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Paul Mani

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Everything posted by Paul Mani

  1. Not if you want me to have a chance of ever being able to pass on anything again mate.
  2. Ahem...so it was done as I was told. Didn’t think this one could be wrong with who it had come from tbh.
  3. Maybe Assombalonga? Would tie in to some of the stuff we’ve been hearing on here about Venkys pushing the expenditure / chaos etc. Links nicely with the LT article about moving on and there was a poster in here who mentioned Assombalonga...hope that’s the case. Would be a huge statement imo
  4. I think there are teams who’d pay a fee for Corry Evans. International player with vast championship experience. I also don’t see a problem with him being in and around a squad with the likes of Travis, Buckley, Davenport breaking through. There’s no suggestion either that he got a pay rise. Often in these situations the club offers slightly lesser terms over a longer period to allow room for other wages. Evans at his age would have been the perfect candidate for that type of deal. Smallwood was rewarded with a new contract after promotion. Mowbray is loyal but his consistency around changing the way in which we play will begin to phase these guys out. They then have the option of hanging around or moving in.
  5. Pretty sure it is done based on how close this person is to the deal. The context of that convo was that if it wasn’t already done this morning then they might not have done it..if you get me? ?. But the fact that he’s not been announced today suggests you could be right...
  6. Only spoke about the midfield off the back of Johnson
  7. Exactly my question. Looks to have moved quickly once Lampard confirmed out and Cocu in (done yesterday).
  8. Heard nothing on the price. But I think the signs that none of us have picked up on is this ‘change’ in the way we play which basically excludes Smallwood and Evans. Focus is now on the young lads Iv mentioned to play on the half turn talinhbthe ball from centre halves. Johnson seen as an upgraded version of Smallwood and Evans...
  9. Argh, I really can’t say. They’re so touchy about this stuff now...was ‘done’ by this morning apparently. Im more excited by their belief in the young lads. They LOVE Buckley. “He’ll definitely play in the Premier League”
  10. Bradley Johnson is done ✅ Club were putting feelers out last night asking about him, his character etc. Opinions were passed and they were told this morning that the deal is done. Only surprise is that it hasn’t been announced today. Also they expect Buckley, Travis, Davenport and Butterworth to step this season. Edit: Smallwood and Evans consigned to the history books by Christmas.
  11. I like Raya. He has good potential and I wouldn’t sell him, but I think he’ll be quite easily replaced if needs be.
  12. Not sure, seems as if he was getting an extension until Lampard left? Maybe the new manager has others in mind?
  13. 34 appearances and 3rd highest rating last season...?
  14. Don’t read too much into that. Butterfield is a class act. Needs a fresh start, regain fitness and a bit of love. Has that killer pass off both feet. Get him playing and you’ve got a really good player imo.
  15. At this time it’s all about adding quality. Is Bradley Johnson better than anything else we’ve got? Imo, yes!
  16. Butterfield is the one I really like out of these links...real quality
  17. No one is ‘suggesting’ him now mate. He’s been linked this morning (probably by a lazy journalist) as a potential transfer target so it’s apt that we discuss him on the transfer thread, right? Nothing to do with lowered aspirations!
  18. The guy has been with two clubs who’ve been promoted out of the league and has 200+ appearances in the Championship. He’s 27yrs old and fits the type of cb profile we need with the added bonus of knowing the club. Agree to disagree.
  19. I agree. Last years signings, bar Armstrong pretty much came out of the blue. I think a lot of these ‘linked’ former players are either lazy journalists or agents trying to get things moving.
  20. I agree about him not having played a lot of games and the risk. But he’s an improvement on what we’ve got and has much better pedigree than Bauer.
  21. I accept that he’s not played much. Maybe he’s the guy on holiday who was groaning about having to do a trial? As for being a starter or a squad filler...the answer is that very few players ever sign for any team as a dead cert starter...the cb issue and our lack of physicality in there is one which needs addressing
  22. Oh god, this is maybe worse than I thought! Please no.
  23. The suggestion here is that this is how fans have reacted to Bauer. Iv not seen much evidence of that particular sway. I for one think Bauer could’ve been a good signing, maybe even a fantastic one! But I refuse to throw my toys out of my prom as if we’d just missed out on Harry Maguire!
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