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Admiral Nelsen

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Posts posted by Admiral Nelsen

  1. Just now, WacoRover said:

    That sounds fair. 

    Mowbray isn’t very complicated as a manager. But, I believe him to be trying to right the ship, and move us upward. I’m pretty sure all these loans wont get us where we need to be, but they are steps in the right direction. 

    Agree. I also think this is the first season where our squad is good enough to view a top six finish as something to expect (or at least expected to get very close to) rather than just hope for. This means two things. First, it's completely fair to hold TM to a higher standard for this season's finish, but also that he deserves credit for the squad being improved enough on a fairly modest budget that we can have those higher expectations. 



    • Like 1
  2. Just now, K-Hod said:

    To be honest, think the Pickering deal makes a bit of sense (assuming he’s good!).

    Douglas has been playing better lately and he’s off back to Leeds at the end of the season. At which point he will need to be replaced- enter Mr Pickering.....


    Not just the opinion of those of un on here either, believe WhoScored have him in their team of the month. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, WacoRover said:

    Mowbray isnt perfect as a tactician, but he’s doing what he can, bringing in player personnel. He’s been dealt crumbs, but he’s baking the cake. Let’s see if he can get it iced on May 8.  


    I'm definitely an optimist when it comes to Rovers, and have pretty consistently said that Mowbray gets far too much stick on here, but I think saying that he's been dealt crumbs is a little too far. As his detractors have been quick to point out, he hasn't been forced to sell any of our first teamers since his arrival, and whilst our budget means that he needs to look for value it's clear that we still have more spending power than a few in this league. 


    I agree that he is developing the squad quite nicely, and a couple of buys have been tremendous investments, so perhaps I'm splitting hairs a bit. 

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Bigdoggsteel said:

    They obviously wouldn't sell Pickering without a loan back. What can ya do?

    Bell is poor alright. I think Douglas has picked up considerably. Looks much sharper and fitter. 

    He had a six-hundred grand release clause, didn't he? Or somewhere in that region? Then again I suppose the loan back may have shaved a little bit off the asking price.


    Like you I've definitely seen some improvement in Douglas, and I'm comfortable enough with having him starting for the rest of the season. Even so I think the ideal situation would have been to bring him in straight away if we could have sold Bell too, albeit for a very small fee, and let Picking & Douglas battle it out.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, Mattyblue said:

    Which is why it is always too simplistic to merely play budget top trumps and lament how we can’t possibly compete with parachute clubs.

    There’s a reason why so few bounce straight back automatically.

    And this is during a season where all three relegated clubs are doing relatively well, by historical standards. Very rare for all three to be in the top six at this point, it's usually a safe bet that one will drop like a stone (rather like we did!).

  6. 6 minutes ago, JHRover said:

    I'm afraid when I scrutinise things the only conclusion I am coming round to is that Mowbray isn't the only conductor of our transfer business. 

    Only last week he was again publicly stating in his interviews that he wasn't keen on the loan market as a solution and that he wanted to get permanent transfers in to build on and have as assets. That was off the back of the Branthwaite deal and now fast forward a week or so and here we are doing similar again.



    Without wanting to go through each of TM's interviews on the subject, hasn't he usually caveated his preference for permanent deals with a 'sometimes the budget can only cover a loan', or for Tosin/Elliott 'we can only get players of this standard on loan.'


    Doesn't seem to me like there's too much evidence of Mowbray being cut out of transfer dealings. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, West Yorks Rover said:

    On Travis, he's always been a player who gives the ball away a little too much, but when he was fully fit 

    he would often get it back through his tenacity, or at least stop the opposition with a tackle/foul.

    He just needs to get to full fitness asap, and then we'll have a player on our hands again.


    Spot on. We need Travis in these sorts of games to give us the competitive edge to make sure that we don't get bullied, but with the ball he needs to be at the top of his game to not fall into some of their traps.


    He's making us a much better team already by making us harder to score against, but I expect him to be much better in a few weeks time. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Darrenbot said:

    no shots on goal isnt being excellent in my book.


    No, and I definitely wouldn't use the word excellent, but it doesn't really tell the full story either. We were good for the first half hour or so, without putting the right finishing touch to moves (not for the first time!). A different bounce for Armstrong in the first few minutes (or Lockyer doesn't make his wonder-tackle) and all of a sudden we could be in for a straightforward afternoon.


    A grotesque football match, but nice to see us winning these sorts of games now. 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Mercer said:

    Players with REAL potential show it an an early age.  Look at 17 year old Elliott.  Look at Foden, City - same age as Buckley but with 60+ senior appearances to his name and effecting games at the highest level.


    For international superstars, that's mostly correct. Other very good players in certain positions often emerge quite a bit later. You could just as easily say look at Lallana or Scholes, who only started getting games in their early 20s (Lallana in a team which was then relegated from the Championship). 

    Just as it's too early to say that he's on his way to the top, it's equally ridiculous to write him off at this point.

    • Like 3
  10. 2 hours ago, Paul Mani said:

    Whiteman is going in as the star of Prestons show. Good luck to the lad. I don’t think he’d get a game with us tbh...he better / more effective than Travis? Holtby? Rothwell?. No chance.

    Hopefully he does great and fulfills his potential. Tbf I couldn’t give a shiny shit about Preston. Be a couple in here excited about this deal though...👀🤣🤣


    Let's see - I think we went about the summer the right way (broadly) in terms of spending the budget on the right areas, so I'm not saying that I'm particularly annoyed about us not getting him. Even so it's never easy to see how these 'too good for L1' types adjust to going the step higher. I'd be shocked if he's as effective in his role as Travis is, but it took Rothwell ages to get to his current level, which is still inconsistent. Holtby is too hot and cold too. Buckley not there yet. We're well off for good/promising/useful midfielders in a way that we never used to be, but most have question marks next to them too so I'd expect that he would get plenty of game time for us.


    Anyway, the ship seems to have sailed. Like you, I'm not overly bothered about PNE (even if it has been an embarrassing run of results against a lesser Lancashire club!) so good luck to him. 


    • Like 3
  11. 42 minutes ago, Ewood Ace said:

    Magloire turns 23 this year and if he can't get game time now with only Lenihan fit then you have to wonder does he have any sort of future at the club.

    The boy has clearly been very unfortunate with the timing of his injuries - but I'm inclined to agree.

    There could very easily be a good player in there, but unless he's playing well at a much higher level in the next twelve months, it'll be best for all concerned for him to move on. 

    • Like 1
  12. Not usually one for making wholesale changes for cup games, especially in the FA cup, but I'd make an exception for this season. Chance to get minutes in for players who need them, rest the ones who have been flogged in a crazy start to the season.



    Pike   Lenihan    Johnson    Douglas


          Travis               Buckley/Dack

    Dolan      Gallagher        Brereton

  13. 23 minutes ago, WacoRover said:

    This game is tremendously important. It’s imperative Rovers have a strong showing, and again, Jan 16. Just about everything until March are highly winnable games. If we’re gonna make a run, it started with our midweek mess vs Rotherham. 

    But in March... ugh, points are going to be scarce. We might take 2 out of the 15 possible. 


    Not so sure. I'm not denying that there's something awry with our ability to pick up points against the better teams this year, but there's nothing in the games that we've lost which tells me that we should be frightened of any of those teams. Norwich away could end up being very difficult if they improve with more players back, but Bristol and Brentford at home & Millwall away don't scare me one bit. Reading blow hot and cold, as do we. Definitely some wins to be had if we look after our game (admittedly a big if).


    100% with you on tomorrow's game. We have to look at the four games before the cup game as a chance to close the gap and rack up some points.


  14. 3 minutes ago, joey_big_nose said:

    I would say Watford and Reading just looked a lot better than us (although to be far we were missing quite a few key players through injury). But those games apart we have looked the better team against everyone else we have played this season (imo) which is quite remarkable.


    I might be misremembering, but in my head the Reading game was one of those where we seemed quite badly depleted. If we had a decent team out then I'd definitely concede that they outplayed us. I remember Watford as being very similar to Bournemouth in that they were much more adept at taking their chances when they came along, but rightly or wrongly I recall feeling that we were very unfortunate to have lost. 

    • Like 2
  15. Just now, JoeH said:

    I'm sure he will keep them up. I think he's done well at previous clubs, but often does well when he's managing one of the divisions best teams.

    True enough, but he did well at Birmingham when it was a madhouse and not particularly well resourced. No guarantees that he'll do similar at Forest of course, but personally I think the smart money will be them finishing mid-table then competing for the top six next season.

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