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Posts posted by RoverDom

  1. 1 minute ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    They run with it but they rarely go past people. Gazza took opponents out of the game with his ability to go past players with the ball under his spell.

    A better version of Joe Rothwell is what we need

  2. Forden probably the best of them for end product? 


    Southgate gets hammered but how many england players have stood up and said "pick me" with their performances this season? Bowen, Rice and James this season? (I don't know much of the lads who play abroad so may be diddling them). So of course he has to rotate the squad this summer.

    How many people have said "not maguire"?  fair enough but if not maguire then we have to look at other options which means chopping and changing. Or would you rather he picks a centre back at random and looks at no one else? We've got depth but also a lot of players not in form so there's going to be some tinkering because the 11 or so players who got us to the final aren't doing it right now. 

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Mike E said:

    I think we're hoping Ten Haag can start to get a tune out of Rashford on England's behalf.

    There's a lot of England players who didn't perform last season. We're hoping for a lot of club managers getting a tune out of the England team. Marcus Rashford is the most notable. 

    Of our Euro team

    Pickford was in a relegation scrap

    Maguire and Shaw were having a torrid time at united

    Stones didn't play

    Phillips was injured

    Sterling back to mediocrity

    Grealish off the boil

    Kane having a sulk for not getting his transfer


    Many had ok seasons but I'd say only a handful had a good season - Rice, James etc

    • Like 3
  4. 37 minutes ago, joey_big_nose said:


             Walker.      Stones.    Maguire

    James.     Rice.      Bellingham.     Shaw. 

              Sterling.     Kane.    Mount

    I think that'll be close to what our line up will be. The weakness there will be that we don't have the Mount that turns up for Chelsea, so when we play so many defensive players we need the attackers to be all out attack and dangerous from the off which we're not getting from Mount. 

    Also when it's not working we need to have the balls to take Kane off and try a different option. We seem to persist with Kane when he is blowing out of his arse and not going to score if we played on for weeks. 

    They're my two criticisms of Southgates England 

  5. Stupid tournament at stupid time with an England squad, most of whom have had a poor season at club level and we treated it as a glorified friendly tournament. Horrible result but I'm not worried.

    In my lifetime Southgate has given us the best tournament results. England are always lacklustre between tournament buy so far Southgate has delivered when it matters. 

    • Like 3
  6. 19 minutes ago, GHR said:

    Also, during all instances of penalties, players cannot pause between commencing their run up and placing their grounded leg to strike the ball. Similarly, during shootouts, keepers forbidden from advancing beyond the six yard box between kicks

    That's been my dad's pet peeve for as long as I can remember every penalty shoot out "They're not meant to do that!!!!" 

    Is it an unenforced rule that the run up should be one continuous movement, no stuttering or pausing etc? 

    Something needs done on penalties, GKs aren't saving any in shootouts since they've been told to stay on their line

  7. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/jun/13/kick-ins-throw-ins-football-concussion-substitutes-ifab

    So it's been announced that they will start trialling 'kick ins' instead of throw ins which is absolutely ludicrous and hope it dies a death. 

    However it got me thinking - what new rules / general changes to the game would you like to see in football? 

    One for me is that I would mic the refs up and also be able to hear the VAR discussions. 

    Second one isn't a new one but an old rule I would like to see enforced. The rule that goalkeepers can only hold onto the ball for 6 seconds I would love to see enforced, it would speed the game up massively IMO and would cut out the 'catch and fall to the ground' tactic that eats up 30 seconds each time. 

    • Like 4
  8. Someone in the Facebook group of the town my parents live in is kicking off about fluoride in the water starting a campaign for fluoride free water etc etc. I posted commenting that the stuff coming out of our taps contains a high concentration of Dihydrogen Monoxide (for those who don't get it Google it) and stating alarming facts such as it is a major component of acid rain, corrodes metal, in gas form it can cause severe burns, if inhaled can cause choking etc etc.. I thought it was pretty funny until one sciencey type came in and said "what you fail miserable to comprehend is that there are loads of dangerous substances surrounding us and even in our bodies...." 


    I've never enjoyed someone not getting a joke so much especially the arrogance with which he replied. 


    Anyway, the DHMO parody is one of my favourite jokes going.

    • Like 2
  9. I think on the whole it's a good idea to have a light touch approach to moderation on certain topics. I wonder if making it an opt in system will maybe result in fewer people using it though?

    Maybe switching it to an opt out system? So by default people can see it but if they've had enough they can request to be removed (or just not go in there). 


    Would be interested to hear from people who have decided to not opt in? 

  10. 9 hours ago, roverandout said:

    Grealish has fantastic first touch and technique but he always tries the simple pass

    Doesn't have any ideas other than to draw a foul or play a simple ball. Other than that he's no better than any other attacking option we have

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