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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. Would you take Hughes over TM? Thats as simple as it gets.
  2. Early on yes, when our formation and tactics were not commonly known and we played against eh divisions cannon fodder (plus with men sent off). Since then?
  3. Exactly, Moyes has how many years managing top flight PL clubs? Scottish clubs either get PL rejects like Rodgers looking to enhance their CV or inexperienced guys like Gerrard to kick start their managerial careers. People dont leave the PL to go to the SPL, they go there when they have no other choice.
  4. Huh? Dack scored last two games when we switched back to the tried and trusted 4231, then last night, we switched to 4231 in second half and was best team. its the 433 and over reliance TM has placed on AA that is the problem. Sure, early season when teams didnt expect it, it worked. They had playes sent of and we routed them (albeit, the poorer teams in the division). We soon got figured out and went on the run we are now - how many top teams have we got points from with the 433? In my opinion, we looked better with Dack and without Armstrong.
  5. That's what I thought too - else ref would have to give permission all match long.
  6. Brentford fans, while universally sympathetic about Dack, are arguing whether Dack was allowed to do what he did. Some suggest he needed permission from the ref to come back on to the field of play. https://griffinpark.org/index.php?threads/blackburn-0-1-bees-toney-p.135070/
  7. My take on last night other than being so gutted for Dack that I couldnt bring myself to come here after the game. Refs at this level are beyond atrocious.
  8. He is too, in many ways. Done a decent job and a lot of good for the club after Coyle but he has taken us as far as he can - about 5 places higher than when he took the job.
  9. Apparently when buildings are 30-years old, they need replacing.
  10. Has a bit of Gary Neville to me. Positionally sound, technically good, vocal, and a good delivery.
  11. Swansea looked very ordinary which just goes to show how much we have fooked up this season. Didnt look like a team gunning for automatic promotion to me. We should have won by all accounts, even the biased Swansea commentary said we deserved it more. Less said about the ref, the better. How ours is not a pen and sending off for purposely taking out our player through on goal but theirs is a pen for a misplaced kick/clearance? Dolan was a livewire as usual and could become a key player for us and Buckley had his best performance in a Rovers shirt. BB really should have scored and we might as well stop bothering playing for corners and freekicks as we are useless at them.
  12. Yeah he needed a performance like that. Who in our squad could see and ping a pass like he did to BB? Dack, Holtby, possibly Rothwell? Other than those, nobody. We have always known he is technically good on the ball and can ping it around though, what impressed me more was his off the ball play. Biting into tackles and getting involved more. Still, its one good performance versus quite a few that were underwhelming but it was one he needed and perhaps he can gain confidence from that and it becomes the level of his standard performances going forward.
  13. Of course, he didn't think ours was a pen, thought the handball was a stonewall, as was the one they were given.
  14. Watched the first half with Swansea commentary - switching back now, Lee Trundles accent really grates on me.
  15. who'd have thought that a Preston reject would be leading our line... Their loss and all that.
  16. I predicted a defeat and didn't watch the last game and we won. In fact, we always lose when I watch. So will be doing the same for this one. 3-1 to Swansea.
  17. I will take it further though. Yes, it can work as other teams have shown but so can any other style, tactic if it is done correctly and to a high level. Look at Cardiff for instance. What this does do is debunks TMs claim that you have to be a possession based team to succeed. It doesn't work for us due to the manager - simple. He complicates things far too much and the players must be confused most of the time. Strikers on wings, wingers up front, strikers at RB, false 9's etc. For it to work, you keep it simple, make sure everyone knows their role, and you play players in their best positions. Also helps if you do not neglect the defense - you cannot Kevin Keegan out of this league. You need to be able to defend as well.
  18. Appreciate the work you put into all of the above - you must have had some time on your hands lol. But, I could have answered the topic question with a simple "No, we are 15th"
  19. That run and pass for Dack was very good indeed.
  20. Yes, but more to Joe's original post, this is the world we live in. You are a pro footballer. it is impossible that you will be able to stamp out all negativity. There will always be 'haters' (is that the phrase/). It is part of the life of being a pro footballer. If you cannot handle that side of it, maybe you should consider another career.
  21. Are people really insinuating that Preston's record ever transfer, is worse than a kid that barely makes our team? Okay.
  22. sporting/director, head coach setup - you love repeating yourself chaddy. I heard that one for about 3 feckin years now.
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