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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. He was the only person that could get him in behind? Who has been supplying the buillets this season then?
  2. Ronaldo was the same - stepovers all the time, it was slowly phased out of his game.
  3. Think Arsenal have only had about 5 managers in my lifetime lol
  4. I value the success of my football club no matter the style of play. We would all prefer tippy tappy football as long as it produced results and success for our club. West Ham has spent their entirety convincing anyone that they play football the right way - without winning a damn thing!
  5. well, now, you're likely to see the next three quarters of your life with Rovers below Burnley. Enjoy that boredom.
  6. It is amazing that you guys are still defneding this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are now languishing as a club and you still defend your position on this. Shocking to say the least!
  7. I think some players realise they will never make it to the top. Their hunger disperses and they just settle for not being quite good enough. Happy to take the still very good money at this level and plod along doing just enough to get that next contract. Enjoying the money, small time celebrity status at a local level (women etc) and having a good time then becomes a larger part of their lives. Getting it all while they can I guess.
  8. Is this the one where he mentions the fridge full of Irn Bru that Coyle had? He called him a useless manager despite liking him as a bloke. Also said he knew the team was going to get relegated and that is why he did not sign a contract extension (which had a 50% wage reduction if they were relegated). That on top of players like Cairney, Hanley, Duffy etc all being sold. He did say he loved it here - probably the best period of his career.
  9. He did ok for us up front last time he was here. He isnt that bad at heading, scored a few in the past for us. Either way, if we had to try and get some value out of him - it just should not be on the wing.
  10. I just think SG is not being used as he should be. He tries hard, but lets be honest, a winger/inside forward he is not. He should be back up central striker behind Armstrong, or called on to change things up with AA moving wide.
  11. Shock, horror, another of our injury prone defenders is injured. Not one to say i told you so but....🤪
  12. Whether he could or not - he will be aiming to get there to have a go. He has had a sensational year, there is no doubt about that but at the end of last season, I feel he was not as selfish as he is right now. He wasnt leading the charts then but was (in my opinion) playing more for the team while still having a bit of a selfish streak as strikers need. Fast-forward to this season and since starting on fire, he has become (again, in my opinion) a lot greedier. I just hope they drill it into him that if he looks up once in a while like he did for Elliotts goal, it is better for the team as a whole. Besides, assists are good stats to have too
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