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Posts posted by HowieFive0

  1. Just now, arbitro said:

    And any fans using direct debit to pay have had the payments suspended. I have a friend who has two tickets for their 100 club and he received several hundred pounds back from the club in lieu of the missed games. Burnley gave existing season ticket holders a choice of a refund or donating the money to their youth foundation.

    Correct ..my next door neighbour being one !

  2. 7 minutes ago, JHRover said:

    Burnley have sold thousands as they put them on sale back in February.

    I'm not sure what Luton has going for it that means they are willing and able to shift them for a dump like Kenilworth Road whilst we sit by and do nothing

    Still it should help with the self pity routine when Mowbray and Waggott can paint us as minnows pointing at small gates compared with everyone else.

    .that was before Covid ..

    This is Burnley s approach now ..Lets hope Luton haven't splurged all their cash from ST just in case refunds ae required.

    Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and the current social restrictions 2020/2021 season tickets have now been taken off sale until the club receives more information from the relevant authorities. 



  3. 6 hours ago, Stuart said:

    The “stupid protesters” were afraid of exactly what is happening to our club, happening.

    Shame not enough people cared then.

    These dark times ahead are where a loyal and committed fanbase would rally to support the club. Instead those same fans who snub, nay blame, the protests will likely just walk away: “Yer av aw-ways supported Stanley me. Born in Gret ‘Arwood ye know”.

    The Holy City ...get it right ..

  4. Just now, bluebruce said:

    I mean google can help if you're that curious, but:

    Amari'i Bell is back in first-team training, but Tony Mowbray doesn't expect he nor Tosin Adarabioyo to feature in Blackburn Rovers' final day fixture against Luton Town.

    Bell has been absent throughout Project Restart, nursing a muscle injury that has prevented him from featuring in the past eight matches.

    (20th July)



    • Like 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, phili said:

    That's his last season with us and our poor defence and coaching department.

    A good goalkeeping coach, good defenders infront of him and a manager who believes in him and doesn't critize him and we are seeing what a good keeper he can be. 

    The goalkeeping coach should take some of the blame then for the goal last night. Obviously all season Rayas starting position on set pieces has been similar and Fulham coaches highlighted this to their players prior to the game (Cairney confirmed this in his interview) and Parker was seen telling Bryan to hit that near post in his convo just prior to taking the free kick.

    • Like 2
  6. Fair play to Fulham . I think Cairney pointed out in his interview after the game that Raya was very "aggressive" at set pieces  and the Fulham staff had noticed this and told the Fulham players if you get chance hit his near post.  Footage of Parker telling Bryan to do exactly that on the touchline prior to taking the free kick  proves that.


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  7. Just now, JHRover said:

    I'm not necessarily talking about the most loyal. I'm talking also about those fans who aren't that bothered about going who after months of inertia from the club might just decide they are better off doing something else with their money. Once gone they aren't coming back.

    But also the regular renewers who go every season, as the economic damage increases from what is was in March and April more and more are likely going to be struggling for cash and be less willing to throw money Rovers way.

    So why throw cash at something like  Rovers now when we know the economic damage will increase and we re going to be struggling for cash ? Better keeping hold of our money now and seeing if what they offer is acceptable and affordable ..and workable !

    • Like 4
  8. Just now, K-Hod said:

    Disconnection with the supporter base, through a lack of engagement?

    From a purely financial point of view, it seems crazy that if you’ve got fans that are willing to pay money, why on earth wouldn’t the club want to take it? 

    But then K-Hod getting accused of not delivering on  what they proposed if the "scenarios" put forward doesnt materialise and people have coughed up the money??

    Damned if they do ..damned if they dont this Club as we well know. They got a bit of a slating when they introduced the cardboard cut out scheme ...people saying how dare they when  ST refunds werent on the table . 

    Imagine what fans will be spewing if  stuck with iFollow after shelling out 350 quid  when fans arent let back in for whatever reason..


    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, roversfan99 said:

    If they brought out a product, listed the potential situations/scenarios that could arise, for example ifollow links if up to a certain number of games are played behind closed doors and then they can be allowed in later in the season. Or doomsday, its behind closed doors all season, the payment covers the season after, then that would surely work?

    It could also been mentioned that at the moment there is a lack of clarity around facilities, (Concourses etc) a likely inability to have designated seats/stands then people arent under any illusions.

    The worst thing that could happen would be that due to the uncertainty, no one takes them up on the offer. You would then be proved right. And what harm would be done even if that happened? Nothing. But there are people that would take it, as we have seen on here and as I have shown with screenshots from elsewhere.

    It is NOT the same as asking for a donation because there ARE various ways in which fans could be rewarded for the payment. It is not just sticking a few hundred quid into the clubs account. You are getting to see games however it is possible as things unfold.

    And if a car company or a TV company proposed that, they wouldnt get ANY offers because the situations are totally different, those companies wouldnt have a customer base desperate to help, and there wouldnt be a possible alternative (ifollow links, payments deferred to cover following seasons etc) like there would be in this instance.

    I have seen mentioned comments suggesting that the club "cant win" with reference to complaints about last season. The problem is that the season ticket situation for last season was retrospective, fans DIDNT go into the season expecting what has happened to happen, nobody did, but the club went with a fairly unusual (considering the way most Championship clubs tackled it) one size fits all policy regarding remuneration. If fans bought one for this season, they would know and expect things to change, they know the situation in advance.

    But ..with so many scenarios ..at the moment the club has no idea what scenarios there actually could be until the Govt makes a decision on letting fans back in and in what numbers ? So surely best to simply wait. 

    Its a different world today RF99 ..the days of just religiously signing up every season without sometimes batting an eyelid have gone im afraid...regardless of what situation our beloved Rovers are in ..theres a bigger picture for a lot of people to actually consider.

  10. 7 minutes ago, roversfan99 said:

    But surely if suppporters WANT to support the club financially by giving them money and are not only willing but able, it should be encouraged by the club itself? 

    There can be provisions dependant on different scenarios that might play out, even if the worst case scenario is a deferred season ticket for the season after, which still has boosted the clubs cash flow at a time of need. The supporters know that the situation is unclear, but the willingness is still there

    Even if your stance is that it is morally wrong should the club do that, which i dont really get, surely you dont think it is that rather than a simple lack of proactivity that has prevented it?

    Again RF99 ..nothing stopping those WANTING to or in a financial position to  make a donation to the club if happy to and they think its for the good of the club . By buying something that may not exist and the reluctance for refunds over four games last season  anyone signing up to a ST right now are running the risk of "donating" 350 quid. So go ahead give the club the money.

    As for the moral stance maybe the club is or aint thinking that way who knows .

    The logistics of also fitting in 8500 ST into the ground isnt straight forward either. People WILL have to swap seats if not stands ..lots of people sat towards the ends of possibly four stands with views that arent the best because people may have to sit say three to four seats apart on a row and possibly the club may have to miss a row out every other row backwards to so call social distance .There will be a lot not willing to sign up for this and quite rightly are awaiting just to see how the hell seating arrangements will work before  paying up front.

    The question is would people hand over money for say a new car or T.V. only to be told sorry its doesnt exist at the moment and if it doesnt materialise you could lose your money ..but thank you all the same..? A ST is after all an actual product.


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  11. Just now, JHRover said:

    So are you agreeing that in failing to offer a refund option, and callously suggesting that any fan asking for one would be putting the club at risk of oblivion, that we have harmed our sales potential for next season?

    I'm still struggling with the logic that Luton, in their ramshackle little stadium where distancing will be a bigger challenge than at Ewood and who didn't know their league status until last week, can manage to sell 6500 season tickets in the face of Covid 19 uncertainty and yet there isn't a good reason for us to at least try and sell some.

    Of course there should have been an option for a refund...or the nine games on ifollow.

    I wasnt interested in the refund ..i chose in my own head the ifollow will do for the remainder of the season ..and id two ST holder in the householder so lost out twice if i wanted to think that way. But do i want to cough up 700 quid for two season tickets now and get lumbered with an iFollow package ? No ..if i want just iFollow id buy it and not bother attending games!

    The bottom line is there is no product to buy. Doesnt mean i wont buy one !

    Will you get to sit in the stand you want ? Will you get to/be allowed  to sit with friends  ? Sit with family ? how can all these questions be answered until the club know the situation in hand and work out a system ?

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  12. 22 minutes ago, JHRover said:

    £250 was an average figure spread across adults and concessions. I suspect the average price paid at Ewood is around that figure.

    Another question then. Why have Luton Town been able to maintain sales numbers despite Covid 19 and all the uncertainty whilst we are likely to face a significant fall in numbers?

    Maybe because Luton ST holders got a refund for last season they have more faith in putting their money back in on the understanding they will again get a refund for games not attended.


    Meanwhile ..we didnt have that option yet some are asking to throw the club 350 quid with no idea what they get for that or will ever see it again if the season is a non starter for attending supporters.

  13. 3 minutes ago, chaddyrovers said:

    Cos see Wigan going to CAS which would throw the football season into total chaos. Do Wigan want to responsible for that? Plus it still doesn't help Wigan financial as their wage bill is still too high and still no owners yet

    But surely staying in the Championship makes Wigan a more desirable club to buy ???


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  14. 13 hours ago, Mattyblue said:

    Funny you mention anniversaries, it’s our 150th in 2025.

    I look back to the 125th, when we were also a Championship club, yet that’s where the similarities with the present set up ends. The team played in a special vintage kit against Wolves that you could buy, there were commemorative books, a parade of legendary players from pre war to some of the title winning side, etc etc.

    150 years for a founder member and a club with such a rich heritage should mean an even bigger effort, a real occasion. But does anybody expect anything apart from maybe a banner on the big screen?

    I can cope with an average team, that’s football, it’s the neglect that really saddens me.

    Bloody hell Matty !! Some of us  may not even be here in Five ??! years ..crikey !

    Lets see if 2020/21 kicks off first ..

  15. 49 minutes ago, roversfan99 said:

    But some people seem to genuinely want to "help" the club.

    It doesnt have to even be marketed as a season ticket but as long as the terms of any purchase are clearly outlined then I dont think it can be considered "exploitative." 

    You mention the prospect of potentially having to pay that money back but that doesnt need to be the case. They have the leverage of ifollow links to be used assuming that only a proportion of the season is behind closed doors. They also have the potential to defer the season ticket until the following season in a worst case scenario which is still beneficial to cash flow.

    Yes the club are cash strapped ..like most clubs outside the PL but maybe ..just maybe  the club are looking at the bigger picture for once with  a moral outlook  ie ..the area is cash strapped ..a potential full lockdown may be in the offing ..how can we ask these people to part with cash for something we dont even know how its going to work  or even if it will  exist ??

    Morally alone ..now is really not the time...maybe the club is putting the fans first 

    Again ..people who  want to help the club out in a financial way  ..set up a fund ... donate ...  maybe contact the club about buying shares .. ? This is Hibs ..


  16. 1 minute ago, Tugayisgod said:

    Wasn't aware we were being asked to sign up for anything yet. The last I heard was in the Telegraph a couple of days ago when no decision had been made. 

    All I know is I will be signing up when it is made, this is my club and its worth more than a few quid in my back pocket., especially in the current climate. 

    Exactly ..nothing to sign upto ..but people clamouring for something that doesnt exist ..wanting it now now now ..when the current climate doesnt accomodate that ..

  17. Just now, Mattyblue said:

    You pissed?

    Obviously they exist, there’s posts on this very thread. But if you think there’s also widespread outrage in the fanbase over ifollow, fair enough. But not the impression I got.

    Pissed ? cheers for that wish i was !

    But YOU did say real  life  ..which infers everything on this forum here is ..isnt real life ...cmon Matty ..better than that ...i think !. The outrage wasnt IFollow ..it was the fact there was no refunds to those that wanted it .

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