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Posts posted by HowieFive0

  1. 16 hours ago, darrenrover said:

    I personally wouldn't care.

    If a tenner a ticket fills the ground with an additional 15,000 pie scoffers, I'd happily dodge a swinging pie holder in compensation for a bouncing Ewood Park atmosphere. What would be thought of those in The Longside in the late seventies/early eighties when you had to dodge all sorts.

    Let's fill the ground and stop whinging.

    Ive said it before on here and ill say it again ..want to increase attendances ? ...charge 25 quid ....put a free bar on 1-15pm to 2-45pm ..people can order only two drinks at once but by all means queue up again . Do it on three Saturday home games ..one week BBE then JW then Riverside. No swapping Season tickets to other parts of the ground ..keep it fair.

    It would  guarantee an increase of 2000-3000 each week if not more and bloody better atmosphere more akin to an Away game. If its anything that people want its something for nothing and more so when alcohol involved (sadly) Yes it is sad having to get people in for other things rather than the football but the beauty of an Away game is simply have a good day on the pi55 and football second for a lot of people.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, unsall said:

    You’ve obviously not been in blues bar for a while, food is reasonably priced, match day experience is really buzzing, but hardly anyone goes in during the week, seems pretty sensible to only open on match days and functions.

    Its also been fully refurbished to a high standard and looks very well.

    Also told that plans are afoot to refurbish the Darwen end lounge and open as a Mediterranean restaurant opening every day.

    The concourses have been revamped and they are refurbishing all the lounges.

    The person telling me this is  very much involved in the club who said they have realised that not much has been done in the last 25 years to upgrade everything as the ground is getting a little tired. 

    Believe also a soft drinks bar ( no alcohol) is also in the pipeline in one of the smaller lounges.

    This is all done as a joint venture with Rovers and the new catering partner Sodexo.

    And believe it or not the plans are still there re the riverside stand inc a hotel, but that is definitely only going to happen if we return to the premier league.

    Going back to Blues bar, the atmosphere on match days is brilliant, before and after the game and many times you struggle to get in because it’s packed.

    Understand  you going on about Stanley, but you can’t compare the two clubs and facilities , overheads etc. Personally think the management deserves a little credit instead of negative stuff.


    Completely agree ..the people on here calling this a travesty and the clubs fault ..how many times did they actually go to the Blues Bar mid week ? Lots of local pubs are struggling mid week nevermind one stuck in a footie ground . a lot of pubs don't even open Mondays.

    Theres very little around the Blues Bar  pub wise to make a pub crawl of it and could completely understand if it was simply kept open say on a Friday night with maybe a band on .

    And this Stanley love in ..yes great ideas ..but lets not forget Stanley have a  limited capacity of  around 5500 and are more than willing to give three quarters of the ground to away support. That's their only way to survive and  I maybe wrong but I think Andy Holt has already said they ve lost 145 grand already. 

    Meanwhile we re up in arms whether away support should be in Lower or Upper tier ..

    I get people on here within reason  hate Waggott ..hate Mowbray even (some cant even post without an Anti Mowbray comment..you know who you are ..).. but come on ..lets not tag everything onto them ..three quarters of this board don't even make it to Ewood on a Saturday so aint making  the Blues Bar on a non descript  Tuesday night in January  ..


    • Like 4
  3. 10 minutes ago, JHRover said:

    Interesting that you don't want Hughton or McCarthy due to their styles of play yet you would be keen on Karanka or O'Neill who both had similar approaches in their previous jobs at Middlesbrough and Northern Ireland.

    Pearson is a head case who wouldnt work with Venkys. He would be gone quicker than Lambert.

    For me it would have to be:

    Hughton, Karanka, Carvalhal, Garcia, McCarthy (end of season), Stendel, Stam, Warnock. Plenty of options. All gettable.

    im sure ive read that Stendel still under contract/paid (rather than compensation) as such with Barnsley ..if so we d have to cough up for that first if wanting his services.

  4. Just now, Mattyblue said:

    I’m not quoting anything, I gave an example of a well kept ground.

    Fair enough if the shit tip that is Ewood doesn’t bother you.

    Never bothered me and a few thousand more  in the early eighties ..? when your getting pi55 splash back from the weeds in the urinals .. but yes ..it would be lovely to see a spick and span ground ..maybe the odd well appointed flowerbed outside as well  ..(only joking Matty )

  5. Just now, Mattyblue said:

    Seems like you’re the one with a chip on your shoulder about them...

    Really Matt ....as every thread I seem to have read in the last  three weeks has a PNE mention  ..I think not...so why have I got a chip on my shoulder .. its the likes of you that keep quoting them ..not me ?   But hey its PNE !

  6. Just now, chaddyrovers said:

    lives on Whalley Road in Accrington still

    Does he talk about the current team and his views on the manager

    Noooo as I say a lil chat .. the blokes out walking his dogs ..not going to to grill him .. as I said before ..a very pleasant bloke . Nothing more nothing less .

    • Like 3
  7. Just now, Mattyblue said:

    I’ve said this before but I used to go to the gym built into the away end at Deepdale.

    I lost count of the times I saw workmen around the ground jet washing, touching up the surfaces with fresh paint etc.

    ARGGHHH ...this obsession with everything PNE on this board this last f ooking three week  ..PNE do this ... PNE do that ..PNE charge this ..PNE charge that .. f ooking roll on Bahhhhnsley . 

  8. 5 hours ago, rossyrover said:

    Most goalkeepers would suffer and make mistakes with rovers present defenders in front of them.

    Exactly . Its the back five as a collective that should be getting criticised.

    Any keeper whos left wide open as much as we leave our keeper  open will make mistakes.

    There are no  outstanding goalkeepers in the Championship  but those teams that are doing well do have a decent back four. 

    Case in point ..Butland classed as one of the better keepers in the league but has had a nightmare at Stoke. Sort the back four out less pressure on the keeper.

  9. Holtby.

    Will be in the team on merit for a starters. Played at a higher level in England and Germany so gains respect from the players. Seems very confident and likeable when on media duties and the sort of player fans can  connect with.

    May have only been here two minutes but already making an impact on the club and fans in particular.

    • Like 1
  10. August - The Giant awakens … this is our season .,.out of the League cup...

    September - An odd boo here and there ..

    October -Start booing the manager ..

    November- Manager out chants ..

    December-Things fall apart..

    January -Out of the FA Cup ..

    February- Season over ..

    March -Flirt with relegation..

    April- Four matches won on the bounce ..Mowbray the Saviour..

    2020-21 ..rinse .and repeat.

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, USABlue said:

    Something I've been concerned about for sometime now.  Funny how Mowbary always seems to drop the young uns.  Bit like he doesn't have the gonads to tell the more senior players they were shit so he's dropping them.  Easier for him to tell the younger ones.  Pussy, bit like his defenders.

    Well he dropped Graham Evans Smallwood . ..only leaves Downing Johnson and Bennett. Downing and Johnson will certainly be getting dropped at some point for Holtby im sure.

  12. As we are not privy to the day to day behind the scenes running at rovers we certainly don't know what attitude Chapman is displaying ..but lets put it this way if the lad was busting a gut in training etc etc then we certainly would nt have heard TMs comments we have today. So read that as you will...

    Agree with SkipDonoghues comments above ..these young uns think they ve made it once they sign ..and are open to criticism and quite rightly so.

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