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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. Win on Sunday and we could be right in the mix
  2. Very disappointing signing was Whittingham, especially with the god-like outpouring of emotion coming from Cardiff fans when he was first to come here. In the end it turns out he turned down a one-year deal with tham, got a two-year deal with us but only took part in one season (barely) so essentially got paid two years for one.
  3. Or if it does - its more than 15million - which is wise.
  4. Thats football unfortunately. I still remember crying myself to sleep for a week after Shearer left. Was a mere kid then.
  5. Not his decision ultimately. I trust him to say NO, its those muppets above him that I don't. To be fair, I do not think this will unsettle Dack - he does seem happy here. Just hope his pesky agent doesnt keep on in his ear.
  6. After just five matches played you can hardly use the table - a win can spring you halfway up the league at the moment and a loss in the other direction. Wages, that's what it is mainly about.
  7. You think they would spend 15+ on him and not play him? Even if so he would quickly show in his short spells that he should be. I am quietly confident myself as this is completely the wrong time to be trying to steal our best player. We have no chance to reinvest and replace him. We are going to get this every transfer window now - just hope we are in the hunt for a playoff position come January.
  8. Bid rejected so far yes and I hope it stays that way if they come in with 20 million too. We will never know but wages could come into play, he would likely double his money what he earning here. He obviously loves it here but footballers are (well some) are ambitious and want to earn as much as they can from their short careers. Anyhow, lets hope the lad is still our player come the deadline as the good morale around the club could completely deflate.
  9. I agree with you on that - no point selling but like I say, we are not the owners.
  10. Dont need but it aint up to us - cut the power supply at Ewood now, no communications need to get to India.
  11. From 7 mil to now 15 mil? Found some loose change down the sofa did they? Give it an hour and it will be 20+ which would then make me nervous. This would deflate everyone selling him now. Most of us know he will be off in the next year or two given his performances - but our first season back in the Championship is not the time to do it. We might even surprise everyone and end up in the playoffs.
  12. Ah - finally another plausible reason - so its back on then!
  13. Very tough especially as he seemed to put in extra work over the summer. Still didnt think he would have seen much action this season due to our signings but an injury like this you dont wish on any player.
  14. Chapman coming in would be sweet, as would a backup goalie or cb.
  15. Absolutely, GB steadied the ship, used his obvious eye for a player to pick up some bargains that went on to increase in value. All of this despite the shit-show above him. As for the on-field management side of things - this is where he was a let down. He was still learning the job though and has shown since with his stint at Blackpool that he has come on a lot in the regard. Still baffles me how he could not get a 40-goal strikeforce into the playoffs at a bare minimum. Trying to defend too many leads and draws and not giving it a right good go is what cost us. Still, think he could go on to become a decent manager at Championship level though.
  16. Caddis looks much improved with his new Conway body.
  17. Rodwell got his own picture taken - so they must have a camera stashed away somewhere. This has to be trolling from the clubs side now that the Caddis photoshop was highlight by SB on here.
  18. Think he is not happy that he was hawked around behind his back - allegedly of course. Initially was shocked on deadline day about moving apparently. Young lad, so a quickfire move like that is always going to shock a bit. Pack ya bags you going to Blackburn!
  19. Really difficult and TM will have plenty of headaches but we know that the Championship is a tough old grind with 2 games a week in some cases. I think there will be rotation when needed and no doubt injuries will play a part. Notice many putting Bennett in CM and while I agree he has been fantastic when put in there, TM sees him more as a defensive winger in the three behind. He offers that balance and puts the kind of shift in that you wont see from a Palmer. Maybe better for him to have that position when playing away but then have someone more attack-minded and creative there when playing at home. I have a feeling Reed will be earmarked for the Smallwood spot next to Evans alot of the time. Anyhow, we have some serious options now but if we were being picky, a Cb and a Winger would do nicely.
  20. First post on the signing. Well I had never heard of him before deadline and thought that Brereton sounded like somebody with a speach impediment was trying to say bre-bre-emerton. Excited to see how this unfolds but TM sees something he feels is worth that money and will be a good investment for the club in terms of resale down the line. I agree there should not be too much pressure as I am sure he will be sharing the lone front role with Graham and hopefully learning off him while DG is here. Eventually he will be the main man up top I imagine - he is still so young afterall. On a side note, we certainly got our A and B list strikers - AA and BB Glad we didnt have to go to the C list as Carlton Cole out of retirement would have sent this board into meltdown.
  21. I noticed that too ha-ha, Whittinghams pose and posture is hardly flattering either - looks a bit like Rodders
  22. That Saville looked really good when we played Millwall.
  23. Of course, I meant it not being a loan with an obligation to buy which considering he would be out of the contract come the end of it, we could just get him for whatever the tribunal decides instead of a fee now (January) with Boro.
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