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Paul Mani

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Everything posted by Paul Mani

  1. You’d be disappointed!? Mate, we’re 5th in the league with a team full of lads willing to die for the cause. We’ve signed some fantastic players this window already along with potential and we’re about to commit to £6m on a 19yr Old wonderkid!! If this isn’t heaven for a Rovers fan after the last 9yrs I don’t know what is!!? ??
  2. It hasn’t closed yet!? Palmer, Rothwell and Armstrong started well. Davenport injured and Rodwell just signed but both potentially very good. Lets see if the Brereton signing goes through as expected along with another cash buy plus Harrison Reed. finally, the second half vs Reading and today’s result against Brentford add credibility to TM’s insistence on good characters. Those characters made the difference during difficult times as they always do!!
  3. There’s a player in Rodwell who is farrrrr better than anything we’ve got, including Dack. Whether that player still even exists today is what the manager is going to try to find out. If we’ve got him cheap then even at 80% he’ll be better than what we’ve currently got in his position/s. If TM and that group of players can’t get a tune out of him he’s finished anyway so everyone is motivated....no brainer. I am getting a little nervous about these ‘big money’ transfers that the boss is talking about though. 1 - because we need some quality up top and 2 - because TM obviously has his heart set on them and if the club fail to deliver it MIGHT destabilise Tony, the group, everyone...big week ahead. Still think they’re trying to sign 2 or 3 for loans to permenant.
  4. Looks like Travis is going out on loan...wonder if he’s thinking the same for Davenport. Leaving is with Smallwood, Evans, Reed and Rodwell? With Benno backing them up..
  5. Palmer looked every bit that player to me...and btw, what about Rothwell!!!?? Based on what Iv seen in a couple of sub appearances and 90 mins last night he could be the signing of the year for us. He was immense last night imo.
  6. I’d say that Travis and Davenport are to go out on loan. Expect possibly Harrison and Rodwell today...would be happy with that.
  7. Ahhh ok, so do you know him then? Because I haven’t read anything to suggest he’s a bad character. Expensive and injury plagued is a given. But a player of his pedigree on not a lot of money with a view to proving himself is a no brainer. The potential signing of Rodwell isn’t at odds with anything.
  8. I’d say it’s almost certainly a clean shaven Brereton.
  9. I think it’s quite simple. They have their targets and if they can land them they will if they can’t then we go with what we’ve got. It’s obvious that they are not prepared to have just anyone come in. They seem to be studying personalities as well as ability. Will I be disappointed if we don’t get anyone? Absolutely. Will I believe in the conspiracy theories about us actually having no money etc? Absolutely not.
  10. YEAH!! Because THAT’S what happens when you upset the big boss hey Stuey? Except you’ve never actually been the big boss have you? That’s the problem. Let it all out sweetie, you’ll feel better for it ?
  11. Stuey’s just trying to find himself since he was forced to internalise that he (falsely) places himself on a pedestal of knowledge and greater understanding than the rest of us. So now he’s trying to re-position as a ‘man of the people’ type. A person who cares for his Rovers family. Sadly he began one of the most awkward posts ever by referring to and highlighting the posters nationality which is insensitive and unbecoming of such a hero. I was surprised he’d managed to get a whiff of antagonism from all the way up there anyway...Bless him.
  12. He’s actually discussing a process of clarification from ‘some’ clubs interpretation of ‘intention to buy’. The intention to buy is formed by the buyer (us in this case) which is why I suggested that it may be us who are negotiating hard here. It could be either side in all honesty. Fantastic insight either way.
  13. That was a really interesting point. I read it the other way though. Because it’s the buying club who has the intention. Therefore, are we trying to argue that if we don’t like what we see, then we don’t have to excercise our intention to buy? Very prudent If so...
  14. Of course they do. I’m not suggesting that we’ll do any of the deals muted. Just that from the articulate words of the manager it won’t be for the lack of trying. There is a plan and backing from the owners it would seem. Regardless of what we achieve (and I am ultra ambitious), surely we have a lot to feel positive with the current management and playing structure. In particular what they have been able to do to engage our infamous owners. At times we almost sound / feel like a ‘proper’ club again! ?
  15. I think Brereton is the one he fancies to be done by the weekend and he’s firing a shot across the bows of the other two to say if you don’t sort yourself out you’ll end up with nothing... Based purely on reports all summer, I think the other two are Freeman and Bauer. Bauer in particular has to be a shoe in. The guys saying he won’t sign another contract. My guess is we’re offering £500k loan fee and £500k at Christmas to take him now. Which is half what they wanted. Freeman is one where it looks like the club and player were happy to do it but the manager put his foot down. The 6-1 defeat on Saturday has possibly weakened his position of strength resulting in the deal becoming possible...just a thought ?
  16. Mowbray is top class imo. The information he’s giving to fans in these types of public interviews is unlike any manager / football person I know. Theres lots of noise and misinterpretation of situations on here. It’s understandable as we, as fans want to understand what is happening. Imo you’ll never get a closer look at how football thinks than this guy. His last two interviews ‘Dack being the currency of the club’ etc as well as his candid walk through of ongoing transfers is top stuff. If you read and understand him it helps to answer a lot of questions that are raised on here...like: Why pay £8m for Ben Brereton? Why are Venkys suddenly bankrolling us again? What level of quality are we actually targeting? Do we have a precise plan of exactly who we want? Are we prepared to pay over the odds? The list of fans questions he’s answering is lengthy. I can’t think of another manager who does it so well without releasing personal information. Very classy.
  17. Great post. Very logical. I’d add further weight to your theory by saying the fact Forest aren’t including him in any first team or U23 squads speaks volumes too. Looks like all three parties want the deal. Everyone is just trying to get the best deal.
  18. http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/16585545.its-very-frustrating-but-rovers-creeping-closer-to-a-signing/ hmmm...almost like TM took my potential resale post and did his interview on it. Not bad for a lad who doesn’t know what he’s talking about!? ?
  19. Wages are not directly linked to transfer fees. In fact, often players negotiate low transfer release fees to earn higher wages. It’s perfectly conceivable that Brereton could sign for £8m (£3m down and £1m per year for 5yrs) and sit well within our current wage structure. Someone like Grabban who has played football in the PL will be on huge wages. Bamford too as his contract at Chelsea will have been paying him money close to our top earners.
  20. I don’t trust Venkys but the FACT is that they’re currently £100m+ of their own money in to our club. So god knows what their budget is...
  21. Yes, had a few injuries and bounced around a clubs for a while. Wasn’t good enough ultimately...
  22. You’re right pal. Kept my eyes and ears closed for 37 years ??
  23. The list of professional and semi professional clubs I represented until the age of 18 when I had a career ending injury is exhaustive. Though I have been able to continue my love affair with Rovers and football in general because of the friends I kept in football, many of whom played in the football league and a couple who had lengthy careers in the Premier League. Does this count?
  24. Really? Had you asked most of us (me included) before last week we’d have made the same statement about £3m wouldn’t we? Some would’ve said even less...
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