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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. Dolan isnt a striker, but he played very well yesterday. Would a Dolan bag 20 goals from that position, do not think so. On the other hand, i do see the side of the story that AA is a bit too selfish. Dolan did show that he could involve the team more and was very smart in his play. AA is a decent finisher with pace, but most of the time it is with tunnel vision.
  2. Whoever wrote that should work for the Lancs telegraph, hideous English and errors all over the place.
  3. First comment on the highlights on Youtube is someone saying "Where are all the Mowbray out brigade now?" Astonishing. 1 win in 7, 4 points from 21. We get a win against a very poor Millwall and everything is now rosey?
  4. Couldn't bring myself to watch and we win - TM is trolling me now. Heard Dolan was superb - up FRONT? Is this correct? Only in Mowbray land would anyone even consider putting him up there when we have 12 million worth of strikers available. At least this is confirmation that TM reads this board - just was not quite what I was expecting.
  5. Was my thinking too. I mean, why not try it? Cant be any worse. If at least to have Dack in his best position. We know it will bounce off BB in all directions but maybe Dack can work with that. BB does seem to have a knack of getting a tad lucky with his directness. Poor touches, bounces off defenders in his favour but his doggedness gets him through sometimes. I actually think BB is one of the only positives this season - and that's saying something. He has at least warranted selection on the most part when in previous seasons he shouldn't have been near the starting 11. Bulked up, been more of a threat and got amongst the goals a bit more. Still nowhere near a 7 mil player mind you but thats another story.
  6. Dont think that applies to us. We cannot beat anyone in the top half, and can only beat teams in the bottom half with ten men. Everyone can beat us.
  7. It would be a top 6 squad with a good manager. You telling me the Barnsley manager would not have us challenging higher than he has Barnsley right now? He has that team doing what TM is trying to do - better, having been in the job for 1/8th of the time.
  8. If you are not going to walk TM, why not surprise an opposition team for a change by doing something different?
  9. They will just do what every other team does. Let us have the ball, pass it around, get 60-70% possession, never trouble their defense let alone keeper, and then capitalise whenever one of our pointless passes goes astray.
  10. Nope, everyone figured out how to play us pretty damn quickly. No ideas in final third and a very poor defense. Just bide your time and wait for the mistakes.
  11. Exactly, possession football doesnt work if you cannot score or defend. Leeds scored for fun but were organised and had some good defenders. All teams need to do is what Reading did today, let us have the ball and be ready to pounce when we eventually give it away cheaply - we do not create enough. We have two FBs that cannot cross (ok Douglas can) so our pattern of play is so predictable, it gets to the FBs, they pass it back inside, it works its way to the other side and we essentially just pass it around the outside of their box until we eventually have to go backwards. Most of our efforts came from BB outside of the box. Possession is this seasons buzzword but really it is just the latest TM masterplan to fail. We were tipped by many, us the fans, TM himself and many on the outside to be in the playoff hunt this season looking at our squad. We will be lucky to stay out of the scrap at the bottom at this rate. A huge failure and as much as I respect TM for doing some good here after the Coyle shit-show, he has to go.
  12. Think Douglas is better. Both are shocking defenders but Douglas at least has a delivery on him.
  13. The only excitement left in me is seeing who wins the race to post the lineup from Twitter...
  14. He has so much power thst he is now telling us and the owners when he can be sacked.
  15. Cowleys for me, from who is available. If for just being awake on the touchline.
  16. Does it really matter who is a fan of who? This is profesional careers we taliking about chadz, sometimes i think you are 13.
  17. If these were grand new designs aimed at improving the clubs academy, surely they would have been bellowed from the rooftops with designs and all. Yet we have no designs and it was all done on the hush. What we do know is that the land has been measured up to fit 170 homes. This has nothing to do with improving anything. Probably sold the idea to Pune who seem to listen to these guys and ever since cannot wait to get rid so they can get their cuts.
  18. 1 point from 18 and a nightmare 6 games ciming up. Could be be 1 point from 36. How anyone cannot be championing change at this point?
  19. Hard to tell really. Fans of other clubs in general, think we have a very good squad (on paper), especially depth wise. They see Dack, AA, Elliott, Johnson, Downing, Travis, Douglas, Holtby, and even Gallagher as top Championship players. This is just from visiting other forums whenever we play. Either way, whether overrated ir not, it is clear our manager cannot get the best out if them.
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