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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. Yeah away would be fine but never mess with our halves on the home kit.
  2. Clutching at straws a lil with those. Raya i think has a chance of PL, Hanley had his chance and would be still there if anyone thought he could cut it.
  3. Should have been - perfect opportunity for it at a normal club. Now we still have him, and now lots our head of recruitment too. Summer is going to be interesting.
  4. All the same these days - look at Nyambe, expected to be a FB but also the winger.
  5. I said in another thread but wasn't there a rumour that TM also over-ruled the data team by bringing in Ayala? What would be the point of working to find targets only to be over ruled all the time? Boro-connection again - ironically (or not)
  6. Godfry wasnt really a production from the Norwich Academy. Was bought from York atat 18/19, spent one season in their youth setup, the next on loan at Shrewsbury, and then featured for the first team before being sold on. Great recruitment but not their product really.
  7. According to that article, him leaving was a surprise. I defo reckon there is something in these rumours about TM going against the advice/suggestions of the recruiting department. Didn't they not want Ayala?
  8. Duff was in a different league to Dolan, literally. Love the kid and think he has good potential but Duff was tearing it up at a similar age in the PL. I think end product is where Dolan needs to work on. He often dribbles into trouble, tries too much, and his final pass/ball is either the wrong choice or poorly executed. His finishing is nowhere near as good as Duffs either. That said, the lad is still young, excites, has pace and trickery and scares the life out of FB's even without all the above. I like his work ethic, his eagerness to improve, and enthusiasm. Lots of potential there but under this lot, I fear his positive attributes will get coached out of him and his negatives will not improve. Oh for a proper coaching team and manager.
  9. So was the golden generation, apparently. I agree we have a good squad but we always do. Its never good enough to win and we're usually disappointed.
  10. Yeah, got to give the guy credit. Personally do not think he is in the top league but he has heart.
  11. Besides, Joe, you act like data in football is something new. Back when u were a toddler, Fat Sam was at the forefront of it all.
  12. Neither does yours. You are suggesting our early firm was down to JRC. Nothing to do with a new style of play that wasnt figured out yet and against the poorest sides in the division, with 10 men. Had Nyambe played, his stats would be boosted in the same way. So, JRCs stats are heavily padded by those fixtures.
  13. was told he played further upfield in u23s
  14. Yeah, i understand that, id be pissed if TM was my manager too. Just i think he owes the club something at least.
  15. Williams falls into the Bennett category for me. Really likable guy, tries his best but not good enough ultimately. Hope he does well in the MLS.
  16. Really like the kid, sure, he has a lot to work on but his enthusiasm and work ethic is second to none.
  17. I would actually be a bit miffed if JRC didnt resign. I know this is hearsay btw. Would this be his first senior contract? So, he gets dumped by United at youth level, we pick him up, he uses our facilities, eventually makes the team and will then jump ship at the first chance? Id expect at least a couple seasons out of him as some kind of appreciation.
  18. Not in the modern game anyway. A 442 you could get away with it but these days FBs are expected to be wingers too.
  19. I think its a bit early to be putting Dolan as our 5th best signing - he probably will be as i love the lad but he only been here this season.
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