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Admiral Nelsen

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Posts posted by Admiral Nelsen

  1. Just now, OnePhilT said:

    Looking ahead a couple of weeks and I really hope we can stick the final nail into the coffin of Hannibal Lecter's uglier Dingle brother by hammering the pie eaters. That would be some Christmas gift. It looks like he's hanging by a thread. Just a bit longer now, Cookie!

    I'm amazed he's still there now. He's been under pressure for a while and that was before losing to Reading & Luton in the space of a week! They've got WBA tomorrow so they might just beat us to it.

  2. 15 minutes ago, roversfan99 said:

    I still think people underestimate our need for more of a threat from an attacking sense. Our team isnt one which is fine going forward but broken at the back, we arent a top 6 team in either department at the moment. Without Dack we are devoid of any other consistent goal threat. Graham is still as critical to us as ever but it is becoming clearer and clearer that it isnt healthy for us to be so reliant on him, and up front, none of Mowbrays big 3 signings have the capability to go on a run of goals from what theyve shown.

    The issue with Brewster is no matter how highly rated he is, I dont think hes ever made a League appearance, just a few low priority cup games if im not mistaken, and im not sure if hes scored a senior goal. People can point to Tammy Abraham but he had already proven his capability at this level before he scored the goals to get Villa promoted. Playing for England youth teams is not the same.

    That's the issue for me. I'm not against bringing in more firepower, arguably we need it, but whoever we bring in is going to need to have the all-round game to be able to step into Graham's boots and contribute in our build up.

    If the young lad has the ability to do that, then great, but otherwise he can learn the game in someone else's team.

    • Like 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, DE. said:

    If our form continues and we mount a genuine playoff push then I'll be delighted. I've never had a problem with Mowbray as a person. A month's worth of results isn't enough to sway me yet though. This is how it's always been under Mowbray - periods of awful form followed by unexpected good form and then back to bad form. Maintaining consistent form for longer than a month is what we require and we can only live in hope that the penny has dropped and we'll see a more consistent team and approach adopted for the rest of the season. I don't think we'll see many complaints directed at the manager in that situation even if we do fall short of the top six pre-season target.

    I'm not trying to be facetious when saying this, but you can just as easily say 'periods of good form, followed by a sudden awful dip, then back to good form'. In fact given the progress we've made (and for now, looks like we're continuing to make) I'd say that's a fairer way of putting it. 

  4. 2 hours ago, rigger said:

    I am still a firm believer that his time at the Rovers had run its course. Thanks but goodbye.

    Wouldn't disagree, Tosin of the last few weeks looks a real upgrade on anyone we've had there in a good while, including Charlie.

    Only saying that in a different set up which plays to his strengths a little more then I can still see him looking at home at this level.

  5. 37 minutes ago, LeftWinger said:

    Was just having a look at Wigan's record with and without Mulgrew this season.

    With: W3 D3 L7 - 0.92pts/game

    Without: W1 D1 L6 - 0.5pts/game

    So if anything, they do slightly better with him in the side.

    Compare that with his record at Rovers since we have been back at this level:

    With: W7 D9 L14 - 1pt/game

    Without: W21 D8 L13 - 1.69pts/game

    (Games include cup games, but I've put it as pts/game just as an easy comparison)

    I'm still one of those who thinks that Mulgrew has something to offer in this division, even in defence, but if your team has already got a soft underbelly and then he's not going to do anything to remedy that. Strange signing for Wigan given that their away & defensive problems are not too dissimilar to ours last season, only quite a bit worse!

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, joey_big_nose said:

    2) Downing at LB - Again it's the ability to not lose the ball. Always picks the right pass.

    Agree with basically your entire post, but this bit sticks out. You're talking about Downing, but I think the same point can be made about the whole set up; we're playing a side who from back to front are able to keep possession much better and it's s had a massive knock on effect on our overall performances. 

    I've said this on another thread, but I don't think it's a coincidence that this has coincided with not playing Armstrong and Gally at the same time. Both have shown in the last week that they are dangerous and can contribute to a successful team. At the same time, both are absolutely murder for not looking after the ball. The great thing about this XI is that we have players elsewhere who are very good at recycling the ball and building a platform for us to attack and control the game.

  7. 1 hour ago, Exiled in Toronto said:

    Evans has been immense the last three games. Thank God Tony finally bowed to the Evans Must Play thread on here.

    I'd be the first to admit to having already written Evans off, but his performances really have been top drawer.

    I'd maintain that his big problem has always been being too passive rather than not being good enough, and he needs to carry on to really change my mind, but there's no doubt that he's played a big part in our resurgence.

    Easy to forget that he's a member of the squad with experience of promotion to the top flight 

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, Paul Mani said:

    100%. Get a LB and Gk. The key after that is to keep our current formula and pattern of play. High tempo. Target man up top and get Rothwell, Dack, Arma, Holtby etc playing off him. Gally has all the attributes to succeed Graham in THAT position. 

    If we can stretch to CB cover and a loan move for Kodija or Brewster then I think we can be there or thereabouts

    Left back for me is the only absolute must in this transfer window, although should the right keeper be available I agree that it is the other priority position.

    I thought I saw some progression in Bell as last season went on, but like others I've made my mind up on him now. Out of contract in the summer too, so chances are that we'll need a second one before long.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, BankEnd Rover said:

    Same team as Stoke but Gallagher up top for me. No way should Rothwell be dropped. 

    I'd like to see Gally get gametime, but this is a game made for Graham in my view. His cleverness and touch is so important in building a decent platform for the rest of our midfield. If we're in front, bring Gally on in the second half and keep Graham sharp for the midweek games.

    Completely agree about Rothwell. Seeing him track back as well as create against Brentford, he has to stay in the side if he keeps that standard up.

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    I said at the time you need to play newly promoted teams after a month or two of the season, not first game up. Play them when they've got a few injuries, a suspension or two and the gloss of being on a promotion roll has worn off. Of course plenty of people said " You're talking rubbish Tyrone, we'll batter them ! "

    Well we might batter them and Luton at home now but sadly that ship, and the 6 points,  has sailed.

    Agree, remember thinking this about relegated teams too. We won a few under K**n before teams worked us out and we had players with the quality to nick a 1-0.

    Also, as much as this may be true and as much we played poorly in both of those games, it should still be remembered that they were both ridiculous results. I think Charlton only had 2 shots and I remember Luton being an absolute sucker punch, even if we played well within ourselves.

  11. Just now, joey_big_nose said:

    I like them both to be honest. And Dack, and Holtby. We have a really good set of attacking mids. 

    Agree with this. 

    Pet theory of mine is that a lot of our problems this season have come from playing both Gally and Armstrong (both of who I like individually) at the same time. Both can be good finishers on their day, and both have got either the pace or power to trouble defenders, but both have had troubles looking after the ball.

    Nothing stopping a midfield with Dack, Holtby and Rothwell really hurting teams. We just need to be a bit more respectful of possession to make the most of it, don't think it's a coincidence that our best performance of the season coincides with Graham coming in.


  12. Very much looking forwrd to this, big game too with tricky away games following at Bristol City and Swansea. Not saying that it'll necessarily have any bearing on our second half of the season, but it will mean that we'll have played all bar one of the top 8 teams away from home before Christmas.

    Back on Derby, it looks like the weakest squad they've had in a few years, and they're short on personel, but they still have players capable of hurting any team at this level. A performance near Brentford levels should see us through.

    Same team again, 2-0 Rovers.

  13. Just now, JHRover said:

    Think some Stoke fans are deluded if they think Allardyce or Moyes will drop to the bottom of the Championship. Assuming they don't go up or even go down and assuming the League enforce their own rules then they're going to be in serious FFP trouble soon.

    The obvious one is Hughton but not sure he'd move up North to a sinking club. He can wait for something better like Fulham or Derby who could both have vacancies themselves by Xmas.

    If they want a big name they'll want to act sharpish. There's still something of an attractive proposition there in that they have a squad with talent (albeit under-performing) and an owner with fairly deep pockets, but the more they get cut adrift the more it's too much of a risk. 

  14. 28 minutes ago, WIR Second Coming said:

    This is a bonkers, topsy-turvy league, but I think we are building a strong enough side to compete, as long as we polish out the silly unforced errors and goal-giveaway tactics that have undone us in recent times.

    I'd like to see Rovers come out of the starting blocks fast and fearless, using strength in depth on the bench to administer twists and turns that make us hard to play against for 90 minutes. I really want us to build a 'Fortress Ewood' mentality, because that will have a positive impact on attendances which will, in turn, benefit the club longer term.

    That said, I am not yet convinced we have got rid of the glass jaw, so I think we will concede - but our new recruit plus the Dack talisman will be too strong for Luton. The last game against the Hatters that I can remember was an FA Cup tie at their place, on TV, where we scored three or four I think (Gamst amongst the goals



    Believe Derbyshire got two that day. His career never really developed in the way I hoped it might've, but a 21 year old Derbyshire coming through now wouldn't half be a good addition to our squad imo. 

    • Like 1
  15. 42 minutes ago, robbojohnno said:

    Bar the blip in the opening 2 games we are now on the form of a top 2 side and that's where the aim has to be. We have players in the team now that demand success and expect to win and I feel that is rubbing off on the younger players.

    I think/hope that come the end of the season we'll be looking at those two opening fixtures and see them as playing them at the wrong time. Charlton flying after being promoted at Wembley and relegated teams can often have good starts before tailing off. 

    The only game which concerns me at the moment is West Brom because of how we let in so many so quickly, but so long as that doesn't become the habit that it did last year, I think we're in a good spot. 

    • Like 1
  16. They've got a home tie with Leicester tomorrow night, which I imagine will be their first team. Gives us another couple of days preparation.

    Looks like they're a side who play on the deck, regardless of opposition. Should suit some of our squad quite nicely.


    Bennett Lenihan Williams Cunningham

                  Travis Johnson

       Dowining    Dack   Armstrong


  17. Just now, scotchrover said:

    Would it be wrong to say Stoke and Huddersfield are down already? They’re already adrift and can’t buy a win. 

    I'd say it's premature, but both are getting dangerously close to giving themselves a mountain to climb and the schools have only just gone back!

    Both have got squads to compete, so if they get out of a nosedive in the coming weeks they can both still stay above water. They play each other in a couple of weeks, if either of them still haven't won going into October then it's panic stations.

  18. Just now, Paul Mani said:

    Whilst I agree that we make some pretty big changes I have to say I disagree about other teams not changing theirs. I’ve seen games recently where City have changed their shape three times in a game, where Liverpool have gone front to back and played Origi in wide forward positions, Spurs play with a different formation most weeks as do Chelsea and Wolves. In fact I can’t recall think of many teams who play a set XI and pattern

    Times have changed. Of course there has to be balance and I think all of the teams will settle as the season goes by but to compare it to our PL winning team 20 odd years ago to today’s teams is difficult. The intensity of games and training is much harder now. The culture of the game has changed so much during that time with the Wengers, Klopp and Pep effect.

    I'm not sure I'd go quite as far as that, there are still plenty of teams that have a very consistent formation/style of play/personel which are only tweaked, which is different to Mowbray's approach.

    I think there are strengths and wekanesses to both approaches, and which is best probably depends more on the resources to build a squad more than anything else.

    One thing I'd definitely say in Mowbray's favour is that our changes look to be based on him doing thorough homework on the opposition. I don't think we've seen much evidence of that from any of our post-Big Sam managers, so from that point of view I don't mind him taking his 'reactive' approach, because at least he's doing it properly.

    • Like 2
  19. Just now, JoeHarvey said:

    Next five games:

    Luton Town (H)

    Nottingham Forest (H)

    QPR (A)

    Huddersfield Town (H) {On Sky}

    Birmingham City (A)


    Honestly based off of the Reading and Millwall performances, I’m expecting 11 points for the next 5. Would put us on 24 from 13 games.

    But what about you, 5 games, what can you see us picking up?

    I'd look at Luton & Hudds as the games that I'd probably 'expect' (dangerous in this league) to win.

    Forest & QPR are picking us results, and Brum have only lost once at home so far, albeit with some kind-ish fixtures. Four points from those three plus two wins from the winnable home games would mean 10 from 15, which is automatic promotion form, so I'd be very happy with that.


  20. Just now, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    As we've seen before the 3 at the back soon turns into 5 at back with Rovers. When you have two holding midfielders who play quite deep it then puts a lot of weight onto the shoulders of Dack and Holtby. It;s also a narrow way of playing, I don't know about Cunningham yet but Bennett isn't known for his crossing ability is he ? We'ii soon see what the plan is but I worry where the goals are going to come from. What I will say is football at this level has become a game like Rugby League were the strength of your bench is vital and your subs can win you the game. We should have a very strong bench at least. Our earlier marquee signing Downing doesn't even feature in that starting line up, neither does Armstrong or Brereton when he's fit. !

    Certainly hasn't really worked so far, but the more ball players we have the more likely it is to work as planned. Travis and Johnson both play forward and quicker than Evans and Smallwood do, so the issue of the ball dying in midfield goes. Having 2 from Dack/Holtby/Rothwell/Downing in front gives them more than one dangerous creative option, so it's not just a case of stopping Dack = stopping Rovers. Could still fall flat, but I think we're better equipped to play that system than we have been. Lack of goals from Gally could be a problem, to be sure. 

    Totally agree with the bench point. We're not there yet, but it's definitely a sign of progress that we have perfectly adequate Championship players who can't make the 18 when everyone's fit. 

  21. Just now, Mike E said:

    I feel like this is moving us into 343 (or 3421) territory, which sounds exciting but MUST be done correctly.

    I'm thinking:


            Lenihan Tosin Williams

    Bennett Travis Johnson Cunningham

                 Holtby        Dack


    Solid back 3, Bennett and Cunningham as wing backs rather than full backs (also allows for the pace of Nyambe and Bell later in games).

    Travis and Johnson to act as the complete engine room, harassing in midfield.

    Gally as the focal point if attack (targetman) with Holtby and Dack roaming behind.

    IF that is the plan, I think it can work well BUT will require defensive reinforcement in January imo.

    Trouble with a lot of three at the back systems is that they look good on paper without being as impressive on Saturdays, but I have to say I really like that. 

    Rothwell, Graham and Armstrong to come in should we make changes to how we play. A side that can cause anyone in this league problems.

    • Like 2
  22. 49 minutes ago, MarkBRFC said:

    I think it's the away form that will see us fall short of any top 6 aspirations.

    I can still see us being taken apart far too easily away from home unfortunately, as shown at WBA, anyone who attacks us with any sort of pace will still score regularly past us.

    Could well be right. Only thing I'd say at this point is that our away fixtures have been especially unkind, both who we've played and when we've played them. Not convinced that Fulham are going to be the real deal over 46 games, but playing a side with that attacking talent for their first home game was always going to be tricky. 

    Next four away are Reading, QPR, Brum & PNE. If we're being cut open in these games, then we should be worrying. 

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