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Gone to seed

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Everything posted by Gone to seed

  1. Yup - he hit it pretty much where the keeper was, but it still went in. As long as it goes in, even if off Ashley Ward's arse, they all count, and each time one goes in for a striker, the more confident they become.
  2. Hello R1871 - welcome to the proof of dark matter in the Universe :) I presume you've come on to have a chat about your team? What are your thoughts for Tuesday night? Rovers have been something of a bogey team for Reading in the past few years. something I'd love to continue tomorrow evening! COYB!
  3. Yawn fest of the highest magnitude. The only ball control we need to concern ourselves with for Mr Dack takes place on the playing field of association football. Anything else can just shag off..
  4. He will get plenty of chances to shine this season, and as long as he does enough in training to maintain his presence on the team sheet / subs bench, then opportunity will come a knocking. What a great place for us to be in, to know we have 'game changing' talent like young Tyrhys available as back up We've come a long way, baby! Oops! I mean... https://www.discogs.com/Fatboy-Slim-Youve-Come-A-Long-Way-Baby/release/7843775#images/21049620
  5. And that is what will set us apart over a season, when we can field a team full of battlers who play for each other and the team - I think it is coming together, and was very pleased to see the team spirit in full view during yesterday's game. Sure, we will lose some, but at least when players are putting in that much effort, we can at least feel that we've done our best for the Blue and White brand
  6. As long as they aren't able to cope with our defending ones too, then we should prevail
  7. What Brereton did for the side yesterday (and consistently in previous games this season) was brilliant. Even before their player was dismissed, they had no answer to his drive, ability to hold on to the ball, his awareness of team mates' positioning or his energy. The fact he kept it up for the full 90 minutes was part of the reason we were still looking hungry for goals until the final whistle - how many games have we seen in the past where Rovers sides have coasted once they've got one or two goals up, only to be pegged back or even overwhelmed by hungrier opposition? I like this new Ben Brereton - he was unlucky not to score yesterday, and surely he will start potting goals at some point if this new improved version of the player we bought continues to shine.
  8. Rovers are playing well, but I'd worry too about our glass jaw - we need to put some daylight between us and Coventry if we can.
  9. Slightly worrying that we have had so many chances and failed to convert - just imagine what a proper centre forward could have done with those crosses...
  10. Right - I'm being thick, but I've bought an iFollow pass for today's game.. how do I actually use it? HELLPPPP!!
  11. A couple of wins in a row, and hovering around the periphery of the play off places will change a lot of peoples' tunes on here very quickly - just the same as any back to back losses bring the moaners and no-nayers to the fore. The only thing that will change our own peculiar introspective yo-yo perspective on TM and his team will be a sustained and consistent run of results (either way). If we can get something approaching the best from the squad, we should gravitate towards the upper end of the table. I live in hope that something will gel, and that we will be looking back on the dark days with a little more perspective by the time Christmas at Ewood is cancelled. COYB!
  12. This is a watershed game. Coventry are certainly no pushovers, and Rovers will need to be on their game if we are to bring anything away with us. If we fail to set up properly, we will concede and this will bring into focus whether or not we have the capability of scoring other than through the semi-industrious but painfully selfish Mr Armstrong. I think we have the resources to prevail. Do we have the management to deploy those resources effectively? The jury is still out, which in itself is a clear indictment of the situation we face with a management team that has been given support, but has so far failed to deliver satisfactorily. Coventry 1 Rovers 1
  13. Hardly think replacing TM at this point could be considered constant chopping and changing, to be fair...
  14. A lot will depend on how Watford approach the game, and whether they have started to adapt to the realities of football in the championship. If they look to play premier league tap n go, Rovers can revert to the style that served them well in the first few games, rather than the pedestrian plodding and sideways stiflebore we saw against Cardiff and Forest. Am expecting goals this evening, with the side somewhat shaken up by the inclusion of at least two of our new arrivals, which should wrong-foot the opposition. Nothing to fear, except baffling selections and players with their heads held under water in obviously wrong positions... We have the squad to NOT do that anymore. Simple for me - get wingers crossing to tall centre forwards / nimble strikers and bang the ball in the onion bag.
  15. I think Hughton will come with a game plan to try to frustrate Rovers' attacking threat and to swamp midfield and defence for 70 mins before trying to sneak a goal on the break at the death. On Guard Troops!!
  16. Mods, should this thread be re-named 'The COD-Like Genius of Charlie Mulgrew'?
  17. lol! I read this as Southampton having been in for Derrick on deadline day... now that would have been a turn up for the books!
  18. Butcher had mitigating circumstances - he used to drink at least 20 pints a night in the Beechwood (long before it was a Tesco store!) and then wobble off home along Livesey Branch Rd. Can't say I remember Collier or Dickins. My overriding memories of Rovers goalies are good and golden - Jones, Friedel, Arnold, Flowers, Kelly, Filan, Gennoe all made the position safe for me
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