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Gone to seed

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Everything posted by Gone to seed

  1. Well, the reality is that whatever any club put on the table in January, it would likely to be a pish in the ocean relative to a) the debt mountain owed to the Venksters, or b) the value of a place in the top tier. There would need to be some serious logic to justify a sale at that stage, and we are a club built on.... Oh sh1t!
  2. I was at that game and yes, it was mental. Shearer was a phenomenon, and any team with a talisman of that quality is going to do well. You can see how much confidence plays a tremendous part in todays game though - Reading tubbed again, at home this time, just goes to show. If a manager can instil a little steel in a side, then there is the potential for a good run. With our squad, maybe this is possible (but with this manager?????)
  3. 90 mins to kick off and there are 4 pages of commentary. Sums up the current malaise. We need a performance this afternoon, (and a good performance, not a dire one!) to banish the autumn blues. COYB !
  4. Wash your mouth out!! Only joking I dare say there is some anxiety and tension at Six Fingered World due to the uncertainty of the asset stripping bid by the Americans and Egyptians. This might explain why Mr Reliable Douche has lost some of the plot and why the players are struggling to gel as well as they clearly have in previous seasons. Anyway, what AM I doing, spending precious Rovers time draped in knuckle-dragging contemplation? Rovers, please turn up this afternoon and try to 'give it a right good go'
  5. Been a few times to Loftus Road and what a dull as ditchwater part of London that is.. I've always thought of QPR as one of London's 'me too' clubs (a la Brentford, Charlton, Palace) rather than thinking of them as a force to be reckoned with. I'm not sure I could name their manager, or any of their current players to be honest, although to be fair our own TM and his bunch of vagabonds are eminently forgettable too Anything could happen on Saturday, and a lot will depend upon who is available for selection - no sh1t sherlock.. We're in a bit of a tail-spin, form wise though, so heads down if we concede, and no chance of anything other than a dejected trudge back 'ome for the Northern Hordes. QPR to crab it 0.5 to nil. Clearly muxed ip the QPR and Luton fixtures in my tiny bounce, and now realise that if Rovers turn up at Loftus Rd on Sat, we will lose (as the actual game is at Fortress haha) Ewood,) COYB
  6. Exactly. Why can't a 'professional footballer' playing as a 'striker' anticipate and connect with a straightforward cross? I'd forgive it if these were under 17s, had recently made the step up to this league, or were playing for Mill Hill St. Peters, but these are highly trained (cough cough) experienced and very highly remunerated professional players, whose apparent ineptitude is not only baffling, but actually quite annoying. You could, perhaps, level the same criticism at the entire side - wtf do they do in training? Last night's game was like this was a bunch of blokes whose only common denominator was the blue and white shirt, and who could easily be mistaken for a rag-bag of misfits who had been assembled randomly from a mob of ordinary blokes milling about on Nuttall street 20 minutes before kick off having responded to a club call for volunteers to shore up our depleted ranks.. I mean, these players do know each other, don't they? They do train under the same manager, get drilled on the same game plans and tactics. They do work together at the same club. There IS a plan, a strategy, a mission....Right? Nope, not on last night's evidence, there isn't.
  7. Boro's fanbase in positive mood about this evening, and praising Warnock for bringing an air of positivity back to the club...:( (https://www.oneboro.co.uk/forum/topic/11322-boro-v-blackburn-rovers/page/5/#comments) Their Mods are even writing poetry (Haiku) about it... Everything in Moderation Moderators 793 13,547 posts Posted 20 hours ago Blackburn, oh Blackburn Old Boro legend in charge Tomorrow, beaten. 2 Quote
  8. Oh, I see... you mean like 'proper football'? You are probably right. Never going to happen
  9. Hughes in a heartbeat for me. We have the nucleus of a good squad here. Hughes sides are always fit, I don't remember them being as injury prone as our lot have been these past 8 years or so. He knows how to get a tune out of players with potential. Yup. Get on the blower to Sparky Marky, and let's get on with the business of getting up the league.
  10. We've got three at home (Boro, QPR and Barnsley) and two away (Luton and Nobbers) in November - I'd say this month will be the perfect barometer for the rest of the season. Anything less than 10 points from 15 and we can all just busy ourselves doing something more useful and fulfilling till May. 10-12 points and maybe, just maybe there could be something in the squad that will make things interesting and worth hanging around. 5-9 points and Mowbray needs to be gone. End of. As for Boro tomorrow evening, well, I guess the omens aren't good. That's usually when TM pulls a rabbit from the hat and earns a further reprieve from the deeply wounded yet still basically loyal Rovers fan base. Remember, after Coventry it was all positive and warm and fuzzy - we are back in the real world now, and TM knows it (which is why I think we will win). For Fecks Sake Tony - just get your defenders to DEFEND and your strikers to TAKE THEIR CHANCES.... what do you do in training, anyway? COYB!
  11. You know Jayson Leutwiler is the Cod Army goalie, and seems to be doing quite ok. Just saying
  12. Sadly there is no one in the boardroom with anything resembling a pair of decent bollocks... The only folk in there, or in any position resembling authority at the club, are either narcissistic non-supporters hell bent on keeping their snout in the trough, or voiceless spineless inept makeweights there only to justify turning the heating on for match days. Until we are a proper club again, this torment will continue.
  13. That BBC football focus thing yesterday summed it up for me (I didn't watch it, just saw the link on the Beeb site which contained the important info) - when the Dingles appointed Dyche they had a clear vision of what success was - for them it was to beat us. What is our (club) vision? Who is setting it? ............?? That's right - we DON'T HAVE ONE, and THERE'S NOBODY AT THE HELM (at least who gives a shit) to steer us in any other direction. Hence Captain Bumble can continue to bob around in the shallows going randomly this way and that, and there's no-one with any influence or interest to challenge the status quo. SACK the BOARD (not this one) and GET A HUNGRY AMBITIOUS AND CAPABLE MANAGEMENT TEAM IN.
  14. Has TM ever actually explained WHY he insists on playing a big target man striker on the wing, instead of in the middle to batter the bloody ball into the bloody onion bag... (Bentley's 'haircut' rofl -oh I bet he paid loads for that!!)
  15. Holtby looks useful with the ball, but nobody else seems to be able to pick a pass.
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