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Posts posted by HowieFive0

  1. Just now, arbitro said:

    Why did we need the money? We have been told the budget was similar to last year.

    Will you be happy to start on August 3rd with Leutwiler in goal and Fisher on the bench?

    No of course not but how do we know that our no1 target isn't  still on course for coming in ? IF he doesn't then questions will then need to be asked and addressed!

  2. Just now, JHRover said:

    No, we knew Raya wanted out long before he actually went. The awarding of an extra season to Leutwiler shows that. In any event we had time to line someone else up before sanctioning his departure. To not do so was very dangerous. 

    Hard luck excuses like 'other clubs might not want to let players out' won't be enough when we're struggling. We've had ample time to deal with this and work through our list of targets.

    True .it is dragging on but maybe we ve had  our target weeks ago and things beyond our control are causing it to drag on but that keeper is definitely coming ..? .

  3. Just now, arbitro said:

    All eventualities have to be covered and the obvious thing to do was bring a replacement in then sell him. He was under contract and would have had to abide by that.

    I don't rate Raya and think we can do better but starting with Leutwiler is a backwards step for me

    And if we needed the money ? ..can say both ways ..I certainly wouldn't like to be making a player stay like Raya and asking him to play when he wants away . 

  4. Just now, JHRover said:

    Clock is ticking. Soon enough time will be up. Positions like GK and CB are not ones that can be neglected or 'put off' to a later date as we've tried doing before. Especially not with our record of goals against.

    A dangerous game to sell Raya without someone already here to replace him. 2 weeks on and no arrival is alarming to say the least. 2 weeks to go. Leutwiler or Fisher v Charlton will be completely unacceptable.

    Every transfer should be taken on its own merits. Raya wanted to leave by all accounts and A club wanted him ..do we say no and get lumbered with Raya due to that club moving on to other targets ? 

    Maybe the other keepers we are linked with don't want to leave and will have to when their club signs another keeper and says you re surplus to requirements mate ..

  5. 3 hours ago, bluebruce said:

    This is fantastic! Really stoked for this! I wonder if the footballer they're following is Fergus Suter, the first professional, given the mention of moving towns and a focus on Darwen FC too. Unofficially he was probably the first professional when he was at Darwen, though it was illegal at the time and he claimed to be a stonemason. He then moved to Rovers and officially became the first professional when it was allowed.

    I've always been fascinated by the early history of both clubs. As a would-be writer, I've considered whether there was a good story to be told about Darwen's early history, particularly the incredible comeback against Old Etonians in the FA Cup (semi final I think it was) where they came from 5-0 down to draw 5-5 and earn a replay. If I remember rightly they didn't score til about 15 minutes from time! Has to be the greatest comeback ever, against the team who were the top dogs at the time. Back then the replays had to take place at the same ground, so Darwen had to travel down to London for it. At the time that cost a hell of a lot for a football club, and it nearly bankrupted them. Locals gathered funds for them, only for them to draw the replay and have to do it again! No extra time or penalties back then. Think the replay was 0-0.

    Another whip round was done, they went down and got pasted this time. Excuse my memory if it errs, but I believe it was a big factor in replays taking place at the other ground. Not sure when extra time etc came in.

    Lot of football's early history at Darwen, it was a shame they got wound up over such a small bill (a few grand I think it was?) and weren't saved by Rovers or local fundraising. Rovers have helped save other clubs in the region before, like Accy. In the AFC format it's basically the same, but technically that history isn't theirs now.

    A theatre play has been written  about their exploits Bruce  and I think it went on the road too ...The Giant Killers


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  6. Just now, bluebruce said:

    Weren't they both working class teams?

    If it is about Suter, Rovers did pretty much 'poach' him so there's an element of conflict there. Darwen were meant to be paying him, which wasn't allowes yet. Rovers overtook Darwen, who were briefly reckoned a better side, and the area probably wasn't big enough for both clubs to flourish. Plenty of room for drama and some villains within both clubs without either club being villified entirely. He played for both so with him being the protagonist I don't expect either club to be slammed. If one is, it'll probably be Darwen, as the protagonist finished playing for Rovers.

    We will see. Let's not get a persecution complex though, this is a good thing. Looking forward to it.

    See above Bruce ..ive just edited my original post ..sorry.

  7. 1 hour ago, Tim Southampton Rover said:

    You'd hope the club will be planning to be all over this trying to reap the rewards from the exposure of the club, especially if it is well made.

    Hmmm ..the formation of Rovers and Darwen FC ..all about a working class team and lad  ..I can see Darwen Fc portrayed as the working class team and Rovers the villains ..after all its a drama and needs heroes and villains !

    I really hope they don't , my relative was the Rovers goalkeeper in 1879 Arthur Woolfall ...relative also of Daniel Burley Woolfall who Im sure some will know as the only English FIFA  President also from Blackburn and the President before some geezer called Jules Rimet ..?

    Heres a couple of extracts from a book called "From Cowpit To Cupholders "" involving Arthur Woolfall … mark the words "It was the start of a bitter feud with Darwen which was to burst into flames the following year "

    I like the fact Arthur got lost on the Underground  meeting a relative on the day of the game ..probably half cut !

    I think we may not come out of this in a very good light ..heres hoping ...



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  8. Just now, SIMON GARNERS 194 said:

    It's fake. ( I hope)

    The Goalie shirt does have similar patterns and colouring on the official site ..but I cant see this away shirt on the official site or social media ??

    F'ck me ..just seen the links …..

  9. Just now, JacknOry said:

    Massive fall from grace. Representing Man City, then playing for Torino. Falling further down the pecking order in the PL at West Ham and then signing for an annual relegation favourite in Burnley. Next drop would then be us in the Championship and technically, we're a bottom half Championship club as things stand. I am not sure his ego for one would be able to take that. 

    Why risk paying big wages when he is likely to turn out to be crap. 

    Completely agree ..

    "Burnley’s performances suddenly turned around when they removed Hart from goal and replaced him with Heaton. Their defence suddenly stopped conceding as many chances close to their keeper. Their keepers have dramatically different records both when it comes to stopping shots and when it comes to claiming balls in their area. Put it all together and it makes a powerful case that the reason Burnley’s season has turned around is that Joe Hart is bad and Tom Heaton is good. Keepers, it turns out, might just be important."


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  10. Adrian for me .

    For those with the theory that playing in the Championship would be ideal for joe Hart to get his confidence back ..I think the complete opposite! He ll have twice as much to do in the Championship than he would in the PL and the more he ll have to do the more simple errors which he's prone too will happen more and more often. imagine Hart picking the ball out of the net 60 odd times like last season ..he d feel his career would be over !

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  11. Just now, BG1492 said:

    Just thinking to myself while sat round a pool drinking some shite local lager.

    If this Gallagher deal gets done (likely), we could have the following options - Gallagher, Brereton, Chapman, Dack, Rothwell, Armstrong going forward.

    A solid midfield with Johnson, Travis, Davenport and even Adam which I never thought I’d agree with.

    Add a big horrible shithouse CB and I think we are on for an exciting season. Young & mostly British, hungry players. Something we haven’t had for a while.


    IF let off the leash ..you could be right !

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, arbitro said:

    I know they are only links but it does appear to be a scattergun approach by Mowbray and Rovers. I don't think I've read an interview recently which has given me too much hope. He has oscillated between signing defenders and sticking with what he has, waiting until late in the window, talked about signing young players and polishing them up, loaning players from PL clubs and other things. There just doesn't seem to be a firm plan in place but the buck has to stop with Mowbray.

    To be fair to TM ..he has kept signings well under wraps and that includes links. We tend to only find out a day or so before signing if not at all !


  13. Just now, Stuart said:

    I don’t think that Mowbray has our gk position particularly well no, do you disagree?

    A lot of posters will defend Mowbray no matter what so I’m interested if this impacts them.

    Never miss an opportunity to have a dig at me though, because that’s what matters. :tu: 

    Not a dig at you at all ..its not hard to see you ve made your mind up ..which you are entitled to . 

    Albeit the question you asked  looks like you re hedging your bets ?

  14. Just now, Stuart said:

    If Raya wasn’t going to be first choice then you would think Mowbray would know who was - or even had someone lined-  up rather than some kind of Jedi mind trick motivation that backfired.

    If Raya was told that he would now be competing with Leutwiler to start I could understand why he would have wanted to leave.

    Question: does this situation reflect badly on Mowbray or not?

    I think you ve already decided Stuart ..you don't  need to ask so  innocently .


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