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Admiral Nelsen

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Posts posted by Admiral Nelsen

  1. 6 minutes ago, Sparks Rover said:

    He would be a good investment for Bournemouth.   They are cashing in at rhe moment, £8-10m will probably get him. Could be worth £40m like Ake in 3 years

    Think that would be a move that would suit all parties. As much as he impressed last year, he wasn't at the level that a lower ranking premier league club would risk him as a starter just yet. 

    • Like 1
  2. 32 minutes ago, USABlue said:

    Any word on where this lad's immediate future lies?

    Saw that he's going into the last year of his contract, so I expect that he'll either being getting sold (ruling us out) or singing a new deal before he goes on loan. 

  3. Just now, Mercer said:

    Never heard of the lad never mind seen him play.

    I'll reserve judgement - at least he has some decent experience and pedigree.

    The errors are a worry - bit like a golfer or snooker player with the 'yips'.  Once these errors start, things seem to go from bad to worse and goalies can fall from grace pretty dramatically as seen with Hart and De Gea.


    We got Robbo after a similar run, if I recall. Ended up being a good investment for us, but it took him a while to get the errors out of his game (the contrast with 8 years of Brad probably didn't help him either).

    Sometimes a change of scene can make all the difference though. Gomes at Spurs looked like he'd never kept goal in his life - goes to Watford and he turns into a different player.

    • Like 9
  4. 14 minutes ago, JoeH said:

    Simply put, the data shows that this is an incredible deal if Sharpe is right with a 6-figure offer. If this comes off I'd be mightily impressed. 10 Europa League games for Kaminski last year, as well as incredibly better stats than Christian Walton. His save percentage would put him in the top five keepers in our division, his passing is much better amongst other stats.

    He's 6ft 3" tall, 27-years old.



    Big caveat to this is that most of those metrics are hugely influenced by both the quality of the league and that Gent were one of the top dogs. Not a criticism though, love that you put these together!

    • Like 3
  5. Just now, RTM08 said:

    I think the reason people are seeing them as so tough is because we've made absolutely no effort to qualm people's fears that we're barely going to have a squad come the Bournemouth game.Hopefully a couple of signings before the end of the month in key areas will help change that perspective, though there seems to be no urgency on any level in the club at the moment.

    Think that's right, the little whisperings of information we get, whilst appreciated aren't helping with calming the nerves either.

    I think we've got about 70% of a very decent team at this level, it just so happens that the 30% we don't have leave holes that are so big that they undermine everything else. As @Wing Wizard Windy Miller puts it, Cunningham, Westwood & a decent centre half and the perspective completely changes. 

  6. On the Westwood link (if that's was ever real) there's a lot of talk about compromise on wages scuppering it. Might be true, but perhaps length of contract is going to be an important factor. Clearly he's not going to get anything like the same terms once his contract expires in 12 months, but 2 years at Rovers on a decent wedge (albeit much lower than the 30k he's on) could make a deal much more attractive. 

  7. Just now, oldjamfan1 said:

    I'd rather play a relegated team first than a promoted one. I think the Wycombe home game is trickier than the Bournemouth away one tbh. It will take them some time to adjust to the championship, whereas Wycombe will be well organised and up for it. 

    Not aimed at you Admiral but there's a lot of doom and gloom around this morning. 

    It can go both ways with relegated teams, to be sure. I think I'm thinking back to when we were relegated in 2012, we were picking up good results at the start through teams giving us a bit too much respect & some moments of quality from the players who were up to it; MGP, Rhodes, Gomes etc. Obviously in a couple of months other teams had us sussed & we'd reverted to type!

    Strange being so gloomy seeing as I think I'd normally be seen a bit happy-clapperish,  but I'm a bit taken aback by how many fixtures I'm looking at and thinking they're really tough ones on paper. Hopefully nothing that a brew, goalkeeper and centre half won't solve!

    • Like 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Ewood Ace said:

    The difference is under Sam and for most of the time under Souness the club was in the top flight and the club was in a financially sound position. Now we are a mid table second tier team who are a financial mess. If the club is going to just keep their finances as they are, comply with FFP and improve the team, then we are going to need to sell a player for decent money every summer. It's what most clubs in this league do.

    As long as Souness' and Allardyce's signings were coming in a contributing to us staying in the Premier League then they were paying for themselves. Players coming in and keeping us mid table in the Championship and not increasing their value are only costing the club money.


    Completely fair enough, and Gally & Brereton have been gambles we haven't been able to afford on their showings so far. 

    My point is that turning the 2.5 million or whatever it was on Dack & Arma into worth about 10 times that is Hughes-esque & exactly what we need for a club in our position, and not making profits (yet - important point when some are well placed to improve) on some of the other players we've paid 50k, 100k, 200k for is acceptable in that context. 


  9. 21 minutes ago, Ewood Ace said:

    Of his signings for fees the only ones we will see a profit from are those two. Is that really acceptable out of around 15 cash buys that he has made? Not for me but I know that your standards are very low.

    I wouldn't want to argue that Mowbray's record is any better than mixed, but not sure that's the best way of measuring success and failure. Spending a few hundred grand on the L1 players did it's job as we got promoted first time. Others could easily fetch a decent profit a year or two down the line. How much would we have got for Armstrong last year? Small profit maybe, but much less than what we should expect now. Nothing to say that Davenport or Rothwell (accept that he's not as young as Armstrong) could put millions on their value after a strong 6 months. 

    Put another way, I don't think the players brought in from Big Sam or Souness would have delivered profits given how much they spent and the age of some of their better signings. TM's successes easily pay for our cash buys which are almost all very small beer apart from the two big exceptions in Brereton & Gally. Obviously they're a different kettle of fish. 



    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Kamy100 said:

    There is very little money to spend.  I have heard that Venky's will continue to fund the club (to meet current liabilities) but they want to reduce overheads as much as they can with money spent on transfers being one of the key cost reduction areas, even if we sell players, some of that money will be used to reduce overheads.  

    This has been coming for a few years, there had to come a time when the Venky's made the decision to reduce spending, the hope is that they can transition to this new model of working in a controlled way but I very much doubt that will happen as I have little or no faith in the executive structure at Ewood to be able to successfully manage such a transition.

    Thanks for this Kamy, I don't suppose you've any idea about the Cat. 1 academy fits into this do you?

  11. 12 minutes ago, Butty said:

    Was that in the same game Roque scored a hat trick? 5-3 to them I think wasn’t it. Crazy game. Even though we lost it, iconic moment when Santa Cruz put the Santa hat on. Great memories. 

    Not great memories for me! I'm from the Wigan/Standish area so I'd gotten used to seeing Rovers impose our effortless superiority in my most local away game (the Ince 3-0 being an anomaly at that stage!).

    Coming from 3-0 down to 3-3 was amazing, only for a disgraceful bit of play acting from Ryan Taylor to get Emerton sent off, and at least one offside goal from Marcus Bent take away from one of the great comebacks. I don't even like seeing the Roque Santa hat thing because it reminds me of the rest of the game!

  12. 29 minutes ago, Angry_Pirate said:

    Stoke must have the biggest squad in the Championship, they just stockpile players (usually ones we speak of on here!)

    Speaking of Lindsay "not being rated etc"... im sure fans of Bournemouth and Brentford could have said similarly with Josh King (barely played - even when fit) and David Raya (slated by too many + dropped for Leutwiler).

    Imagine what other fans would say if they signed Nyambe who regularly plays 2nd fiddle to Bennett who may be the worst RB in the league. Yet we know the truth.

    Lindsay (loan - option) and Cunningham (loan - free transfer) would theoretically upgrade our back four considerably.


    Broadly agree with that, but equally if you're stockpiling 6 or 7 central defenders, you start to ask why this is the lad they've chosen to get rid of.

    The examples you mention are all fair and there are countless others; O'Connell and Judge not getting a fair chance here, Rudy & Conway arriving for peanuts etc. I'd definitely still take him but being frozen out of Stoke's team does worry me.


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  13. 2 minutes ago, Richard Oakley said:

    Lindsay would cost too much, if Stoke want back what they paid for him. I'd go for Phillips as our No 1, raid Wigan for Marshall, Robinson and Kipre. I'd go for Joe Williams, too, but I doubt the budget would be there for that. Heck, even thinking we'd have a budget is a bit of a stretch, right now. Nabi Sarr, too, is available on a free, if we wanted to bring 2 CBs in.

    I'm slightly wary about getting Lindsay, seeing as Stoke clearly don't rate him. Even so I don't think anyone at Stoke could possibly think that they can say that he's surplus to requirements after one season and at the same time expect to get the same money that they paid.


    2 minutes ago, Hoochie Bloochie Mama said:

    True, but It's now how Mowbray plays. He likes his 2 CM's to 'recycle possession' as he puts it and not move very far. I'm sure there's' more to both Travis and Evans games and I'm sure they could score more if they got forward. 

    To be honest I think this is where we get the most out of Evans. His worst spells in a Rovers shirt have been when we've played 4-4-2 and he was expected to get forward a little more. Never really had the legs to do both and games just passed him by. Travis is a different kettle of fish. Has the legs to contribute further up the pitch and still do his defensive work.

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