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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. Have to correct that bit - Joe has always stated his best position was centre midfield. Your sentence should be: Joe Rothwell has come more into his own since TM started playing him in his best position.
  2. Did TM come from a working class family? Not sure I have ever heard him say it...
  3. Wow, quite a lot of assumptions there stated as fact. TM is the only manager in the world that can loan Ellilott? Armstrong will loves TM that much that he will leave if TM is not manager? Does that mean that Armstrong will stay should TM still be manager and a big bid comes in? Ainsworth is banned from speaking to PL clubs and attempting to loan their players?
  4. Going up is worth 100+ million to the club. I don't get people like you that say they do not want to go up as we will come straight back down. if we do, we have taken a chunk out of our debt, will have a better squad equipped to go back up again - look at Burnley and how they have done it (pains me to say). Most clubs promoted will struggle, thats just how it is. You cannot expect to go up and have it easy.
  5. Ah, we playing Swansea? Didn't even bother looking.
  6. Couldnt care less - a season that promised so much is over already.
  7. He didnt even go to the middle east, hence no 14 day quarantine. Was all made up i reckon so we upped what we originally offered him.
  8. Kaminski Nyambe Lenihan Braithwaite Douglas Travis Dack Rothwell Elliott Brereton Armstrong
  9. Not convinced at all tbh. Sure, we need numbers back there but it wont solve the problems we have at the back even with our fully fit defenders.
  10. i dont like to see that for clubs but Derby with all their 32Red bet tricks, Rooneys wage excused as he is a coach, and all that baloney...well, i couldnt think of more deserving clubs.
  11. Yeah despite having one of the deepest squads in the league (except defense....)
  12. Attitude though - I have always thought he was an excellent striker but even at Wednesday he couldn't nail down a place. Emnes was good for us too - where is he now?
  13. Kids is young, eager and feet firmly on ground from what I can see - I just don't know if we have the coaching team to develop him the right way.
  14. Not by much though. Top half championship at best under him - even Bowyer acheived that despite fire sales which TM has not had to deal with.
  15. Pickering coming in is damning on Douglas - been really disappointed with him and I felt he was possibly going to be our best signing.
  16. Should have gone last season tbh but he has at least brought in some exciting players - he just doesn't know how to use them or set up a defense. Tired of saying he is a nice guy - nice guys always come last, that's just the way it is. Nice bloke but that just rubs off on the players and he doesn't have the tactical nous for that kind of buddy buddy relationship to be effective on the field. We have some good players and i just feel that the only thing holding us back is the manager. As I have felt for at least a season now. He brought many of those players, so kudos on that, and you did a decent job tony but you have gone as far as you can. its stagnant now and we need someone to come in with fresh ideas.
  17. 0-1 We will have 337 shots on goal and 99% possesion but still lose. The end. Not even given myself any hope.
  18. Yup - you need a few assholes. Fergie's career was based on it.
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