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Gone to seed

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Everything posted by Gone to seed

  1. But that line up of dollopers will lose us the game, so not sure how TM thinks it will deliver anything other than another reverse.
  2. The man just tightened the noose around his own neck. Baffling in the extreme.
  3. As the run in is now, in essence, pre-season for the next campaign, I can't think of a single reason for not trying some new players / ideas out, particularly as the existing ideas have come up short so clearly. Sticking with the players who have put us in this unpalatable position would, in my opinion, provide further grounds for the rapid removal of a manager fiddling whilst Rome burns. Taxi for Mr Mowbray...
  4. And teddies being thrown around the Riverside at half time! Freezing my nuts off on a Tuesday evening watching Rovers vs Hereford... Parched peas! The fair was never the same after it moved from Ewood.. I remember as a scrawny 12 year old getting a 'job' helping set up for a morning, but then being well hacked off when I asked for my 'wages' only to be told to f-off, and getting chased off the site I think it was the next year it went down to Witton, and it was never as beguiling and exciting as it had been on the carpark at Ewood.
  5. Nothing surprises me about our club anymore. There are many of us who endured the lean years of the 70s and 80s where we were happy to turn out week in week out just to be part of a club that had players that tried and for whom the blue and white halves seemed to mean something. These days the history is all we seem to have to fall back on, because on the field we are a mystery and off the field we are a sound-bite-shambles. Add in a cocktail of potentially pernicious debt and the weirdest of owners, and it isn't hard to see why many of us believe the whole club needs to be swept through with a new broom. I'm not saying we should just capitulate and go into freefall through the leagues, but I do feel there is an opportunity coming to completely overhaul what it means to be a Blackburn Rovers supporter. I just hope that it isn't akin to what has happened at Gigg Lane...
  6. Smallest bloke on the pitch scores a fooking header
  7. Radio commentary sounds like snooker... only quieter
  8. This is precisely what Graham and his strike partners used to do in our promotion season, and it was a joy to watch as it brought us much success. I guess TM has a short memory for things that actually work reliably on the pitch.. Anyway, this evening, I expect an early goal (either way) to be cancelled out by an equaliser just after half time and the rest of the season to fizzle into an acrimonious and underwhelming sequence of dreary dead rubbers.
  9. Nice interview with Lewis Holtby in today's Guardian online https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/jun/19/lewis-holtby-blackburn-championship-interview Sounds like he (and the team) are up for a push towards the playoffs. I guess the proof will be how we are all feeling on Saturday evening.. COYB !
  10. You just can't play football without contact.. Hoping for a fully pulled up socks reaction to the Liverpool result come Saturday. C'mon you Blues!
  11. There haven't been any changes by Fifa to the Laws of Association Football, as far as I am aware, to allow this.
  12. Agreed that in the grand scheme of things it was probably worthwhile. It does underline the massive gulf that exists now between where we are and where we would like to be (or would we??). Any thoughts around promotion to the Prem at this point are probably delusional, and best kept under wraps, as we would be exposed mercilessly week in, week out, regardless of our proud history or fire in our bellies.
  13. I mean, look what the Ginger Mourinho gets out of that shower, over at 't turd...
  14. Championship set to restart on 20th June. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52834579
  15. Yes, was there for that game with an Owls fan mate from University and both our dads. Rovers ran away with the game, mainly due to Duff's unplayability. Great times. We have been spoiled over the years, with some outstanding players with that little bit extra. What would we give for a team with the likes of Duff, Shearer, Douglas, Hendry, Brad, Toogs... I'll have to stop typing now - tears running down my cheeks!!
  16. For me it has to be a toss up between Shearer's attempt to put Schmeicel through his own net (around 3 minutes in to the clip) https://youtu.be/p9phlkdP7N0 or Pedersen's Rocket against our six fingered friends.. https://youtu.be/FCrNhj1xDLs Or Stephen Reid's & MGP vs Wigan (when we could beat them!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL7-qt2c1L4
  17. Brilliant Stuart! I vaguely recollect the incident, though these days I think most of what I remember is a bit vague !
  18. It was already something of an ordeal waiting ages for the chronically news-light pages of the LET / thisislancashire (aka Bolton evening news) to load. This move to a paywall oriented business model should, with any luck, see off any pretence that there is any interest in covering local interest stories (including, sadly, our beloved Rovers) and lead directly to the death of whatever remained of the local newspaper many of us grew up with. Oh for the days of the 'Sports Pink' on a Saturday evening. Oh too for the coverage of local phenomena such as the 'rampaging car based cabbage-thrower' and its role as a fulcrum of East Lancs Life (how many of us bought our first cars through the LET I wonder)? RIP The Lancashire Evening Telegraph. Local journalism is dead. Long live local news! In the words of Joni Mitchell, " They paved paradise And put up a parking lot With a pink hotel, a boutique And a swinging hot spot Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got Till it's gone"
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