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Posts posted by HowieFive0

  1. 49 minutes ago, JHRover said:

    It isn't outside their control to have a ground in their own city. Everyone else manages it including non League clubs who would love to swap positions.

    Better scrap all Man Utd s honours then seeing as they play in the city of  Salford and not  Manchester! And Arsenal dicing with death eleven miles from Woolwich..

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, roversfan99 said:

    Your theory on wages is somewhat hypothetical although backed up by the chairman saying that he partly turned down Charlton for financial reasons. Why is that an any way a negative or a reason to doubt his personality? Everyone is somewhat driven by money, why would he not wait out for more money if he could get it? Doesn't mean he is a bad egg, that he wont put in the effort or that he wont perform.

    Why had no one else taken a "punt" on Dack before we did? You could apply that logic to every player, ultimately there will be a series of reasons, the chairman there has been stubborn regarding the clause in his contract being paid in full as is his right, so perhaps a big thing was simply financial and indeed Hull seemingly could only afford him on a loan deal.

    The only reasonable evidence given has been that he wanted more money which is not evidence at all.

    Not only Charlton but Brum ..

    Speaking on his YouTube channel [as cited by the Birmingham Mail] about the Blues’ link with the midfielder, Peterborough chairman Darragh MacAnthony said: “Birmingham came back with a second offer (on January 18) and we felt at that stage that he’d definitely go as Marcus told me himself he’s definitely go to Birmingham.

    “But then it came down to money and he didn’t want to go there.

    “His agents dragged it out, he dragged it out and it wasn’t happening.

    MacAnthony later revealed: “The Birmingham thing dragged on and eventually they pulled out because obviously they got tired of the nonsense and I don’t blame them for that.”

    Anyway enough of Maddison you don't know ..I don't know  ..don't take this personal but when you get on a subject Roversfan99 ..it tends to go on n on n on for days ...and im sure everyone else has had enough Marcus so ill shut up now !.?

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, roversfan99 said:

    Its all assumptions and suggestions, nothing concrete, he may have a bad attitude but I have seen no evidence of this. That article is 6 years old and he his saying that he has knuckled down, which I suppose is evident considering he has been scoring and assisting with regularity since.

    For example, the owner suggesting that the player rejected Charlton due to locational and financial reasons is in no way suggestive of a bad attitude yet "what the owner has said" is now being taken as gospel proof of a bad attitude, and whenever I question where he has actually said this, no clarity is offered!

    I just think people are trying to desperately justify not signing him, I am not necessarily saying we definitely should have got him but his record and his affordability made it very much worth a lool.

    There is also additional hypocrisy considering our best signing under Mowbray was facing a court case and had big questions about his attitude. Sometimes these gambles pay off.

    Not disagreeing in general .But ..when the same rumours circulate around a footballer then you do start to think those behind the scenes know more than we possibly do. 

    Apparantly he f*cked Brum about for more money after telling the Peterboro chairman that he wanted to join them.Then low and behold he ends up at Hull who just happen to have £22M burning a hole in their pocket and probably secured him on on quite large wages which most of the Championship couldn't afford. 

    Also begs the question why no one else previous to this has taken a punt on him ..being a player that's been touted as a very decent footballer for quite a few seasons now.

  4. 14 hours ago, roversfan99 said:

    Still no quotes about him having a bad attitude.

    One thing I have noticed though is that this bad attitude tag is something not only mentioned on here. Birmingham fans after he messed them about over a move said they d dodged a bullet and Sunderland fans when both linked with him raised the bad attiude tag. Even Peterboro fans quote the same thing and a quick google of Peterboro leads to the Peterborough Telegragh even running a headline ..

    Peterborough United star Marcus Maddison: ‘A genius and a great entertainer, or an out-of-form player with a bad attitude’

    Peterborough United star Marcus Maddison is a ‘genius’ to some Posh fans, to others he’s an out-of-form player with a bad attitude.

    Makes you think theres something not just 100 percent about Maddison

    Probably not been helped by this either .. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/30136476

  5. 2 hours ago, JHRover said:

    Realistically we are going to have to pull at least a couple of unexpected wins out of the bag against the sides above us or in games we would usually embrace a point in.

    I'm talking Leeds, West Brom, Bristol City at home, Brentford, Cardiff and Derby away - tough fixtures. Mid table sides would happily take draws from those - promotion winners need a few wins.

    The facts are that apart from WBA (at the moment) any side in that league can beat each other. We were giving TM a right panning when we lost was it four on the bounce? But look at how many other teams  have done the same if not worse. Even WBA til recently had only won one in eight. Absolutely wide open are the Play Off spots.

    All the teams above bar WBA are making a real hash of securing a top Six place and I think this uncertainty in who will actually get in the Play Offs (maybe even automatic second place ) will continue right til the final games.

    Anyone doing the Sky Sports Soccer Six game when the games are Championship matches must realise just how un bloody predictable this League is!


    • Like 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, Mattyblue said:

    It’s a mindset thing. £99 for 6 makes it £16.50 a game in the Blackburn End instead of £22-£25. (£25-£28 with the surcharge). So a no brainer, in theory.

    But a lot of the kind of fans that buy on the day only ever buy game by game. They just fancy taking in a game some weeks. They wouldn’t dream of paying £100-£150 in one do for 6 games, even if it makes financial sense.

    Look at the fact Waggott has admitted the surcharge hasn’t really dented the amount of folk that just rock up with an hour til KO.

    So basically we re at a flatline with Rovers fans . Wont go up much wont go down..without ridiculously cheap prices via season tickets or one off ticket games  which the club cant sustain.

    Rock n a hard place.

    ill say what ive always said ..you need to to get the kids.


  7. Just now, Mattyblue said:

    Fall out? Just chewing the fat, no?

    In theory a 6 game bundle would do as you say, but the FF minutes show they only ever sell in minuscule numbers, probably because those inclined for paying decent money up front already have.

    Only time they may sell well would be if we were flying towards promotion.

    Well the club has tried and have reduced prices in some way. How it works out who knows .

    Imagine taking four non committal  footballing mates onto Ewood  v Oxford then inviting them back with 12000 on  ..they d be after doing you under the trade description act ! They d run a mile next invite! Its a fine line I know this.


  8. Just now, Mattyblue said:

    I want the ground fuller with Rovers fans, so a bit of a daft comment.

    Increase ST sales (full ST), increase crowds, end of. Our crowds have always been ST heavy. Our average crowd waxes and wanes with how many STs get sold each summer.

    Nothing will particularly change whilst we are second division mid table. The only solution is slash prices on the back of a promising season/summer of transfers, so riding the wave of a bit of momentum and goodwill or be challenging for/get promoted.

    £350-£500 STs. £100-£140 6 game bundles for a side treading water in the EFL year in year out just won’t pull folk in. But if a £10 game creates a bit of atmosphere and fills some seats for once, what’s the problem?


    Its not a problem ..but its as you say a one off game ..again that's if we ve not gone and lost three on the bounce and people don't have better things to do or are away at Easter ...or God forbid Sky make it an evening KO because WBA are flying .

     Personally ..my own view ..is that reducing six games to 16 quid (and fucking hopefully wining a few !) gets those that buy in to at least get the bug and consider (as you rightly say ) a  reasonably priced season ticket next season.

    BTW Matty im seriously not falling out with you over this ..I do see the benefits of a ten quid game but I just think its a short term solution 

  9. Just now, Mattyblue said:

    So? It was still great to see the ground much fuller than it would’ve been otherwise for the Wigan game.

    Why are Charlton bothering tomorrow?

    Yes a one off game Matty but isn't the idea to get fans back on a regular basis ? 

    Why don't we give Leeds the whole Darwen end and Riverside for a fiver if you want to see the ground  fuller Matty ? More chance of them doing it than Rovers fans !

    The one off Oxford game (a celebration) didn't  get thousands back on board the following season. 

    Got to get people back on a regular basis not some one off game. Get the bug ..not a one off piss up and forgotten in a haze.

  10. 2 minutes ago, MarkBRFC said:

    Well we'll see.

    History proves £10 games have an impact on attendances, and history also proves that these 8/6/4 game bundles have no impact at all.

    But history also proves that a one off game at £10 makes no impact on future attendances.


  11. Just now, MarkBRFC said:

    If you have £100 you can spare, or say £250 for a family then yes, but I'd wager people who wanted to make a big outlay in one go are already season ticket/half season ticket holders.

    Plus its quite possible that half of those games will be available on TV.

    WBA on easter Monday for £10 a ticket is much more attractive to the floating fan, or fan who cant make that commitment to get to Ewood all the time. 

    And if our season is over by Easter Monday ?  and its Easter ..a lot of the floating fans (and season ticket holders come to think of it !) tend to do "things" at Easter.

    This aint no "Oxford " game ..

    Besides .I thought the idea was to try and entice people back on a regular basis..ie try and get them back in the groove  ..rather than just  a one off game .

  12. 25 minutes ago, Mattyblue said:

    Super 6 ticket launched again. They never sell, but they keep on doing it. Though I suppose at £99 to £140 it’s a quarter season ticket, in reality, with prices extrapolating between £380 and £530 if a full season ticket.

    Make West Brom a £10 on Easter Monday would be a much better idea, but there you go.


    £99 quid for an Adults in the Blackburn End ..£16-50 a ticket ….cant argue with that ...surely …??  £55 18-25 yrs !    £30 12-17 yrs  and £22 0-11 yrs !... beats a one off game for a tenner in my eyes 

    • Like 1
  13. Just now, Stuart said:

    The thing is, if we can only expect midtable then yes it’s a good point.

    But if we aren’t trying to get into that top 6 then what is the point of the rest of the season.

    We are almost bang on WDL form. It’s not enough.

    Cmon Stuart a little credit due.  Top of the form table after the last 12 games ..we re making a fist of it . As pointed out yesterday WBA had no wins in 7 ..

  14. 1 minute ago, Blue blood said:

    Disagree. Think Walton gets a lot of praise when he has done well (Wigan sticks in my mind.) He also gets a lot of stick when he does badly. 

    Perhaps there would be more patience if he were a long term project but as it's a season long loan we need him consistently good now. 

    As for the game didn't follow so can't massive comment. That said it seems to sum up our season - initially looking like a very promising score but ends up merely a decent result. 


    Agree regarding Walton ..at the end of the day he plays in a position where every save ..every error is crucial. Again ..theres no great keepers in this league ..upto the ten in front to make sure hes not put under constant pressure

    Now if he d done a Raya like Raya did today ...point proven ..no great keepers.

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