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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. We're getting relegated, in the best kit we have had in the Venky era - just putting this here. Feel free to re-quote this if i'm wrong - im happy either way!
  2. He should just shave it off every time he scores. Guaranteed to be down his back at end of season.
  3. Thanks for listening fellas, its not the sort of stuff id normally blurt out in such a public way. Just Silas asking that question about whether its just hard drink. I started typing and then it just came out. I love a drink myself, but i consciously aim to be nothing like either of my parents. I wont let it happen to me. Lets get this topic back to the OP - it just gors to show that 'young money' (that twerking bitch) is not always good.
  4. Difficult to talk about and that is just a brief summary - there is so much more. Just not the place to go into too much detail. But yeah, relationships break up, I understand that, and my mum could have handled it better. She didn't, and my dad, well, better less said. We were not a poor family either, decent middle class, nice house, two cars. We lived on a nice street. i have great memories of my childhood before then. My dad worked for British Airways and was their disaster recovery guy. Holidays to Tunisia, Malaysia, and Spain before I was even 10. Then boom, within years its all gone...he just upped and left. Even today, he knows where I am but wont make contact - good job too as I'm not sure what i would do.
  5. I am, but I wont lie that everything is all rosy. I still battle with depression on occasions linked to my early life. When I get down, it is difficult to get back up again. The pain is still there and will probably never go away. Having had to live through that as a 12 year old, watching my father walk away (not seen him since) and to then witness your mother fall apart and eventually kill herself because of it - was tough and nearly ruined my life. Fortunately, I have some great friends and family that always give me great support when and if I need it. Alcoholism is an illness, and it really does effect so many lives - more than just the life of the alcoholics themselves.
  6. Nope, my mother was an alcoholic that died at the age of 46. Her vice was white wine and beer/cider. My father left her, me (12) and my brother (10) and she turned to drink a couple years later. I would come home from school and she was passed out with bottles all around her. We spoke to all the off licenses and supermarkets in the area to ask them to stop serving her. Some did, but she was still able to get her hands on it somehow. It was the toughest time of my life. I lost all discipline as my father was not there and my mother was pissed 24/7. From doing well at school, I was now hanging around with the wrong crowd smoking weed and drinking myself at 14. My brother just stopped going to school all together and locked himself in his room all day. My dad didn't even have the balls to leave while I was there - I was on scout camp ffs, I came home to find my mother in pieces on the stairs. I went from scout to drug dealer within the space of a few years. I hit rock bottom at 18, arrested for an armed robbery - tried to rob a local Spar with a knife. At that point a friends mum forced me to get help and i was diagnosed with severe depression and put on anti-depressants (seroxat). Fortunately, with her help, the courts were sympathetic to my case due to the circumstances around my life at the time. I got a two-year suspended sentence and 200 hours community service. She even took me in to live with her and her family for about a year after. She was a godsend and I still speak to her today. Barbara, wonderful woman who volunteered to work for free for the Citizens Advice Bureau for most of her working life. She constantly tried to help my mother too, but there was no hope. She eventually sold the house and started renting somewhere we couldn't find her, until I got a call when i was 21 that she was in hospital - by the time me and my brother got there, she had passed away with liver disease. Barbara continued to help me through. I went to college to take a 2-year Btec in IT and I also self-studied to become an MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer). Seriously, without her, I don't know where I would be today. I wouldn't have had the career I have, that's for sure - more likely I would have followed the downward path and ended in a similar situation to my mother. My brother turned out okay too. He moved in with a family member and got his life back on track as well. He is now an accountant and doing well. Sadly, my overwhelming memory of mother was her answer to a question I asked out of anger when trying to stop her from drinking. Smashing her bottle of white wine into the wall after coming home from school, I shouted "You love drinking more than you love me and Lee, don't you?" Her "Yes" broke me. Been a while since I have spoken about this - so apologies. Nice to get it out every now and again.
  7. Red and Black halves is my favourite away kit - but typical that we get it in a season where relegation is a serious concern.
  9. Tech support... Now I need internet for my work - especially in the current climate. I know there is no issue on my end, but I'm still told to unplug this, restart that, check this, and check that. I bloody work in IT, so I would know if there were any issues down at my end. I have changed nothing and all is exactly how it was working the night before. I also know that my net was cut right after the cutoff point for people to have to pay their bills. So it was clear as day to me that my name was somehow on this list - despite my direct debit coming out and paying it the week before. They could see that my payment had gone in but were still adamant it must be something on my end. I had to go through all kinds of rigmarole, spoke to 4 different tech (apparently) support agents who were obviously just following some script rather than thinking for themselves. Finally got through to one last guy and by this point I was quite angry, told him im not going through his script again and for him to go and take a proper look. Two minutes later, and it was like he just flicked a switch and it was back on. 6 hours of faffing about, lost work, and losing even more hair off an already shiny head.
  10. Getting promoted definitely earned him another shot in the Championship. He consolidated quite well. Ever since though...its been very poor IMO.
  11. What? Shearer and Sutton are not here anymore? Im crying into my cereal!
  12. Isnt that where Douglas just went? If he brought him there, we're doomed. Edit: Checked, different Polish club.
  13. Ambition I reckon. Who wouldn't wanna try and make it at the top level? Or perhaps he doesn't believe in this manager anymore.
  14. Nobody at the game, on here, said that ever transpired. He wasn't crying because of abuse. You read the wrong media.
  15. good shout - where is that fella? Don't say Malta
  16. Bit of a risk: On 22 September 2020, Ibe returned to Derby County, where he signed on a two-year contract.[39] He made only one first-team appearance,[40] and spoke in January about his suffering from depression.[41] His contract with Derby County was cancelled by mutual consent at the end of the season.[42]
  17. Just reeks of another player that a few years ago had the ambition and desire to make a top level career for himself. Probably had aims for the PL. It has never materialised and he is now just happy to plod along on decent Championship wages for the rest of his career.
  18. You sure on the low wages? Wednesday bought him 5 million 5 seasons ago and this is his second contract there I believe. I dont rate him anyway, he was good for a few seasons first at Boro and then for Wednesday but he is barely a started for Wednesday these days.
  19. I dunno, maybe he got assurances. Played well for Shrewsbury. Maybe they have told him he has one year to earn a better/longer contract. Who knows - almost beyond caring anyway. Its gonna be a shit season.
  20. Chapman is the oldest 23-year old I've ever seen. That is one hell of a beard for a kid.
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