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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. Have not been here for a couple of weeks as cannot stomach it but surely everyone is now in agreement he has to go (even Chaddy)? Worst run of form since relegation from the PL and the manager has now become a hypocrite by saying he wont leave until he is told to by the owners - pretty sure he said he would walk if he felt it was right for the club a few years back. Scarey thing is we are losing half the squad at end of season - AA might be sold, tons out of contract (only kids and a player that may not ever get back to his previous level have signed on), Nyambe will be gone, Rothwell and even JRC have still not agreed to extensions, Holtby and Johnson and then all our loans going back. Whoever comes in will have one big mess to clean up.
  2. What a curious case that lad is. Was tearing it up down there - was linked to just about every Championship club at one point, never got a move due to ludicrous wage demands and/or the fee Peterborough wanted. Ran his contract down and then joined possibly the worst club to join in the Championship at that point on a short term contract, Hull who had just sold their two best players. They got relegated with MM hardly standing out, Hull decided against extending his contract and nobody else showed an interest in picking him up, now he is playing for cashless Bolton at the bottom of League 2. Rewind a couple of seasons and I bet he didnt think his career would have panned out like this. Obviously has an inflated ego/attitude wanted unrealistic wages and has now been forced to take probably less than he ever has.
  3. He has the talent, thats not in question. Certainly think he has the ability to play in this division. Sometimes its better to go down a level to come back up. Stand out in the league below and you will get another shot higher up. What is that, 4 goals in 3 games?
  4. Yup, nice to see him doing well though.
  5. he wasnt used as a striker at Sunderland - the others I cannot comment.
  6. Yep, his goal record often gets mooted but he played in an SG position in a 4-2-3-1 when first at Sunderland. Not as a striker. Stick the guy up front and he performs mostly - hence scoring plenty of goals anywhere else he was.
  7. Smart guy is Lampard as we are constantly reminded - very high IQ etc. But, he did no better than anyone else at Derby and didnt set anything alight at Chelsea. Perhaps he could go on to become a good manager but he has had huge 'leg ups' due to his name and I feel he should prove he cut it in the mustard at clubs that rely on tactical nous rather than money. Still feel Lampard was always seen as a cheap option for Chelsea with their transfer ban etc - there to tide things over, bring on a bit of youth (they didnt have much choice). Once given money and had the ability to spend he hasnt done great.
  8. Pointless loaning him back - give them Bell for the season instead. He made the L1 team of the year as LB the season we were in it - how I dont know but its a good selling point lol.
  9. Pitch and stadium maintenance wouldn't go amiss. Should I write a Dear Santa letter?
  10. No, my original post was in reply to hoochie who claimed we might not be able to afford Kipre wages if we tried to sign him permanrntly. I claimed i doubt he is on all that much despite a PL defender. First contract at Wigan after being signed from Motherwell. Now at WBA who probably doubled his wages. Sub 20k if you ask me. I never endorsed paying his full wages to get on loan. In fact i said WBA were taking the piss.
  11. Also, i am not suggesting we pay Kipre's 18k per week wages to loan him. That is how much WBA wants thereabouts, we have apparently said we would pay half that.
  12. Yeah didnt mean Pickering, he will be on peanuts at Crewe, so we should offer slightly more peanuts.
  13. My take on that quote is that we are willing to pay half his wages (9k if you are correct) but WBA want more than that (ie majority) - so WBA are taking the piss if they want the majority of his 18k per week salary paid considering he doesn't even get in their squad half the time let alone on the bench and they want him out on loan. We can find 18k+ per week when signing strikers (wingers?). Dack would be on more than that, Evans is on about that (sickening) and Mulgrew I doubt is far off. We could bring Kipre in at that sort of price once Mulgrew is off the wage bill. Id be looking at a loan with a view to perm.
  14. Sounds more like we are unwilling to pay most of the guys wages for a loan move. I would not say that necessarily means we cannot afford it - just more that WBA are taking the piss.
  15. Would he be on 'that' much though? Wigan were hardly likely to be paying him much as he is still relatively young and they picked him up from Motherwell. It was his first contract there and had one more year to run when WBA swooped in. I would have put him in 10k per week bracket (perhaps even less) at Wigan. WBA are hardly going to have whacked him on huge wages - just enough to beat what we offered and the chance at PL football. They would have known they are likely to struggle in the PL so doubtful they would whack the kid on a 4-year contract at obscene wages. Even if WBA would have doubled it, it wouldn't put him on any amount we would scoff at considering what we pay SG and some of our top earners. He may have to take a slight drop if he wants a better chance at playing games but we wouldn't be talking huge amounts. End of day, he can either sit it out on slightly better wages hoping to get a shot in the team at PL level or likely back in the Championship next season - or move on now and get a shot straight away.
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