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Everything posted by Lee

  1. I've not looked yet, but has he predicted something like a 3-2 win? Thats what Lawrenson usually does when talking about teams who "struggle scoring goals" I've now looked, despite Lawro lying awake at night wondering where the goals are coming from for his favourite club and despite saying that we are physically strong and tough to beat, he still thinks Liverpool will score two against us.
  2. Garner played for England under 19s the other day (they lost 2-1 to Poland thats certainly why he didn't play for the reserves last time out. I'd already written an internationals update when I spotted that this game had taken place. So never got round to mentioning. FA's match report Incidentally, Tony Kane and Eddie Nolan will come head to head on Monday in a UEFA under 19s qualifying match. Keith Treacy is on standby for the Irish.
  3. My wife was driving up Clayton Way a few months ago only to be confronted by one of the grey terrors running down the middle of the road with Austin the cat in hot pursuit. I assume Austin didn't catch the bugger as he hasn't bothered with them since, he prefers Rabbits, Moles, Voles, Shrews, Mice etc. No need to add blood and bone mixture to the back lawn when he's about! Flamethrowers behind the counter at Ewood Carpets? Whatever next?!
  4. Same offer in Blues Bar for Saturday's game as previous England matches, Carling and Worthies are £1.90 a pint an hour before the game until the first goal is scored or half time comes around Free sandwiches at half-time.
  5. Our cats aren't interested in the squirrels. But I agree with Mr MCMC1875, there's hundreds of the buggers about at the moment.
  6. What if there's no increase in support? Resulting in Rovers reducing their revenue, thus being financial disadvantaged to the teams we're competing against?
  7. Thats it, I'm back supporting Forfar Athletic! Come on the Loons!
  8. built in. I think the concrete stadium would have an effect on the signal
  9. Is this the point where I mention about Salford being a City in its own right?
  10. And purely because of that, Wolfsberg are my favourite Germany side Sean Curry Pat Rice
  11. To get rid of the fit enducing graphic click the link below. http://www.gifmaniacos.com/Simpsons/ralph_bigun/alph-01.gif It fixes it for me in Firefox
  12. I'm wireless in the press box at Ewood. Alas the the strength isn't good enough to reach up the hill to my house!
  13. And therein lines the problem with FIFA games, they are just too easy. If I had that sort of record just hours after getting the game I would be very disappointed indeed.
  14. Hmm, if you see someone sat on your wall, its me with my laptop searching for an unrestricted wireless zone Whats the speed? As I'm 2.55km from the exchange, i'm not expecting anything above 1 mb.
  15. WBA sold 2138 tickets prior to the game, and sold a further 144 on the day at the ground, meaning 2282 in attendance. TSomeone asked a question about the School incentive scheme, 93 + 12 teachers were on the £5 in £3 back scheme.
  16. Eventually there'll be FTTH (Fibre to the home) or FTTC (fibre to the curb/cabinet), then us Fernhurst Farmers will be speeding along, whilst the copper lot will be shuffling! But I'll probably be dead by then. Anyway, seeing as there are a few of us out there, if anyone drives past someone wearing a Rovers coat, and currently an England cricket cap walking up Jack Walker Way in the pouring rain, please stop and give me a lift! Got bloody soaked yesterday!
  17. because they are as crap as BT's ductwork? I didn't see any mallards, but there are usually plenty of squirrels lurking down the bottom. Bob, the TPON points are those grey boxes. When they eventually (Lee prays to the skies) turn green, then its all systems go for broadband* *in theory
  18. NTL decided not to bother running cable to 400+ houses up here, so it isn't an option. Then again BT didn't bother running copper up to this location either! Plus I wouldn't have NTL if you paid me, but thats a discussion for another day. MCMC1875, my BT contact informs me that the copper overlay programme has been delayed (hence the blocked duct part) and that i've to check again in November. On the road down the hill, for the second morning running there were blokes at the TPON boxes scratching their heads. As for excavations, there hasn't been anything new that I can see, aside from three 3ft x 2ft holes cut in the pavement down Jack Walker Way. Not that I've been looking or anything!! As you can understand, broadband would be quite useful to me! Paul: I assume the 'scan out' part nulls the card or something to stop them working again that day. The guy at my guesthouse was reprogramming the cards when I was at reception one day.
  19. Bob: Broadband, i've to ask again in November those ducts are still blocked, but i'm currently devoid of a working phone line at home since Saturday (hence no reserve report until this morning BTW), are you the same? BT says they've had hundreds of complaints from Fernhurst Farm. The guesthouse I stopped at in Austria this summer had the SkiData system too! I can't see how Saunders had any involvement in that.
  20. Good thread! Revidge, I agree about the rolling direct debit, its done for TV, Water, Electricity, why not football? OscarRaven, this seasons cards were changed because they contained HSA on them, and they aren't our sponsors anymore, in the future it is quite likely that they won't be replaced (make a note of that Paul, don't throw yours away just yet). We are only in our second year of the SkiData system, there are many things that can be done with them, many of which Paul has mentioned, like cards being updated automatically when you order a cup ticket, me having the power to stop Bob from attending anymore games, that sort of thing. I suppose if we made too many changes too quickly it would confuse some of the fans out there, so slowly slowly catchy monkey so to speak.
  21. The discussions with Leeds over the price of tickets for the Carling Cup game will be interesting. Ken Bates has managed to upset a lot of the home support with his hefty price rises.
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