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Everything posted by JacknOry

  1. Exactly my thoughts - it happened before. Two defensive minded Cm's doesnt suit us. We had Holtby without Rothwell and now its the other way around. Those two really are key to how we play in my opinion. Its either do as you say or get Elliot in there and bring on Dolan.
  2. Remember MGP scoring a nice goal against Luton Then did that walking stick celebration.
  3. From their team, id take that Pillock and their CB. other than that, we bossed it.
  4. yeah, he said Rothwell always stands out when he sees him - about the only praise any of our players got though.
  5. i often listen to the opposition commentary - just to see what outsiders think. This guy was one of the most biased I have ever heard...everythging was through gritted teeth. Found it very difficult to applaud much of what we did (unless we scored). Continuously mentioned our recent record, belittled Wharton for being on loan in L2 and kept calling his lumped clearances poor passes (yet when their team did it, different story). Basically called Johnson a fat git anbd from what he was saying, you would think we were the only team in the world that would do a bit of game management.
  6. Good game from BB, looks twice the player from last season. Didn't look that great last few matches but he has definitely become far more influential this season.
  7. Yep saw that too. Was so bias. Loads of snide digs. Kaminski...'finally' takes the goal kick (he didnt even take that long) Apparently we kicked the ball away (just like any team does in this division) when it was a free kick, throw in or what not. Or we stopped them from playing quick free kicks (is that new?) Nothing wrong with Nyambe...I have to question how serious his injury 'was' seeing how well he is moving now. Yep heard the Johnson comment too. Also, every time their player passed the ball it was "wonderful', fantastic', superb'. When we did it, nothing. You could feel his anger at losing while trying to sound half professional/neutral - it was so plain to hear.
  8. Greek Nyambe Lenihan (sigh) Williams Douglas Elliott Trybull Holtby Dolan Armstrong Brereton
  9. Was in response to Davies who was also PL days.
  10. The point is, he hasn't. He has obviously had his Twitter account and his account here hacked.
  11. A lot of his posts on Twitter seem to be trump/biden related, so wondering if he is a yank. But yeah, Chaddy winds a few up but this is bang out of order whoever is doing this.
  12. Someone bids 10 mil for Lenihan you take it. You could replace him for a quarter of that. Sheff Utd we reckon?
  13. Wish he went there - bet he does now too lol. They would have used him correctly and not a winger. probably would have been sold to Fulham by now for 20 million quid.
  14. Some on here laughed at Brentford signing Toney. Gonna be another sound investment that one.
  15. Yeah, just seen it all. Disgusting - what kind of loser does something like that?
  16. Estevez and Olise were class - absolutely. Though Olise had it easy as he wasn't playing against a RB.
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