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Everything posted by Vinjay

  1. Then why don't BRFCS try and get press accreditation?
  2. Not to be pedantic (as I liked the latter 2 sentences) but Jack owned the club for 9 years and 7 months. Plus his influence was there in the immediate aftermath of his death (and shortly before his takeover) though obviously that didn't last long.
  3. Digs at Tony Khan being made by Randy Orton (though Khan started it) bringing up accusations from Craig Kline and his father's money. Khan is a man who holds a degree in finance not some clueless rich kid. He could just spend his life racing cars and playing golf like some other talentless rich kids do. AEW will lose money this year but in 2020 they may well be on course for a profit. It's like saying Shane and Stephanie had everything handed to them. No they are university educated as well and started off with lowscale jobs in the company. The only difference is they didn't start the company with their Father's backing.
  4. Might as well put this here (since the Brockhall thread I replied to was deleted) on the subject of covenants at Brockhall. There's been talk of course before about Brockhall being sold, etc. I remember saying that developer Gerald Hitman's son had clearly taken over from him at Brockhall Village, etc based on companies house info. Well he's been dead for a couple of years so it might be worth looking up who's in the key positions there now.
  5. First game I attended. It wasn't that bad 2 of the goals were right at the end.
  6. When did anyone treat his son badly? OK Coyle's son got some abuse on Twitter but Kean's son was younger and also disabled. Kean might have claimed his kids were being taunted at school. Well that's not Rovers fans and that's on him for refusing to step down and gladly ruining people's lifes. At clubs like Man Utd, Leeds or Millwall his family probably would have had death threats. I tend not to judge people based on who their relatives are for obvious reasons.
  7. Which is why I would never do it or expect to be asked. I have little tolerance for being censored on here on countless occasions never mind elsewhere. Not to mention I consider the LT to be garbage and wouldn't lend my writing to it. There's no extra prestige to it (or any prestige at all) as far as I'm concerned. It's no more relevant to me than what the average poster on here says. I hardly ever read it. Redundant concept in this day and age. Speaks volumes for LT's lack of creativity.
  8. It was boring. I wasn't going to attend until noticing a couple of weeks ago that the Glasgow RAW taping had been cancelled. Should have known better. The only interesting thing was Walter's appearance and what resulted from that. It's funny that in this country Walter was kinda seen as a sissy name but now I associate it more with Walter White, Walter Kovacs (Rorschach) and now this Walter. I'm sure there was a train to Accrington (you live in Clayton right?) after 11pm. There was one that terminated at Blackburn and one that took a slightly longer route via Accrington. Not to mention didn't the RAW main event finish just after 10pm? From what we saw of the Fiend it wasn't much more than an entrance anyway.
  9. How the hell was it a knee jerk reaction to fire Kidd? He was lucky he got so long. More stable structure now than then? Ludicrous insult. Only good thing about this column is the predecessor was 100 times worse.
  10. Michael Knight chairman of the Sydney organising committee. No mention of billionaire status though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Knight_(Australian_politician)
  11. https://www.jerseylaw.je/judgments/unreported/Pages/[2014]JRC025.aspx
  12. Too busy trying to rape clubs of ambition than tackling something as minor as racism. ?
  13. Speaking of Battersby haven't seen any updates on his legal issues lately.
  14. Appleton's had numerous UK jobs (including current) since his firing too.
  15. Noticed Giggs condoning drink drivers with his selections for Wales squad. Giggs of course from the same morality school as Kean.
  16. Modicum? Hatred (and this isn't a case of exaggerating that word) is more than mere resentment. Radicalised terrorists probably carry the most hatred in general but the Walkers aren't far behind where this club is concerned. Speaking of them £20 practically blew right at me last week during a particularly bad day. When the person with me wondered where it came from (almost as if it was some sort of minor divine response to what had happened that day) my response was "well I'm sure it didn't come from a member of the Walker family. They wouldn't drop 2p without noticing".
  17. Well according to this article "Global Eleven Ltd" sued Kentaro. They didn't threaten to break Anderson's legs (unfortunately) though obviously people don't normally come out and say that. The son of an aristocrat does not spell gangster to me. Neither does his instagram. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-05-07/italian-aristocrat-s-fund-sues-after-soccer-investment-flops https://www.instagram.com/indoosella/?hl=en
  18. The link I was given related to Arezzo, Italy and noted some mafia activity there. It didn't mention Anderson at all but his son played for L'Aguila briefly who are based in Arezzo. So that's the only connection to make from that article. So how exactly has Anderson received his comeuppance? I know he lost a tax battle relating to an academy in South Africa but it shouldn't have wiped him out.
  19. Someone stole Jericho's new AEW World title belt less than 24 hours after he won it. ?. https://www.cbssports.com/wwe/news/chris-jericho-reports-aew-world-title-belt-stolen-while-inaugural-champion-dined-in-florida/
  20. Are you talking about Anderson and these so called issues with the Italian mafia?
  21. ...and had Rovers been awarded those points (and the club did try) other clubs would have had a legitimate gripe. The Bolton matches that have been postponed should be played at a later date even if points are still deducted for the failure to make original dates. Anyway you never know with butterfly effects. If any of their first team players were able to play in that original fixture they might have broken their leg or something. Who knows?
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