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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. So our aim going into this match is to lose by 1 goal? Ambition folks...
  2. Think ill tune in again. Says it all when I get more joy out of watching our kids play than I do the senior team.
  3. I think it is more to how he has used the players. Strikers on wings, players like Rothwell, Holtby, Elliott, and now Dolan have played in multiple positions over the season. How is any player meant to get consistency like that? I am not saying for sure our squad is top 6 quality but it should be thereabouts and challenging. A good manager would do that. Christ, we had Buckley up front at one point.
  4. It doesnt really. And then we are under pressure to play said kids which we wouldnt be with our own. Elliott has not been on his game lately and if our own would not get selected. Will never forget him bringing on THB to play FB one game - just because Pep wants him to play loads. I actually think THB is the better of the two but building a side on loans like this forces us to play players when they should be dropped when not in form. I can only imagine this all to do with favours. Show that you will regularly play PL loans from big clubs and the next time you want the best rated kids, such as Elliott, you go to the top of the pile
  5. Woooahhh all kicking off in here. So who is who again? Makes me laugh but also brings back memories of when I first came here. Gav said I was some chap called Oxoman or something.
  6. Yeah, another CF would have come in before another midfielder for me too. Probably play on the wing but hey-ho.
  7. Unfair to put Murphy and Downing in the same bracket. Downing still has something to offer and rarely puts in a horrendous performance. Guy is a proper pro too. Just think he was not needed with the other options we have in the squad this season. When in his prime Downing had a bit of pace about him but that has obviously gone now.
  8. Yup, though "Nyambe can cover there too" was a response to 3 of that 4 regularly known to pick up injuries. Admittedly, Wharton was not to be expected but Williams has lots of previous, Ayala same at Boro, and Lenihan often picks up an injury or two each season (though has been good on that score so far this one.
  9. TM also praises opposition teams before and after games - Pearson is hardly gonna say "you lot are shit". He is using politeness, professionalism and platitudes as part of his excuse now too.
  10. Think most of Dacks value had gone via the previous injury to be fair - no chance Raya has cost us 20 million.
  11. I was one of those. Suggested at the time that we needed another CB rather than wasting our last squad spot on ANOTHER midfielder. Not a slight on Downing as he still has something to offer but not what was needed. I was jumped and told we had more than enough cover at the back with Ayala, Lenihan, Wharton, and Williams. Few months later we are playing with Johnson at the back and loaning in two kids.
  12. Yup, how can they continue to bemoan luck as if such large amounts of possession means they automatically deserve to win? The better chances fell to Bristol. If we peppered their goal all match and were undone by a single chance for the opposition, fine...
  13. Not sure why the Cowleys would go in at Pompey tbh. If they waited around a bit they would get another Championship gig. Ideally here but Venkies either sack 17 managers off in 3 months or keep them here forever. We have the latter at the moment. oh to have a CEO with the power and guts to sack off his best mate.
  14. Dunno how anyone can find our style of play entertaining. I fell asleep with 10 minutes to go. Its just passing for the sake of it and so predictable. I know where we gonna pass before it happens. Then it finally gets somewhere near the box and we "run out of ideas/play a poor final ball/run into an oppo player" - rinse and repeat. Then at some point we just gift them glaring chances. We pass around for the entire match and have 80% possession but they still have more efforts on goal and have the better chances to score. Is it any wonder teams just let us have the ball? They get more chances to win anyway. We are toothless up front and always likely to misplace a few passes at the back to let them in. We take risks playing at the back (especially on such a fcked up pitch) and teams are now taking notice of Kaminski and trying to punish him. How many times in recent weeks has he been lucky not to gift a goal?
  15. Murray Walker was the reason I became addicted to Formula 1 in the 80s and 90s and I suspect it is the same for many others. How many other sports can you say a commentator was so instrumental for its popularity? His passion and genuine excitement for the sport was second to none. I used to love Sundays, still hungover from the night before and sticking on the Grand Prix. It is no coincidence my love for the sport has dwindled since he stopped.
  16. For sure, the one highlight of TMs reign. This fella might not be PL quality but he has been a talisman for us in difficult times.
  17. I dont normally like chaddys posts, but its spot on.
  18. It really is as simple as that. He says we should not rush to get a manager of Hughes pedigree. it wont happen of course, but he has managed PL teams including us to varyign degrees of success. TM managed once in the PL and got relegated. Was also the worst manager in Celtics history in a two team league.
  19. Yes but you suggested we should not rush to get him back. Right now, id rush to get the tea lady in control of first team affairs.
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