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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. Agree, he has never been in a position where finishing as the leagues top scorer was a possibility. He came flying out of the traps this season and has pretty much led the scoring charts all season up until his mini-drought. I think this has definitely increased his desire to score and therefore his selfishness. He knows what being the leagues top scorer could do for his reputation and therefore career. The pressure of keeping pace with Toney has meant he is taking on a lot more shots when he should be bringing others in. Thing is, that could actually go against him as it is already clear that he requires far more chances/shots on targets than most other strikers in with a chance of that top spot. Also, PL teams will want forwards with more to their game than just getting the ball and shooting on sight. He needs to find a balance - play for the team and you will still get your chances to score while also giving us a better chance of scoring and climbing the table.
  2. And if he doesn't do that, he wins a lot of fouls. Night and day the BB of before and the BB of this season.
  3. Any chance BB will be back for this one? I dont think it is any coincidence that we have struggled with this formation since he has been out. We have missed his ability to drive forward with the ball. Cannot believe I am even saying this to be honest.
  4. What a lovely post. Attacking fellow fans for having the audacity to have a different opinion.
  5. I was really happy at the time when we had made those signing in the window. Douglas seemed to be the ultimate upgrade, Trybull was meant to be everything that Evans is not, and Ayala was finally the defender that came. Douglas has been very poor up to now, Trybull has been a carbon copy of Evans, and Ayala looks and plays the part but it injured more than he plays. The two good pieces of business so far are the keeper and Elliott. oh, and Dolan lol. I would not be adverse to sending Trybull and Douglas back and looking for alternatives.
  6. Just think he is determined to be top scorer in the division knowing what it could do for his career. I guess he feels he has to score every game just to keep up with/stay ahead of Toney. Problem is, as shown in the last game, it can be to a detriment to the team. He has always been a bit selfish, all good strikers are to some extent but this was other level shit.
  7. Think Nyambe will go. Probably going to be Holtby's last major contract - so is he holding out for a step up back to the PL? Rothwell may sign but again, could come down to what we offer compared to other clubs. Dack, not sure what is going on there. Was in talks long before his injury and here we still are. Is the club holding out on that one until he returns and shows he still has it? I know we have the extension but you could understand if he is a little frustrated considering how long this has gone on. JRC will sign - cannot see many others taking much of an interest at this moment in time and he was getting regular minutes.
  8. So what would you do with him? Do you drop the drive in midfield of Rothwell, or the creativity in Holtby?
  9. I think Travis is better in a 4 man midfield tbh - we have some headaches lol. Travis and Dack, not sure how they will fit.
  10. Exactly, he has a bit of all of them but not good enough to excel in any.
  11. Pep? Klopp? Fergie? Mourinho - come on dude. There is not a better manager out there?
  12. perfect balance is Rothwell, a DM and a creator like Holtby. Not sure which of the three Travis fits into as he has a bit of all.
  13. Rothwell on wing does not work - rothwell in cm is showing us what we have been missing since he has been played out of poition
  14. I listened too and actually, before the game turned, they were very complimentary towards us.
  15. Doesn't really matter. Lenihan should know better. Especially that first booking taking that guy out on the wing. The ref had already shown he was card happy today. Let the guy shoot, that's why we have a keeper. if he scores, we still 11 v 11 and looking the better side. Dont give the ref the chance to send you off and put the game right back in the oppos favor. Soft/harsh or not, i am really pissed with Lenihan tonight.
  16. We were beating them in every department until Lenihan lost his head.
  17. Lenihan should take the enitre team out for dinner and donate to charity. Yes it was a soft pen but he gave away a recklass card early on and then followed it up with more stipidity. Used to rate the guy but this season he has been well off it. We would be sixth if we won that. Above Watford ffs - and we were well in control.
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