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Posts posted by HowieFive0

  1. 1 hour ago, Mattyblue said:

    The Whitebirk stadium would’ve been great for the Hyndburn fans though...

    Whitebirk was also muted as an area for a new Stanley ground.

    As ideal it would be for someone from Hyndburn like me I would have hated it.Going to Ewood actually in a town in a community surrounded by terrace streets with history actually makes it feel like a town team. A ground ( or stadium!) on an industrial estate would be absolutely  soulless.

    I wonder what capacity they would have gone for ..we could have ended up with a right white elephant...

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Mattyblue said:

    If we were playing say Burnley and they were given 5,000 tickets, if they put 3k upstairs and the rest downstairs, I get it, it splits up their support and dilutes what would otherwise be a raucous packed bottom tier.

    If you are playing Cardiff in a run of the mill Championship game, does Waggott really believe it will make one iota of difference where their 6/700 fans are? It just makes Ewood look desolate.

    Less stewards required when they re up in the sky ? ..No need for stewards to be on pitch side when they re sat up in the heavens. As for making it look desolate  raise your eyes slightly up or down a (depending where they are sat ) and it still looks desolate with 700 fans in an empty stand.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Stuart said:

    How many teams has Garner managed?

    Im pissed off with the result but cant comment on the performance because it sounds like the majority of the board(apart from those that were there and commented ..thank you ) had a stream and didn't share ..set of c....

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, DE. said:

    Same old pattern. We look half decent then concede. The more people posted about how well we were playing the more i knew the inevitable was coming. 

    Wonder how many clean sheets we'll get this season? More than single figures? 

    Don't give a f@ck as long as we win games ..

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, JHRover said:

    I think I'd be a bit less angry had this been the first bizarre failure of a window we'd had. But this has become par for the course really. Certainly since last summer our transfer business has been very strange, but even before then it was neglectful of key areas. It always seems to follow the same sort of pattern too. We go into the window talking the talk and appearing to recognise the issues, publicly admit our weaknesses, promise big things which then don't materialise. For it to happen once is disappointing. 3 or 4 times in a row suggests incompetence.

    At Wigan he will have competition for a place at CB. More competition than he has ever had here. Add to that a more decisive/ruthless manager and that Mulgrew will be starting from scratch there rather than being well established as top dog here and I'm struggling to see how his chances of game time are going to increase. I could understand it if he had been gradually replaced or frozen out here and was struggling for minutes but he was starting as our captain 6 days ago! Given our lack of depth he would be certain of more game time here even if not 1st choice as we will get injuries.

    Something has happened. Personally I think the financial situation is heavily restricted on defensive players and the only way Mowbray was able to get Cunningham in was by offloading Mulgrew once Wigan took an interest. I wonder what would have happened had Wigan not come in. I'm sure Cunningham wouldnt be here and I'm sure we'd still be using Mulgrew in the team. 

    Personally think Mulgrews time was up regardless of any so called fall out etc etc.

    Tosin is going to play ..Lenihan is going to play ...and maybe Del now hes back from injury/changing nappies. Mulgrew was found out last season . He may have kept the captaincy but I think that was just a club thing ..did someone not say Hanley was Norwich captain ?

    Noticed Downing was taking corners Saturday ..said then the writing was on the wall for Mulgrew although never expected him to be shunted out on loan.

  6. Just now, Mercer said:

    As I said earlier, there are ways and means of rewarding managers, coaches, players which also allow you to legislate for loss of form, age catching up etc and thereby de risk potential future liabilities. 


    At the end of the day you ve to give players contracts which protect both the player and club . If the contract isn't seen as long enough the player  leaves on a free ..and the club loses out ..and viceversa  a club picks up a fee if a player wants out. Mulgrew got a two year extension which the majority on here rejoiced.

    Unless you re putting players on Pay As You play contracts then theres always going to be risk of loss of form injuries etc during a contract ..again the same at every club up and down the land.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Mercer said:

    Some clubs have a policy once a player reaches 30.

    There are ways and means to protect your arse but, as I've said before, I think Ewood and Brockhall is a nous free zone.

    And if Mulgrew had carried on his great form and we d not tied him down and then  suddenly left ..im sure TM and Waggott would be getting both barrels from you too Merce.

    We all know your views on TM/Waggott and that's fine but please dont try and make out that giving contracts to players in form is something only we d do ..again if we lost all our best players due to lack of contracts you d be playing bloody hell again.

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