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Everything posted by Vinjay

  1. That is a committee style operation and they are an absolute waste of time. The last thing I want to do is serve on a committee with Rovers fans. My style of management would be pretty straightforward. I tell someone to do something...they do it. I could make anything into a story given the opportunity. Think about advertising for instance. The boards round the stadium could go to cooler, counter culture brands (which were not intended to be brands in some cases such as "anti social social club") and initially offer it to them for next to nothing. Or tell them to pay whatever they deem fair. Eventually if you attract some of the people who gravitate to such brands more would want to come on board. Let me give an example of controversy. If I gained control on the opening (home) day of the League 1 season you know what I would have done for publicity? Have Alex Ferguson kicked out. Granted it wouldn't be for no reason (given disrespectful comments he's made in the past) and can you imagine how much controversy would arise from that? I think some people would have considered that to be cool. If you take an attitude of "no f**** given then you're gonna attract people who are naturally rebellious and want to be in an environment where you never know what could happen next. That's what a football club in the Championship which has "been there done that" needs to be. Especially with FUP and really even the clubs who haven't "been there" namely the EPL (and certainly haven't won it) could take some of this stuff on board.
  2. Part of the stuff discussed would mean general employees need to be cooler as well. No dress code. Dress as outlandish as you like whatever legalities allow. Reach out to groups like punks, etc (I don't know much about them to be honest but I know they are considered sub culture) and if the "normal fans" give them a hard time ban them. Allow freedom of speech (and hostility to opponents) but zero tolerance on abusing fellow fans. The type of fans who whined about protesters in the past and did everything they could to piss on their efforts could be driven out. If you run an academy to the bare bones (and deliberately sign players who are Championship standard at best) and sign players between 28-32 (you could rotate every 5 years) it gives the impression that the club isn't a "stepping stone" for anybody. If players want to leave let them take a sideways step or below. No more sell best player, spend the transfer fee, repeat cycle. Dack would have to go for a start. The best players at a certain level who won't want to go elsewhere. Maybe if the club got promoted some of them wouldn't be quite good enough? So what? If the tickets are next to nothing people could handle a bad season. Perhaps the club could have a few "stepping stone" type players (while in the Championship) but if the club reaches the EPL only sign midtable standard players. That's likely the absolute peak with FUP around anyway. That way they won't be around just so they can be sold to someone else. The best players stay until they are no longer good enough. Or if they are unhappy for whatever reason take a step sideways. Wouldn't you rather be in the EPL with a team where Emerton/Pedersen types are the best player and likely good enough to stay up? If you can't build the club's marketing with the current fans then you need to bring in new ones. Being as radical as possible is the only thing we will achieve this. St Pauli was mentioned and they are different but the players seem to be fairly typical. They could push it even further. Apparently they have 11 million fans across Germany and several overseas fanclubs. Rovers have overseas fanclubs too of course but that's often formed by people who used to live in the area. Or typical overseas fans just to a lesser extent than the most prominent clubs. Honestly even if FUP was scrapped and a major takeover happened that probably wouldn't be enough given all the past baggage. A complete transformation would be the only way. Once this lockdown is over I'm making a clean break. I've been going elsewhere lately anyway. Just because I don't like going to Ewood does not mean I can't go elsewhere (not Man City) and watch live football. Watching on Tv does not do much for me. I've been to some games before the virus halted everything. Not going to say where other than it's further away than Manchester. There's the MLS as well without UEFA's garbage. I did follow NYCFC for a bit (I've always liked New York but they were quite right to feel aggrieved by the Lampard situation) but when I rejoined here in 2016 that faded away. Las Vegas might be in the MLS one day. Maybe follow them. Or Austin FC (sounds silly but as a wrestling fan I really like that name lol). What's the difference between now and 2014-15? Mentally I feel much better. That's the key. Will it last? I damn sure hope so. If I stop posting on here regularly then you will know.
  3. Well he's a FUP lover isn't he so it's obvious.
  4. More plans here from the UEFA scum. Just lends more credence to what I've said about "being different" on other page. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/fa-report-confirms-champions-league-21939361
  5. Full of nonsense about FUP. Hypocritical based on past and submissive in present. They should be spitting venom at EFL and UEFA. Some really good points in this column a few days ago. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-8250993/MARTIN-SAMUEL-Newcastles-honeymoon-elite-feel-threatened.html
  6. Need to get away from the whole "family style marketing as well". It seems like that's the only vision the club has and even that is substandard. It needs to be cooler, more counter culture, more attitude. Even things as simple as playing edgier, cooler music before matches. To be fair Rovers have some good stuff down years (O Fortuna, Final Countdown, Simply the best (still played at Ibrox regularly despite Rangers issues over past few years) but it's not edgy. Paint the stands darker, urban graffiti on the walls (not vulgar) and basically give the stadium a whole makeover. You need to cater to the younger market. People say the fanbase is getting younger overall so gravitate towards them but "family clubs" are not cool. Not saying I'm cool but I know what isn't cool. I'm planning on buying an "anti social social club" hoodie or shirt soon and that's probably the edgiest piece of clothing I will own lol. That's the type of brand with a cult following that could be tapped into by a football club. It's not "anti social" in the sense of kicking people's heads in or getting ASBO's there's several well known people who have been pictured wearing them. You could put an anti-corporate spin on it. It might be better for a non league club somewhere like London and depend who's involved. Look at "Hashtag United" I wouldn't say they are "counter culture" as such but they are certainly different. If the right person with a big social media following gets involved with a club others may follow. There's a place for a club in East Manchester too which could be exactly the opposite of Salford City. Someone like one of the Gallagher brothers should form a club there.
  7. It's the only way if you're short sighted. You can be successful on the field as well but sometimes it's good to take some risks. You refer to it as a "depressed area" which economically it is and that's why you need to court more publicity. If you're outside London especially. Let's say club gets back in the EPL. Wouldn't you rather be a midtable (possibly Europa League) club with a team full of Emerton/Pedersen types (with more personality in all due respect to them) who are likely to stay at the club? Refusing to be a "stepping stone" for anybody could be a strong marketing approach. You would either have to sign a crazy maverick as manager (such as Maradona) or someone 65-70. Of course Pedersen was young when he signed and linked elsewhere but others didn't sign him. They probably scouted him well and saw him for what he was. A player who grabbed headlines with goals sometimes but really wasn't the consistent top performer those at other clubs thought he was. Tugay and Friedel of course were exceptional signings and both over 30. It would be easy to blame such policies if they didn't work and perhaps on the field they wouldn't sometimes...but what if they did? Couldn't you sign some reasonably solid Championship players who aren't likely to move to higher placed clubs for no transfer fee? Players could also be offered more freedom than other clubs. Relax the usual rules. Encourage them to speak their mind (as long as it's not racist or anything like that) though perhaps ask them to refer to the club as "Rovers" rather than "Blackburn" once in a while. Something which has obviously made too much sense for the club to insist upon. Give them more freedom but lay down some ground rules too. Some aspects of marketing have to be micro managed but if you want to be different and unpredictable there would have to be a balance. I'm not sure anybody could trust me with unlimited power (because with all the years of frustration I would go mad and probably fire most of the staff on day 1) but being creative and original isn't a bad thing.
  8. Yeah don't try to be cool, edgy or anything like that. Just be good little meek conformists. That will attract younger fans and reach out to a broader audience won't it?
  9. I'm not sure where FFP comes in either. I said FUP. That's what it is. I'm not scared of being sued by UEFA or blindly conformist. What's wrong with signing the most marketable (in other words not being corporate puppets and having an edge) players possible for the least money while finding a competitive balance? You might have to sign a few players over 30, etc but at least when you sell it's entirely on club's own terms. No more being used as a stepping stone and no more wasting time on Academy players for next to nothing. Or just be like everyone else sign the best players possible then hit the same old ceiling with no marketing initiatives. EPL? Been there, done that, worn the t-shirt. Some fans even think the Championship is more interesting. The fans who still go to Ewood have shown that they will put up with anything so what's the worst that can happen?. Then if FUP is abolished (and Jack Walker should always have significance regardless of whatever you say) and ambition isn't illegal perhaps have a rethink? Attendances are likely to drop anyway for obvious reasons. So why not try radical marketing and publicity stunts? They don't have to be publicity stunts that aren't feasible. Making a bid for Messi...waste of time (like posting on here). Sending shirts to the top 1000 people on Twitter...potentially free advertising. What's the worst they can do? Throw it away?
  10. How about this? Suggest one thing the club could do that's unconventional without being boring or oppressive? Ask what I and others think. Have enough respect not to treat it as a complete joke.
  11. Yeah and that's you like FUP because you're only bothered by how good people are at football. Most of the current bunch (and could say same for many clubs in Championship) don't give a toss and have little to no personality to go with it. One day an owner might decide to be unconventional and take on board ideas like these. When that happens there isn't a damn thing you would be able to do about it anyway. Maybe you might realise it's better to be entertaining than boring in such circumstances. Should also add I would only sign players 25 and older. Want a stepping stone? Sod off somewhere else. What would you rather have a team of Championship/EPL players with a couple who are prized assets likely to be sold? Or a team of players who might be good enough to win promotion but not likely to go to a higher placed club? Take the marketing argument aspects out and tell me what's wrong with the latter on it's own? It would keep in line with the FUP nonsense too. To be honest Rovers fans are boring. I've been called boring in the past (for things like regular digs at the Walkers) but at least I make an effort to be interesting and suggest new ideas and mentality. It's a waste of time. One day a Championship club might decide to be unconventional and on the lookout for a marketing genius. Who knows? Oh and another things. Ticket prices would be reduced significantly. Find a problem with that. Maybe let people in free (even if it's for one season) to go along with new marketing plans, etc.
  12. So what? How many of them are marketable? In the EPL of course there's all the Tv money coming in. So you could spend more there even with FUP it wouldn't be a dent in owners pocket. Who would I try to sign first in the EPL? Probably Balotelli. Yeah OK he's got the big car and all that but he's personable. He's got his detractors on the pitch but "instant relegation" if you sign him? Of course not. He's much more likable than a thug like Rooney or a typical bore who says all the right corporate bywords. Sign players who want to play with freedom and express themselves.
  13. Did I say sign Stokes? No. If people want to chant about the IRA that's what Celtic are for. You would struggle with anything which isn't boring and conventional. What's the point of the Academy with people like Jones and Mahoney? One who tried to screw the club on a clause and the other who hardly brought in meaningful money anyway. By "controversial" that could just mean players who are funny, loud, cool and a "bit of an edge". The only "controversy" if you could call it that is not signing stereotypical footballers. Derby got publicity from signing Rooney. He's just a thug with nothing likable about him whatsoever. Why would anyone want that to be the face of your club?
  14. Spend the least money possible on players with big (cool) personalities even if they are extremely controversial. Not people who care only about having a bimbo on their arm and showing off their cars/mansions. Sign a manger who is a big personality with the biggest name possible. Maradona would fit perfectly. If that means regulartly risking fluctuation between league 1 and the Championship so be it. Approach brands known for a rebellious nature. Attract people with a rebellious nature which rules out virtually all of Blackburn. That would be easier to market in London. Find every way possible to get a headline. Constant publicity stunts. Never boring. Invite people to games who are guaranteed to be noticed even if it's a "one off". Send a free shirt to the top 1000 people on Twitter (except Man United players). It's a nice kit who's to say some of them won't be pictured in it? There's countless things that could be done and too many to list. Downsize the academy as much as possible. If you want to be "counter culture" then you're not gonna be used as a stepping stone. Of course this all assumes that the Raos aren't bothered about getting their money back. With FUP and this virus situation why not try to be different? Would you rather be boring and even if club got into EPL finish midtable season after season? Europa league? Been there done that even if underachieved. Would it alienate some existing fans? Well at this club you can't even get people to say FUP so what the hell? This could apply to many championship clubs. What's wrong with being creative and unconventional? I didn't particularly want Ronaldinho for the record. Past his peak and big payday. Not interested in that. Though he's had quite a bit of publicity for other reasons lately!
  15. When I think of "great success" Boring Name FC isn't the first thing that comes to mind. Boring club with a dreary name that offers nothing to the EPL. Why would I want to be like that? If you're jealous of that then it's you who's being ridiculous. As for "jollies in Aberdeen" as you describe it so what? I've never been there but it's hardly Las Vegas is it? Even clubs that support FUP should at least try and come up with new ideas. How else can you grow without attracting mass publicity when there's an enforced financial ceiling? Why am I even on here anyway?
  16. Not sure what you're even talking about? Could you perhaps try just once to come up with an insult that's witty and original?
  17. Indeed. Conspiracy theories orchestrated by Man United. At least that's one thing they don't have as an excuse.
  18. This is a club which took the time to run a mascot competition then picked the most uncreative option possible. Innovative isn't the most commonly used word at Ewood (or anywhere if you want to be pedantic about it). The marketing has been substandard for 20 years. With FUP as well it makes sense to do thing completely differently. Rovers fans aren't the most rebellious bunch so any major direction would have to come from the club. I've said this before but why has no club made serious overtures to Maradona? The marketing publicity would be huge and the documentary rights fees would surely be considerable. Netflix should be looking for a Championship or midtable EPL club to facilitate this. If a club already has a rich owner then the key phrase is "sustainable trainwreck" and how people wouldn't be able to look away. There's a place for a club that's basically a Jerry Springer freakshow. Deliberately sign players who are controversial. Rather that than that sign a bunch of boring corporate puppets who don't really give a damn. Do everything possible to attract headlines and publicity. Who cares what other fans and media think? How could you do something more explosive than bring Maradona to England? He's still a football man it wouldn't be like "find the biggest name possible to manage the club whether they are football people or not". Another option could be something drastic like refusing to pay transfer fees. Would this mean more years of medicority and risking relegation? Probably but with FUP what's the point of spending anything? I never thought this would be something endorsed by me but beginning to come round to the idea. Union Berlin didn't pay transfer fees for years (only recently relaxed) and are now in the Bundesliga. They also have the rebellious fanbase to go with it. You could do everything within reason to scrap commercialism though being anti-commercialism is somewhat of a commercial identity. You might alienate some fans but as long as it isn't boring then you might actually win some round. In this country renaming a club "tigers" or changing the shirt colour is seen as innovative. Neither were innovative. You can make drastic identity changes and be truly innovative and with that attract a new audience. Rayo Vallecano are another said to be very anti-commercial. St Pauli would be another but that wasn't initially a club led movement. What is there to tap into locally other than the Asian market? There's not an awful lot of personality to the place so there's no other group which hasn't already been tapped into. Need to look a bit wider. Do everything possible to become the "cure for the common club". It wouldn't always be a "sustainable trainwreck" there could be years of success as well. Most clubs have had some degree of success like being promoted. Look at the Championship Ipswich were in it for 17 straight years but every other club had moved one way or the other in that period. With FUP what's the point otherwise? Just say "to hell with it" and be completely unconventional. Now I know people on here will read this and say "thank goodness this guy hasn't got power". If any club wants to be truly different though they need a mind that's just a bit crazy. There's so many clubs that need to be shaken up. So what if they come across as publicity hounds? You need to make the media ask "what the hell are they gonna do next?". In this unprecedented situation it's time for extreme innovation. For some clubs it might even be the key to survival. Challenging someone to a game on FIFA to me isn't "an innovative way of keeping the club socially active". People aren't going to think "oh wow someone still has the password to the Twitter account".
  19. Surprised by lack of immediate responses. Maybe more people are bothered by him speaking about Jack like a piece of trash in his book than I thought.
  20. Haven't watched it. Feel some slight sympathy for their fans who must be embarrassed by it. At least if you're gonna be a trainwreck make it entertaining rather than bleak. I would approach the people who made the "Maradona in Mexico" documentary (Netflix) and attempt to bring him to Sunderland. Why not take the risk? At worst it's likely to be a sustainable trainwreck (risking one poor season or relegation wouldn't kill a club and what if it actually worked?) you can't deny people would want to play for him. You might as well look for gimmicks and other ways of earning revenue/publicity. The people behind the Mexico documentary and other investors could pay part of his salary. Imagine Di Canio on acid and you have Maradona. That's probably an understated way of putting it. Those documentary makers should be doing everything they can to bring him to England. They just need a facilitator.
  21. Old photos of Rovers the title says in normal English.
  22. Liverpool fans have many faults (as evidenced by their tedious FUP behaviour recently) but Shankly for the most part is remembered as a God. Whereas Jack Walker is remembered like an uncle people quite liked. Socialism does not work despite it's downsides the best model is capitalism. Obviously Jack was a capitalist but he could be considered an exceptional "social capitalist".
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