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Posts posted by RoverDom

  1. 5 minutes ago, arbitro said:

    I'm incredulous at this decision which achieves absolutely nothing. It will cost people money who have booked transport, hotels and other things. People who work in the stadiums will not be paid when many would have been relying on the money to help pay bills and the like. It's simple to me. Anybody who wasn't comfortable going to watch a match don't go but to postpone every single game in disproportionate to the feelings of, I would hazard a guess, the majority of fans.

    It's this Nanny State we live in that treats us like kids and makes decisions for us.

    Agreed its ludicrous. I get that it's a massive deal and people will be genuinely mourning but why do we have to force it upon everyone?  Will I be in mourning whether I like it or not? 

    We'll only cancel recreational activities though - work can go ahead as planned. 

    • Like 6
  2. In my opinion VAR shouldn't get involved until someone on the pitch requests it - so either

    1) A team requests a review of a particular decision - e.g. 1 appeal per team per half, if its unsuccessful you lose it and the team has to be clear what they're appealing so they couldn't speculatively review a goal they have to state what the offence was


    2) The referree requests it e.g  if he didn't have a clear view of an incident and needs another look at it. 

    VAR was meant to stop howlers, not referee the game to an academic 100% of the rules

    Most decisions are subjective and we therefore need to have a "referees call" where they stick with the on field decision. I guess we have that already as they often say "if he'd given it VAR wouldn't have overturned it" but it needs to be more explicit. 

  3. 59 minutes ago, arbitro said:

    In my view Stockley Park should be staffed by ex players, managers or people who understand the game and not referees who all work together in the same group. Anybody can learn the Laws of the Game in a week and that, coupled with knowledge of the game and players will make the system much better and the nonsense decisions we have seen yesterday and in the past would mostly be made correctly.

    Agreed. Decisions don't need to be re-refereed they just need someone to shout over the mic "I think there could have been a handball in there, do you want to take another look at it." Then they need someone with an understanding of the game but not an encyclopedic knowledge of the rules to just chat through it. 

    When you hear some of the justifications behind VAR decisions it comes across so academic and divorced from the reality of the game 

    • Like 2
  4. Jumping the gun a bit but looking ahead to next summer the following are out of contract according to transfermarkt 

    Morton - loan

    Hirst - option to buy

    Mola - option to buy


    Dack - 1 year option 

    Travis - shouldn't be too difficult to agree new deal

    BBD - defo going

    Vale - can only see him leaving if he does crap


    So that will be 8 out of the door. I know it's been mentioned that you don't have time to build a squad in this league but I think JDT can be afforded a season to grow. There's 8 potentials leaving, if 3 of them do well we can retain them (dack and the options to buy), Travis and Vale I can't see being too difficult to persuade to stay so it's Morton, BBD and Ayala that are the ones that will need replacing (ayala could even stay). I think if we miss out on play offs this season then we've got a good shot at pushing for them next season. 

    • Like 1
  5. 17 hours ago, bluebruce said:

    He's fucking ridiculous! Absolute class, all in one match too. That's better than a lot of players highlights reels.

    (Yeh I know it's been posted above, it plays better on the mobile with youtube though)

    His slide tackle on Bowler around 1:18 is just majestic. 

    • Like 3
  6. 55 minutes ago, J*B said:

    Here's my end of year assessment now its all over, based on what I've seen so far and their current reputation within the game:


    Successful recruitment

    Lenihan replaced with Hyam

    Nyambe replaced with Brittain


    Unsuccessful recruitment

    Rothwell replaced with Szmodics

    Van Hecke replaced with Mola


    Additional option based on last season, improvement to squad

    George Hirst

    Tyler Morton

    Hayden Carter (loaned out last season, doesn't count as recruitment)

    Dilian Markanday (injured last season, doesn't count as recruitment)

    Adam Wharton (promoted, doesn't count as recruitment)

    Ashley Phillips (promoted, doesn't count as recruitment)


    Used last season, not replaced

    Johnson used, not replaced

    Zeefuik used, not replaced

    Davenport unused, but an option, not replaced


    Unused last season, didn't need to be replaced

    Chapman unused, not replaced

    Stergiakis unused, not replaced

    Magloire unused, not replaced

    Butterworth unused, loaned out

    Brown unused, not replaced

    What do I take from this? Well...

    1) GB & JDT felt that we didn't need a replacement for Zeefuik and that Brown wasn't up to the standard. Brittain is clearly first choice, I would assume Carter is second and then we plan to use Buckley/Travis as cover if needed.

    2) GB & JDT felt that despite Markanday coming back from injury, we needed another striker. A lot of pressure is on Hirst to deliver in that role, he's never played in this league. 

    3) GB & JDT don't want two 'bruisers' in central midfielder. Travis fills this role and as captain will start every game. If he's injured I wonder what the plan would be. 

    4) We have a lot of central defensive options - Ayala, Wharton, Hyam, Carter, Phillips, Mola - perhaps a signal of 3 at the back? 

    5) GB & JDT thought the squad was slightly too big last season.

    Good little summary. I'd say Dack is now an option we didn't really have last year. 

    On point 5 - I'd say that's a fair assessment given you've got 6 outgoing players listed as "unused". It feels a slightly smaller squad but they'll all get used. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, superniko said:

    How would people line-up at full fitness now then? (with the obvious caveat of unknown capabilities of some signings)


    Brittain - Hyam - Wharton - Pickering

    Wharton - Travis - Morton


    Hedges - Brereton


    Subs: Pears, Ayala, Mola, Buckley, Szmodics, Gallagher, Hirst

    Backup: Carter, Philips, Edun, JRC, Garrett, Dolan, Vale


    Perhaps I'd start Ayala, when fully fit he's one of the best in the leauge.

    If Ayala, Hyam and Wharton are all fit it's a real head scratcher as to who starts for me. However I'd guess that situation will be a rarity to be honest. I like Ayala but for fitness reasons maybe Hyam for a settled back line

    In midfield, Travis starts. Wharton if he can consistently produce like he did in the last game should be starting but that's a lot of pressure and expectation for a young lad but if he can handle it then great. If not i'm more than happy with Morton. 



    Brittan - Hyam - Wharton - Pickering*

    Travis Wharton 

    Hedges Dack BBD



    *or Mola if he can do a job there but I don't know much about him

    • Like 2
  8. Happy with the window on the whole. Hoped we'd get another attacker with a bit of wow factor - bit like the elliot loan felt exciting but it wasn't to be. 


    If we're judging the squad now vs this time last year we have to look beyond just the signings. Dack is back + Wharton and Phillips have emerged + other youth who may or may not prove useful. I'm happy with the squad, I think play offs will be a push but I thought that last year as well and we exceeded expectations massively. 

    Keeping BBD till atleast January is massive as well. 

    • Like 3
  9. 4 minutes ago, RevidgeBlue said:

    No, we won't think it's worth giving Phillips and Wharton £10 k p.w.

    We won't want to upset the rest of the lads and will be happy to watch another £115m worth of talent walk out of the door.

    That's the thing. It's one thing losing Nyambe and Lenihan but we've got some serious talent on our hands in those two players. We need to be switched on with their contracts, from a business point of view its tens of millions that could walk on a free if not - rather than the 1m it took to upgrade Nyambe

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