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Posts posted by RoverDom

  1. Think there's been a harsh stance on Broughton from some. We hadn't appointed a manager until clubs were back in pre season training. By the time the manager had had a look at the squad, most teams were well underway in their transfer activity. On the transfer front it was a standing start very late on in the summer at a club where we've got a restrictive wage structure and hurdle after hurdle to sign players at the best of times. It's no wonder we've not bought in all the bodies we need just yet. 

    We've kept our cards close to our chest this summer and nothing has come from the club regarding incoming until its pretty much a done deal. Right now we could have 5 signings on the cusp we could have 0 so I'll wait and see what happens. 

    • Like 6
  2. 8 hours ago, J*B said:

    RE why I’m not sure on another central defender, we already have four to keep happy and give game time.

    There’s dangers - Ayala gets injured, Carter is unproven at this level, Phillips is a kid… but if you’re signing a fifth that means when all are fit, you’ve got three centre backs not playing.

    I think we’re invested in Carter now, Pompy loved him in League One, so for me he’s earnt his right to be behind Ayala and Wharton. If we don’t tell Phillips he’s around the first team squad then he may as well sign for Spurs, that’s our trump card. 

    So who do we bring in? Sepp, who’s clearly a good player, but we can’t guarantee him any games and signing him would stop the progress of our own two youngsters, Carter and Phillips. 

    Yes, if we can somehow sign JVH - or similar - I think we make an allowance for that as he would instantly become our first choice Centre back. 

    I guess what I’m saying is we’re in a tricky position at centre half and whilst I’m not against signing a new one, for me it’s only worth signing either 1) a stand out, first choice centre back or 2) a Loanee happy to play occasionally and be behind Carter at least and Phillips potentially as well. 

    4 is dangerous imo. You don't want to rinse ayala twice a week all season so the third choice is going to get a alot of games even if Ayala stays fit.

    Ayala will get injured and then all it takes is a niggle and / or suspension to Wharton / Carter and Phillips is being asked to play week in week out in a season where we should be introducing him slowly. 5 with pickering as emergency cover is the best realistic option 

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  3. If venkys are apparently happy to lose BBD on a free why is the same not true of Phillips?  Selling now is only in the interest of Spurs. Why wouldn't we hold on till January when he has 10-15 games under his belt and is potentially attracting more interest and a bidding war? Then we can lose him for the tribunal fee if that doesn't work? 

    I know we can get the sell on clause but there's every chance he gets lost in the U23 system and released in 5 years time for nowt. 

  4. 17 hours ago, oldjamfan1 said:

    But even paying him decent championship wages would constitute eye watering amounts of money for a 17 year old and would in all probability set him up for life anyway. What are we talking about 10-15k per week? The only way he ends up earning peanuts before getting a job in a bar is if he gets injured during the next 9 months while still on a scholar's contract. To me, its in his interests financially to sign a contract with Rovers now rather than risk it all.

    With our wage structure are we really going to put him up with the top earners off the back of a couple of games? What would paying him £10-15k do to the rest of the squad? 

    4-5k a week more likely? (Is that what nyambe was rumoured to be on?) And whilst it's an eye watering amount at 17, it won't set him up for life.

    But yes, he'd be sensible to sign a pro contract now and get the protection now. 

  5. From our perspective on an Internet message board it's clear that he should stay, play some first team games, show case his talent and get a big money move elsewhere. If you're in that situation though with the possibility of sealing a move that will set you and your family up for life vs staying here, things going tits up and earning peanuts before getting a job in a bar at 20. 

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