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Paul Mani

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Everything posted by Paul Mani

  1. Why wouldn’t you want us to sign Hanley? Championship pedigree, club captain of a newly promoted team, big, ugly, uncompromising, knows the club. I’d say he is the most ideal signing we could make. Permenant or loan...basically ticks every box?
  2. I think this is very fair. Agree that the changes feel slow at times. I’m not particularly bothered about Bauer. If we can’t find better than him this summer then we’ve failed massively. Contrary to what some on here think. I couldn’t give a shit about Mowbray. I only care about my club. Imo he’s done a very good job and I don’t accept 90% of the criticism that’s been levelled at him. But, he has stated on several occasions that he expects to be in and around the top 6. That he needs to strengthen in several areas and so if he doesn’t we don’t then I will be looking for answers and ramifications against the manager.
  3. Mate, you don’t know anything about Mowbrays personality. Only what a friend of a friend told you about a meeting with Ben Whiteman.
  4. Oh my god!!! ??? He isn’t ‘chasing a squad player’. He’s chasing a player who he likes and making it known to the player that they are not guaranteed to play if they do not perform / work hard. I have my own suspicions about the budget too btw...but there’s no suggestion here that the issue with Bauer was financial.
  5. Mate, we’ve been interested in signing the guy for a year because we think he’s a good player...so what? He came in, was told he would need to work hard in order to get in the team and decided he preferred to be knighted on Preston town hall steps! ?? What on Earth is wrong with Mowbray telling any player that they’ve got to work hard to get into his team!? I’m baffled by your stance tbh.
  6. I’m not missing any point. Mowbray likes the player. Sees him as someone who could be good for us. But the guy is a league one defender and has just been asked to earn his place. If he would rather be the king of Preston then that says more about him and Preston than it does about us...
  7. Who’s said he’s incapable of dislodging them? The manager is saying to Bauer that he needs to train well etc to get in the team!!? Jeez can’t believe what I’m reading here... If we’d missed out on Sol Campbell in his prime id be worried. This guy is a 26yr Old from League 1. He absolutely would need to earn his stripes!
  8. There’s no suggestion we were fannyong about or offered less money. Mowbray obviously liked him but ultimately having spent is career in League one it would take one hell of a desperate championship club to offer him a starring role!? Mid asking him to fight for his position such a bad thing?
  9. Come on mate, jokes aside...the guy has been playing in League 1. There’s no evidence that he can make the grade in the Championship? The manager was absolutely right to make him fight for his place imo. Looks like Hanley is likely now. There’s no comparison between these two signings.
  10. Hahahah this is mad. So it turns out that the manager has been tracking a league 1 defender who he rates but is asking to fight and be at his very best to get into our team....and he’s criticised for it!? The fact that Preston gave (League 1 defender) Bauer the keys to the bloody city and that Bauer wasn’t prepared to back his own ability and needed his ego massaging to get the deal done says more about Preston and Bauer in my opinion!!
  11. Completely agree. Downing, Hanley and Gally would make a massive difference. Added to the potential of Rothwell, Chapman, Armstrong, Travis and Davenport and the class of Dack and Graham I’d be quietly confident of being in and around the top 6.
  12. I’m not trying to shut anything down. You’re just boring everyone with your constant whinging. It’s perfectly reasonable to expect fully grown men to be able to process basic information without bleating on and on.. When anyone actually does come on here with transfer information you and ‘the boys’ usually hound them out calling bullshit and demanding a ‘source’. Hang on, wait a minute..Is there an age limit on this site?
  13. Lads this really isn’t difficult. The manager has said he wants to get in the top six this season. The players are saying the same (see Downings interview). Top 6 wasn’t our target last season. The season before they put their neck on the block saying they HAD to go up and they did.... Get off their backs and let them get this window over and the season started. If they are nowhere near the top 6 come Christmas then there won’t be a single Rovers fan happy because top 6 is the the absolute stated aim and we are all Rovers fans first and foremost.
  14. Makes sense. Seeing as Mowbray alluded to losing interest in the supporters forum.
  15. Kind of makes sense to me. Waggot avtually looks like a bit of a bell end. I’ll have that
  16. Great point re Armstrong last season. I don’t think there’s any evidence that the budget has been lowered. In fact the CEO stated when he returned that the budget was the same / similar. Therefore, the natural assumption on this is that this not about money but more about how much both clubs showed they wanted him. This only becomes bad business if / when we fail to buy any better.
  17. Just caught up....and basically, I don’t care what Rich Sharpe has been saying, Mowbray poured cold water on a deal for Bauer in his fans forum interview before the end of the season. It was obvious that he’d gone off him by that time. The key here is that we improve that area. The manager will be judged at the end of this window re his transfer dealings!
  18. I’m not bothered either way on Bauer tbh. Obv rated in league 1 but didn’t massively impress me in any game I saw him play. The main thing for me is that we deal with the cb issue this window
  19. He was finalising his budget. They scouted targets A to D or whatever and then sit down with the owners after the season to agree on their final budget and the level of expectation. It’s absolutely standard that it is done at this time, face to face and will have happened in clubs up and down the country. Especially when you’re asking for 8 figure cash injections!!!? The only difference here is that our owners live in India. But the constant whining of some on here about ‘missing the boat’ is a bit weird when you consider there’s been like four signings (total) in the championship so far this summer. Another baffling part of this discussion is when people on here forget that players, managers, agents, scouts, chief execs etc all have mobile phones and will have been chatting for weeks about transfers (during the season, afterwards, on holiday, before meeting owners, afterwards) ? Moreover, we don’t even fully know who the targets are yet so how do we know who / if anyone we’ve missed? ??
  20. Downing and Morrison and Bauer would be a solid start for me.
  21. I said nothing of the sort. I said most managers meet with their bosses after the season has finished to finalise their budget...so the fact that TM has to do this is of little significance tbh.
  22. Most managers meet with the owners to sign off the budget after the season has finished.
  23. You do know they’re able to take their mobile phones on holiday right?
  24. If we do buy two CB’s then I expect us to play three. This would allow us to play three midfielders in front of them and two strikers or Dack in a free role off the main striker. Lenihan Mulgrew Bauer/? Nyambe / ? Bell Travis ? Rothwell Dack Graham / ?
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