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Posts posted by RoverDom

  1. 1 hour ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    Yes indeed,  it’s a long while since he posted. I sincerely hope the Covid didn’t get him.

    I did some sleuthing aaaaages ago. Vague references to his high flying professional life got me curious + there can't be many Phillip Ls from Blackburn living in Malta.

    Anyway long story short, he posted on LinkedIn like 2 weeks ago so escaped covid it seems 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Hannoverover said:

    It's worth £82 000 to the winner, plus gate receipts. In times like these it could pay for a signing or two...... I'm pretty optimistic that baring a disaster that we will be in the top 6 at the end of the season. The extra money could pay to bring in one of the out of contract players in January instead of waiting til after the play offs.


    We are on a roll, I wouldn't rest more than 2 players plus the 3/4 that are already out

    Who are we signing for £82k. In todays market I'd fetch a fee of £82k and I haven't played a game of football since 5 aside 9 years ago. 

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  3. I would go fringe players for this as well with some good backup on the bench if things aren't going to plan. Not because of fatigue, we've had an easy December but all it takes is a bad challenge on one of our key players to derail the league campaign when imo they don't need to be playing. 

    We've been crying out to see Butterworth, so let him start. Carter would benefit from first team game time and league 1 opposition  is a good chance for that. Johnson and Davenport aren't starting in the league but they're players we'd be relying on in the event of injuries and suspensions. Ayala would benefit from some match sharpness as well. It's not like we're fielding the U23s, we need to trust the fringe players against league 1 opposition because if we don't, what does that say about potentially bringing them into the first team when needed in the league? 

    People look down on teams fielding a weekend squad in Cup comps but it's how the likes of TAA and Curtis Jones broke through into the Liverpool first team. It's a good opportunity to see youngsters without derailing the league campaign. 


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  4. On 03/01/2022 at 19:16, Blue blood said:

    Thanks. Virtually all the extended family have birthdays around Christmas so the 2 for 1 combo has been strongly rejected for years now. Cost a flipping fortune before baby arrives. Now...

    I'm about 32 weeks behind you, you can be my canary down the mine. If things get rough for you I've got 7 months to fake my death and move to South America

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  5. 47 minutes ago, DavidMailsTightPerm said:

    Sky are reporting that the owners have said no one is for sale.

    Of course this doesn't stop a players (agent) head being turned.

    In fairness to the venkys, for all their flaws, they've always been pretty good when it comes to selling players. Squeezing money out of the Phil Jones deal, not having to sell unless we have to etc. I see no reason for that to change when it's vital to keep someone

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  6. The thing with BBD is that he has two values. The value to us, second in the table thanks to his 20 goals so far. Then there's the value to the buying team, if I was a PL club I wouldn't be looking to spend more than £15-20m on a championship striker who has had 6 good months who could very easily not cut it in the prem how many big scorers in the championship have gone on to do not a lot in the PL. The two values are so far apart it means only an imbecile or someone with no footballing interest in the club would sell in January. 

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