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Posts posted by HowieFive0

  1. 2 minutes ago, JoeH said:

    Nobbers aren't miles off a sell-out now aren't they? Probably a case of, they're not now expecting a bunch of PNE fans in the home end because they got the lower tier they wanted... maybe?

    ..or hoping Nobbers fans DO sell out and DO  buy tickets for other parts of the ground ..

  2. 1 hour ago, Sparks Rover said:

    Close the Blackburn End?????☹

    May as well just shut up shop if that was to happen.

    Quickest way to cut gates even more because a lot in BBurn End will not move into the JW.

    Im hoping it was a tongue in cheek suggestion from PK ..which now .. I think it was !

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Vilesinner said:

    He is Number 1 choice for my N Ireland country, and a better keeper than the MM the replaced. He is a young keeper ever improving.

    This maybe so and good luck to the lad but unfortunately hes no improvement on who we have/had.

    Ive said before the pedigree of keepers in our football must be at an all time low. Even Englands  no.1 (Pickford ) is so mediocre. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Ricky said:

    Didn’t Bellamy get the boot from Cardiff for bullying youth team players?


    2 hours ago, Ricky said:

    Didn’t Bellamy get the boot from Cardiff for bullying youth team players?

    As I said his thoughts as a youngster trying to make a go of it are quite fascinating .. maybe they don't sit too well in this "Comfortable World " that's being created at the moment. 

    Im sure the so called bullying tactics Bellamy is allegedly supposed to have used would not be uncommon at most most clubs but hey different world now...

    Didn't stop Vincent Kompany offering him a coaching job at Anderlecht ..and I think most will agree Kompany would be a good judge of character and how he wants  his coach to act ..coach etc ..and wouldn't touch Bellamy with a barge pole if his way of working was absolutely wayward. And no way Anderlecht would even offer a contract to someone who has crossed a line in coaching.

    In this day and age you cant raise your voice at a youngster without the possibility of parents getting involved ..and this comes from someone whos brother is a Head Coach at a top swimming club.

    There are lines that should not be crossed ..ever ..but those lines are increasingly being shortened and yet parents .. clubs whatever ..want top mentality hardened physically top drawer coaching without kids being called to task or criticised.

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, david brent said:

    Good to see Barrow being referred to as a lancs club. This “Cumbria” nonsense annoys me! I’ve always looked out for their results and will be great to see them hopefully return to the football league. 

    In fact Barrow are 1 of 5 teams in the top 5 divisions who have the lancs red rose on their current badge....... 

    Rovers Man City Bolton Barrow (which I never knew thank you ) and ..?

    • Like 2
  6. Have a listen to this (those who haven't) ..Craig Bellamy talking about his career with Jaime Carragher. Excellent listen. Bellamys views on young players and how he thought as a youngster are fascinating and highlights those that do and those that don't make it as footballers. Its just as much about mental than physical ability.

    Also his views on Rovers too ..how he was adamant he was not going to Rovers but did to use us to put himself in the window  for a bigger better club ...money talks ? For those that don't have Spotify I think the podcast is available on other platforms ..its called The Greatest Game With Jaime Carragher  episode 7


  7. My word this sudden protective bubble that players suddenly seem to get  and then all blame  put on the manager is ridiculous. A player has a bad game he ll get slated by fans end of. It goes with the territory. 

    Keith Andrews got panned for three seasons by fans and still does ! ..but I never remember anyone defending him by blaming Paul Ince for signing him  or Big Sam for keep playing him. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

    The alarm bells were ringing for me regarding the Gallagher signing when I had a look at what he'd done since leaving Ewood. It doesn't amount to much at all. I said at the time there must be better players out there for £5 million. The best we could expect from him in the future is to turn him into a Kevin Davies at Bolton style striker. One who doesn't score a lot of goals himself but creates chaos that other players can take advantage of. I can't see that happening under the current management team.

    To be honest TS after watching him this season and especially yesterdays game I think hes already that type of player. The lad whatever people think about him does give 100 percent i'll give him that ..the chaos unfortunately comes about because he's not brilliant on the ball. Opposition do get thrown by this but unfortunately we don't have that instinctive goal poacher on his shoulder to nip in and tuck away the loose balls that do come about. The silly episode in the first half highlighted it ..Gallagher does the hard work then we contrive to somehow between three players balls it up from three yards out! Brum found him a handful yesterday and didn't cope well  at all and on another we d have probably (more so should have !) scored 3-4.

    Again cant knock his work rate and putting himself about  but we lack that  striker to take advantage.

  9. 5 hours ago, Stuart said:

    This is simply untrue. The Charlton game was where Mowbray decided not to go for first place and instead to meddle.

    He dropped Graham, Dack, Bennett, Williams, Conway and Raya, and brought in Samuel, Payne, Bell, Caddis(!), Downing and Leutwiler (!!).

    Our luck didn’t run out, Mowbray brought in too many inferior players and rested (?) his best ones at a time when they only had two games of the season left and should have been well up for it.

    Such a big build up was made about that game as well, screens at Ewood and the concourse happy to take coin from the fans, and he did that. Football is about moments. Yes, we were promoted but once that was done instead of “trying to win the League One title” Mowbray decided he had done enough. He should have personally reimbursed the match ticket of every fan that travelled.

    Mowbray made six changes at weekend from a team unbeaten in five ? and people kicked off and said he d picked an inferior team and should walk ..look how that turned out !

    All ifs and buts ..

    • Like 6
  10. Just now, magicalmortensleftpeg said:

    Crowing and baiting?

    It was just a joke. Not trying to point score. I wanted Mowbray gone 3 weeks ago. I don’t think anyone thought he could turn it around.

    Watched some of the full highlights this morning. We looked so assured in possession. Can’t remember us ever looking so comfortable holding on to a lead in the last 10 mins.


    My thoughts exactly! Usually its stream off tv off radio off phone off BRFCS off (which isn't a bad thing sometimes !) with us going into the final minutes of a game in the lead! But yesterday no fears whatsoever..very composed and assured.

    Bristol did have chances but so did we and you d expect the home side to have their moments...but we weathered the storm and picked them off ..great performance and now another headache (albeit a good one !) for TM come the Wigan game.

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