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Posts posted by HowieFive0

  1. 2 minutes ago, Mercer said:

    Mulgrew leaving is going to cost Rovers financially.

    Think he has another season to run on his contract.

    So next season, I think he will either sit on his arse at Ewood or Rovers will have to pay at least part of his contract up in order to get rid (a minimum of 1,500 season ticket sales for next season will be needed to fund that).

    All those new lucrative contracts dished out by messrs Mowbray and Waggott is biting us, and will continue to do so, in the bum. 

    Give over Merce...

    When Mulgrew was handed that contract it was met with great joy by many on here (see the God like thread)  seen as a bit of a coup for us.

    It happens all the time at every club that players get new contracts then then twelve month later their legs go. Its not unique to Rovers . 

    what do you want us top do ..give players a week to week contract and end up losing half the squad if they hit form ?

    • Like 2
  2. Just now, Blue blood said:

    Whilst loans are better than nothing that would mean next summer we would need 2-3 centre backs (Tosin Mulgrew and incoming player replacement) and a new keeper. And that's before any other areas of the team are considered!

    Nothing like forward planning 

    Sod forward planning that's gone ..all about now unfortunately!

  3. Just now, Mattyblue said:

    Well obviously!

    But £14 a game ain’t £24

    Yep reduced average price for paying upfront ! im sure most who cough up for the season (probably miss 3-4 games as well so that 14 quid rises ) wont mind paying  24 quid game by game knowing that their team may go bust rather than  lose 350 quid that they ve paid upfront!

    Meanwhile some of our fans want our season ticket prices reduced whilst calling out Bolton fans who want their ticket prices cut or even returned due to missing the Brentford game due to it being cancelled.

  4. Some good points but We weren’t successful in the traditional sense during the Allardyce era ...we were in the Prem which as I said in my post BORDERLINE fans from far and between were attracted to Ewood not just to watch us but to actually watch  Prem footie and so called top sides and players. Once we went on a slide you lose these fans regardless of price. You aint getting coach loads from outside the area to watch us play Barnsley because its cheap  .Success is paramount before price to fill Ewood. Waggott could take hundred quid off the season ticket for this season and id be surprised if it brought in 2000 extra fans...now ..get promoted ..watch the uptake then ..even at these prices.

    Again the Oxford game was a simple one off ..promoted ..no different than if we played Burnley in the Championship ..top crowd .fill the stadium (again regardless of price).then back to normality next Home game.

    Agree ..cheap tickets would be superb ..but I do not believe for one minute that that's  what will fill Ewood week in week out.

  5. 3 hours ago, Stuart said:

    Both Waggott and Mowbray are out of touch with the locals I’m afraid. The only thing bringing back the crowds is keen pricing and this is where Waggott needs to do something differently. Instead he just blames fans.

    Meanwhile Mowbray is doing nothing with recruitment to excite fans and hasn’t done since he came here. (Did someone say Dack? Absolute wildcard who has come good but is certainly patchy in form - which is why he is still here).

    Even today he is talking about wanting fans to get down to Ewood and turn it into a fortress. Such a shame that he hasn’t got to understand yet how the town and football club interact and he seems to be using his North East experience of automatically passionate fans.

    We would all love for Ewood to be a football crazy town who will pay top football prices to be entertained by their local heroes. It doesn’t work like that but they keep flogging that horse.

    If they really want numbers make them dirt cheap and find a way to bring the financial gap through commercial avenues. If they don’t then they need to stop banging on about it. Blaming the fans (as the “Corry Evans is committed - why aren’t you?” Campaign showed) and holding them in contempt (“where are they?”) will have the opposite effect.

    Sorry Stuart don't agree on this pricing malarkey. Yes we d all love it to be cheaper but do you really think cheap season tickets are going to bring back in coaches from Morecambe ,Lancaster , Chorley, Leyland like back when we were in the Prem? Couldn't move for coaches in front of the Fox n Hounds

    Success and watching other top sides  are  what these borderline fans want and will pay to see ..not cheap ticketing. 

    Now ..for us mere locals it would be fantastic ..but again I seriously cant see it bumping up attendances significantly.

    Seriously found our level attendance wise ..and that pains me to say it  but from watching us in the very early eighties with 5500 on I can really see we ve hit that level especially with footie available 12-30 pm til 5-30 pm  on TV with an odd illegal stream inbetween on a Saturday ..to be honest we do well to get what we get ! Arghhhhhhhhhhh

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, Sparks Rover said:

    No, the reason people don't go is because on the whole the football is crap.  Tony is dour, uninspiring and all the words you can associate with that.  A souness or similar in their prime pushing and fighting with exciting players is what gets the rovers fans down.  I bet a few turn up tomorrow for a look at the new players, Tony has to get it right from day 1 to keep them. That's rovers fans.


    No we ve found our level fan wise.Not much different than GB.

    Rovers fans have seen TM for two n half seasons now ..so in your theory attendances should have plummeted ..but  yet but stay the same so either half have walked away pissed off with this boring brand of football over the last couple of seasons so that means  half must  have come back onboard to bring the attendance back to its current level ?  

    We ve found our Championship level ..only success will bring people back ala Oxford . And that was just a piss up in the sun for most ...

    • Like 2
  7. Well IF Nuttall is a success in League One ..ill blame Damien Johnson for letting him go ..because if Johnson can keep getting all the praise for youngsters being PICKED for the first team last season (even though TM allegedly picks the team) then he can take the blame for his release!

    But then again its only League One ..he should blitz it no excuses ..just like some on here said we should blitz it when relegated!

    The boy aint good enough for Championship football ..

  8. 35 minutes ago, AllRoverAsia said:

    Fantastic full name.

    This could take a while so let's start with 'Adarabioyo'

    is it pronounced Ada-rabi-oyo or Adar-abi-oyo or ???

    We ve two weeks to learn the correct pronunciation ...

    (although good chance he ll be on the bench on  Saturday )

  9. Just now, Mattyblue said:

    Don’t get your point?

    My point was simply Downing signed and played straight away.

    Could be argued Matty(and im not arguing !) that Downing came in at the end of the window after playing three games for MK and a full pre season behind him so fully upto speed fitness wise.

    Maybe Tosin has nt had any pre season as such ..?

  10. Just now, jim mk2 said:

    Nope. But his non-selection says alot. 

    Ah ok ..thank god for that then !

    Reading the interview TM gave out about Tosin its quite obvious he does rate him and im sure he wouldn't be here if he didn't. 

    Can understand him not being thrown in three days after signing for tactical reasons worked out this week (hopefully) ..should have been signed earlier and he probably would have but we ve faffed about getting him in.

    Im sure he will  become a regular..although my only other concern is if we have two clean sheets in two games would TM drop Mulgrew and would we as fans want him too ?

  11. Just now, pick32 said:

    Raya wasn’t the problem he didn’t drop us that much points and the stats show he prevented a lot of goals,

    two week to get a keeper in and hope he clicks with the team is ridiculous.

    makes you wonder what Mowbray was doing for the last 4 months when most managers would have a plan to execute.

    Hoping a GK clicks ? CH yes but a GK is a specialised position ..unique ..if we get a good GK with experience time isn't really a problem ..he will come in and do his job.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Mattyblue said:

    Eh? Did I say nobody actually likes it? I was actually talking about kits generally and about last season’s very plain shirt,  If you do like this season’s effort, good for you, all money for the club. I’m assuming you don’t as you were hoping it was fake yesterday.

    However, In MY OPINION (you know that everyone is free to have on here), plenty of fans will buy anything with a Rovers badge on it, not sure why that’s controversial, I and I bet you know a fair few of such folk.

    Eh ? Did I say you said nobody  doesnt  like  it ..and no you didn't say nobody likes it !?

    My point was you pidgeon holing sizeable fans into buying last seasons shirt because it has a Rovers  badge on it when in reality they may .. just may  have actually liked that shirt  ..tastes and opinions!

    And no I don't like this seasons away shirt either ! (but im sure there will be a lot who do  )

    • Like 1
  13. Just now, Mattyblue said:

    I thought last season’s yellow was plain and cheap looking, like something a team up Pleasy would wear, yet looking round Ewood against Swansea I could see loads of folk with it on.

    As long as there is a Rovers badge on it, a sizeable number of fans are simply ‘take my money!’

    Everyones taste and opinions  are different Matty ..just as you tell people everyone has a right to a different opinion in discussions in here. 

    Bit of a put down saying a sizeable amount of people will buy owt with a badge on when some people may just actually like the shirt!

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