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Gone to seed

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Everything posted by Gone to seed

  1. Alan Fettis in goal for Hull, and making some useful saves that no doubt contributed to his recruitment to Rovers. Widely held to be 'the worst keeper' we ever had...?
  2. Yes, and we all have great memories of classic goals scored by our own team storming down the flanks and crossing to the battering ram in the middle. It is so out of vogue these days, it is almost worth reverting to it as a retro game plan, especially as we clearly have the resources to do this now. There are some great examples in here... How much would the SAS be worth in today's money????? Eee them were' t days!
  3. We have to go into the game with some confidence - the team appears settled, the formation and tactics appear to be working, the momentum is there, there is commitment and confidence throughout the team.... Unexpected reverse I fear!! C'mon you mighty Blues - prove my feeble heart wrong!
  4. "I didn't get where I am today by imagining Mercer as CJ"
  5. I agree that there tends to be a bounce at some point, and Rovers do have an unfortunate habit of being the fall guys in these kinds of games. However, if we continue to play to the strengths demonstrated in our opening games, I'm sure we can get something from this.
  6. They were unplayable at one point in the 80s but only because of their horrible plastic pitch - what a crap experiment that was! Anyway we can't really crow much these days (pardon the pun) without starting to sound a bit barcode...
  7. Games like this are going to the real measure of any progress being made by the Rovers on the field. Wycombe aren't going to come to play pretty tappy tap football, for sure, but we can't presume that they will be overwhelmed by our greater experience in this league, or our (on paper at least) stronger squad. Head says we should win this. Heart says nothing can be taken for granted in football, especially home advantage, stronger squad, settled team, experienced manager, better kit, much more impressive ground..etc etc
  8. Armstrong always wants to do well on home turf, and what harm if he puts himself in the shop window, although if anyone was going to come in for him I suspect it would already have happened. 2-1 barcodes, who have Carrol sent off for being a lanky streak of pish.
  9. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Get some goddam defenders Tony. Stop arseing around. Get some defenders. Am a leetle beet fed up with the arseing around.
  10. And at that point, any football oriented business person should have worked out what was the best way for the Rovers to profit from his likely departure, based on his obvious potential and likely trajectory into the Premier League. That simple calculation just doesn't appear to have been done, and instead a very basic and hurried 'deal' was cobbled together by people who were (and still are) clearly out of their depth at this level. We might as well have sold him on eBay....
  11. What is the betting that the team TM fields bears no resemblance to any of those 'tested' in pre-season? For example, Gallagher back in, imprisoned in his usual alien slot on the wing. For example, no Dolan, a formation that no-one understands, headless chicken tactics etc (at least we would all be familiar with the latter).
  12. Or, more likely, I start telling everyone that my Corsa is actually a Lamborghini in every meaningful respect, other than a few minor details (like ....)
  13. Someone should say that to th'owd hag and bling boy / his weedier sibling - given their cultural emphasis on 'saving face' it might wake them up a bit to actually change things so we aren't skulking in the transfer shadows like goons.
  14. Transfer window my arse. Why the local rag doesn't just print the words 'Sort out the defence you Prize Wassock' in large letters across the back page is beyond my comprehension. Ho hum. Maybe
  15. When the goons from Pune rocked up they were (quite rightly) mocked for suggesting they might spend as much as £5 million per year on transfers in support of their new venture (I seem to remember the shockingly vacuous absent old cow saying this publicly). Given we are now close on £200 million in the *hitter just in terms of keeping the boat afloat, I wonder whether Tony 'Defenders are a Luxury item' Mowbray might have anything stashed under the mattress to splurge on another weird signing this time?
  16. As things stand it is likely to be another roller-coaster, with good wins against quality opposition dominating others, followed inexplicably by defeats to 'poorer' sides struggling against everyone else but us... a bit like the last few years at erm...'Fortress Ewood' Hoping against hope that our manager, with his career based solidly on no-nonsense defending, will put some effort into building a solid back line, as I think our midfield has good creative potential, and with a supply from midfield our strike-force might actually start firing some goals consistently (especially with the new boys looking to break into the squad)' But ho hum, this is Tone Deaf and the Waggot show, so I'm going for another year of baffling team selections, inexplicable 'tactics' and a complete lack of logic in terms of recruitment, all resulting in us enjoying (yeah right) being the division's perennial nearly nearly men.
  17. The cost of his wages or paying him off should be borne by whichever idiot signed off his deal extension, at a time when it was abundantly clear that he was not capable of fulfilling his side of the bargain (I.e. functioning as a professional football player at Championship level).
  18. All sounds a bit Terminal to me. I wonder if we will look to connect up our play, or just use force and battery to light up the evening?
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