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Posts posted by HowieFive0

  1. 18 minutes ago, Stuart said:

    Plus another clean sheet for the man Mowbray couldn’t get a tune out of (because of loyalty to his other favourite Ben) and 5 points off the top.

    Put the 10 outfield players at Brentford in front of Walton and im sure Walton would be polishing his nails mid game with a clean sheet behind him !

  2. 15 minutes ago, JHRover said:

    We will get plenty of chances to get back ahead of Cardiff, including when we go there, so not too worried about them winning. We need to focus on doing the business against bottom third teams this next 10 days.

    Top v Bottom now out of the window. Just as playing at home is already proving.

    No form guide ..teams are now on a more  level playing field.

    Expect many so called strange results..eight game tournament now !

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, RevidgeBlue said:

    It was more a case of I didn't know if I automatically had some sort of my Rovers account as a ST holder and didn't know where to look.

    I assume that if like me you had never had any need to make any online purchases you won't have one.  I managed to check this by putting in my e-mail address and usual password into the log in section and it said the e-mail address wasn't recognised.

    Go to Rovers.co.uk and click on the drop down menu options square in the top right hand corner of the screen. Select "My account" at the bottom of the drop down options and register for a new account giving all your personal details. (I kept having to redo this as my computer was selecting autofill options and putting the wrong things in the wrong boxes.)

    When you've put your e - mail address in and completed the registration Rovers will send you an e-mail with a link which you have to click on to activate your account. You then have to update your account preferences and the final step is to click on a '"link account" tab to connect the new account you've just created to your season ticket. If you've done it right your ST number should come up on screen.

    I did all this on Wednesday afternoon but haven't received a code as yet.

    Apologies for boring all the techies.

    Get on the blower Rev ..as i said in an earlier post some Championship clubs are sending out codes via SMS text to those with no email .


  4. Ive received my code so no problem ..im just hoping that the idea behind setting a deadline of Tuesday followed by codes mailed Thursday is so that it gives the Fans who ve not met the deadline (no Email registered /always paid cash at the office) and the Club all Friday possibly Saturday morning to sort out maybe via phone.

    I have noticed some other clubs who ve done exactly the same as Rovers deadline wise have said that any fans who have bought season tickets but no email registered with the club will be sent codes by SMS Text message. Heres hoping alls not lost for those in this predicament who do want the iFollow package.


  5. 2 hours ago, Stuart said:

    This just sounds dodgier and dodgier. Just when you think think they can’t stoop any lower.

    I guess this deadline will just add to the number of people out of pocket and demanding refunds and/or not renewing in future.

    “Stick with us through these unprecedented times” even though we won’t stick with you.

    To be fair Stuart this seems to be the procedure across all EFL clubs ..and not just Rovers..a quick flick through a few club sites and and they all seem to need an email linked to your season ticket and have deadlines set.

    The "advantages" of a paper free world ..sigh ..

  6. 19 minutes ago, JoeH said:

    EFL servers will be overrun. Looking at over a 1000% increase in usage on their platform nationwide across all 72 clubs. Depends if they've prepared properly.

    Well with League One and Two not continuing that takes all their games out of the equation plus a lot of the Championship games are  staggered kick offs/days ..im presuming thats to maybe help with the  burden of iFollow maybe getting swamped.

    Again only the Championship to worry about should really not be a problem ...he says!!

  7. 9 hours ago, JHRover said:

    I've tried multiple times to register or login to My Rovers using that link and no matter what I do it claims the email address is invalid (it isnt because I use it every day and havent changed it in years). There are no spelling mistakes.

    Anyone else experience similar?

    Are you typing in your email or pasting?

    Found that some login sites dont recognise an email if pasted/copied. Try typing in your email and same for the confirm email .

  8. 1 hour ago, RevidgeBlue said:

    They haven't said specifically they are allowing refunds, they have only said that they would prefer it if people didn't take them. They've then attempted to guilt trip everyone with the "We won't have enough money to be competitive if everyone asks for a refund" line.

    We know all this and I would never have dreamed of asking for a refund personally.  However there will be some who would have preferred a refund and I think this is absolutely atrocious customer service from the Club.

    They should have offered a range of options similar to Derby and specifically acknowledged that they realised some supporters would still want a refund and that any such requests would be met by a prompt no quibble response.

    We don't know yet either whether any actual requests for refunds will be met with a prompt cheery response, a refusal or a protracted dragging out which will be like getting blood out of a stone. Either of the latter two would be absolutely disastrous for Club/fan relations.

    You really do wonder what Waggott does to justify his salary. Any old mug could just sit there and test the loyalty of an ever dwindling hardcore by charging them the maximum they think they can get away with. Actually trying to entice more fans into the ground requires a bit more ingenuity and thought. Actions speak louder than words and the longer he is here the less impressed you become whether it is in the form of yet another disastrous transfer window or unimaginative interaction with the fanbase.

    Well at 4-23pm today ..i got a prompt apologetic response off the nice lady at Rovers that there will be no refunds for my sons Adult ST with two of us from the same household not requiring iFollow.

    Now whether they relent if theres a mass cry for refunds ..but like you and many more i wont personally be seeking a refund...although thats not theissue here .a refund should be on the table for those ..for whatever reason ..require it.


  9. Quick phone call to Rovers ..definetely NO refunds.. "trying our best to recover as quick as possible " (at this moment in time anyway)

    Mentioned the fact Two householders having season tickets ..told ..the situation doesnt suit everyone and they appreciate that .. although myself and my son can have different iFollow codes to watch on different devices  

    phone no. 01254 372000 if anyone wants to ring themselves ..

    • Like 2
  10. 1 minute ago, JHRover said:

    It also implies that the club's future is not secure and that refunds would potentially put the club at risk.

    So much for kind generous billionaires who care deeply and never say no to writing a cheque.

    Club isnt at risk through bad management, obscene debts or an astronomical wage bill but is at risk if fans ask for some money back which they should be entitled to.

    Pretty slimy and underhand stuff here from Waggott.

    Very much a 'them and us' mentality.

    Players are great for agreeing a temporary deferral on mega money wages but evil fans wrong for expecting their money back to help pay bills.

    Quite sick really.

    Business speak ..same with every large business that makes redundancies/pay cuts  spew out. Taken with a pinch of salt because as you say ..we re owned by billionaires allegedly.

    And by the way i do agree with what you say .. not acting as a Football family and alienating the fans hoping to bamboozle them with a poorly worded and pulling on the loyalty heartstrings in the hope that many dont ask for the refund ..which they are entitled to get and will im sure.

  11.  In order to safeguard the future of the club, we would ask supporters to stand with us and not request cash refunds, which will ensure the club remains on the strongest financial footing possible in order to work towards our collective goals as #OneRoversTogether.

    Reading that ..it does sound like there IS an option of a refund ..just the club asking fans not request cash refunds for the future of the club. 

    Very vague and badly worded ..a series of available options to ST Holders ..even if theres  only Two ! would have  been so much easier and clearer than the statement put out today.

    Im a ST holder and will take up the iFollow option although my son who lives with us is also a ST Holder too (Adult)  so wouldnt blame him in the slightest if he asked for a refund...whats the point of two iFollow accounts for two people of the same family/household.

    (Unless my son is not allowed into his own living room by Rovers whilst i watch the game !!!)


  12. Talking of atmosphere at our games ..anyone else remember when the club piped in crowd noise and songs through the tannoys during a game or two ? Late 80s possibly early 90s ...that went down like a lead balloon amongst those that were actually there. Crowd just booing instead of making their own noise!

    At least Waggott hasnt resorted to ridiculous ideas like that ..although after Sky have been doing it for their TV broadcasts ...anythings possible at future games in stadiums .

  13. 1 minute ago, Stuart said:

    Wouldn’t be surprised if the broadcast was ‘just behind live’ or even delayed up to a minute for that reason: to mute... inconsiderate language.

    I bloody hope not ..nowt worse than Bet 365 ..a mate ..or worse still a dingle mate texts you to tell you your already one down !!

  14. 1 hour ago, Stuart said:

    All 9 games free on iFollow for ST holders.

    So £90 of “value”.


    i suppose it equates to four home game tickets so reasonable. No sign of a refund yet for those unable/unwilling to watch through iFollow.

    Two season ticket holders in our household too ..may seem a daft question but is iFollow only available through a PC/Tablet/Phone or is it possible to stream via a Smart TV ? Or maybe cast from a device to a Smart TV ?

  15. Just now, Ossydave said:

    Not even saying I agree with the 5 subs, I was merely commenting on the fitness issue....

    Sorry Dave if thats how i came across ..apologies. Fitness wise all teams starting at the same level ..all been monitored through the break not like Summer were players do and eat what they like with no monitoring. Im sure there will be injuries but as a sport that adds to the drama of a season ..i just think that being able to rotate five players and basically cover every injury/sending off For and Against tactically detracts from the game. 

    Lets put it this way if this was a rule in USA soccer ...and muted to be introduced here ...im damn sure everyone would be knocking it sideways .

  16. Just now, Ossydave said:

    Theres a massive difference between being in decent shape and being match fit. It's a while to have been not playing competitive football, agreed it's not quite pre season but still.

    So lets take away the unpredictablity  from a game because we dont want players injured ?? All seen it ..keeper gets injured and we all shout .."They ve used all their subs!!. ..oh wait they ve still two more to go ..." ..Its a tactical game ..you ve three replacements to use ..sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt ..not we ve used three ..not worked ..lets try two more ..til it does work .Again ..gives managers to even correct their subs ! Crazy.

    Why do we not win on our footie coupon Dave ..? Because of unpredictable situations ..introduce five subs ..you start to take that away in a big way .And only teams in depth will benefit. You may have best the eleven starting every week but not a lot on the bench  but when you ve to play 16 fresh  decent players you re going to get done at some point.

  17. 34 minutes ago, RevidgeBlue said:

    I don't think there's any absolute right or wrong opinion on this, on balance it seems to me to be an entirely sensible move to try and protect players from muscle injuries following a curtailed "pre season" .

    And that the benefit far outweighs any potential unfairness. 

    Give over ..these players have had ten week to keep fit ... monitored by the club ..not gallivanting in Ibiza for three weeks....nothing like a pre season at all. They all knew they would be coming back at some point ..ok ..why not in future allow the first ten games of the season you can use five subs ..because they re coming back from pre season and protect the players from injury ?  Dear oh dear ..


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