back up there fighting for a place in the european competitions after an abysmal 04/05-season. Stay positive! Hopefully I will be able to afford joining the brscn.com-guys (Norwegian supporter club) on their trip to Ewood for the Birmingham game and try to contribute by screaming my lungs out and pushing the guys forward. Here's hoping attendances goes up and that Rovers will start getting points! Cheers all!
  10. Can anyone invite me to this AOL-chatroom? Just dl and installed the client and tried to invite myself but that didn't seem to work. My screenname is moerpho Up the rovers!
  11. Assuming the rumours about Sparky being hired today are true - has anyone read/heard who Sparky might be bringing in as his staff? Will he bring the backroom staff who worked with him for FAW and does anyone know if they are any good? And does someone on the board have (realistic) wishes for who should be appointed? Very exciting days! Here's hoping the rumours are true
  12. Hughes and Robson sounds like a good combination to me so here's hoping it doesn't happen. Why? Because there's some sort of curse going on everytime Rovers hire a new manager or buy a new player and reading through this board I know for sure that I'm not the only one: If I think it sounds like a good plan/idea/choice for manager/buy (Kidd, Davies, Grabbi (Yes - I was actually positive on that sod..), Gresko and so on) it more than often ends up as a catastrophy. If I think it sounds like a bad plan/idea/choice for manager/buy (Souey, Ferguson, Tugay, Bjornebye and so on....) it more than often turns out to be a success. So in an attempt to trick my Rovers-curse: Please appoint one of these gents: 1. Hoddle 2. Reid 3. Advocaat 4. Venables 5. Houllier An please stay away from these miserable, useless sods: 1. Hughes 2. Strachan 3. Moyes 4. Dowie 5. Jewell
  13. Lots of good suggestions one the board so I wont bother to start listing up the same names everyone else does except one: Hoddle. If this guy is hired I'm seriously considering killing myself (or him) and suspect I will have a hard time following the club from the Afterlife. On the other hand I get the feeling we could be up for "newcastle-twist" - ie. we'll hire a new manager next monday that hasn't been mentioned on this board or been listed by the bookies. I hope this doesn't happen since I would love for some of the suggestions on this thread to get the job. As long as it's not Hoddle (or Semb!) I will get behind the new manager with every molecule in my body. P.s.: I remember not being very happy the day Souness was appointed but did he prove me wrong? Good luck to you, Mr. Souness (but not to Newcastle!)!
  14. Been checking out some NUFC-messageboards and the geordies don't seem happy. Still haven't found 1 positive post about Souness' takeover. I for one am not complaining as my patience with mr. Souness tactical abilities has worn thin lately, and will welcome our new overlord whoever he might be......hopefully someone who'll recognise that a left winger should be played on the left, that a right back should play right back, that you actually need cover in all positions and not just bolster one position by selling and draining another. Wonder what our new signings are thinking right now - especially Bothroyd and MGP? And even more importantly - will he take Dean Saunders with him? Please do!! If not - next manager - Dean Saunders
  15. Nah - Berg did not get the national record. He's only nr. 2 on that list. Can't remember the name of the guy who is nr.1 - perhaps someone else from Norway can? On Gamst'n: Several of you guys wrote that you hoped he would have an off game as there were scouts from other clubs on the stands last night. Well....you got what you hoped for! IF Gamst is being bought he will be a good player but he will not perform in every game in his first season. Bazza didn't either and almost everyone here thinks he is the clubs best/most valued player (including me). I for one put my trust in Souness
  16. I feel the need to point out one thing concerning Gamst: he doesn't like playing 4-4-2. He prefer to play left winger in a 4-3-3 system or that wacky new system the norwegian national team uses. Last year he had a pretty poor season in Tromsoe while they were playing 4-4-2 . He also strikes me as a player who isn't particulary obsessed with money and seems happy at Tromsoe, but then again I might just be naive? I think these things rather than money will be what ultimatly decides a possible move. Here's hoping Souey and whoever is up there can convince him that he will be played as a winger in the Rovers-shirt and that the club will do whatever possible to make him feel at home.
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