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Paul Mani

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Everything posted by Paul Mani

  1. Lads, jeez!! We haven’t signed anyone with a view to owt!! IF and it’s a big IF TM signs Brereton for £6m then how’s about we just trust his judgement? Bearing in mind not a single person on here has even seen the lad play and, more importantly they’re not spending your money anyway!!
  2. Unless turns out be worth £30m in 12 months time!!
  3. I think it’s fair to say that the permenant window went with a whimper. Although I have to say that I thought Rothwell did great when he came on and baring in mind the potential of Davenport who was very well thought of at City we MAY live to regret being so down about the window so far.. However, where I do think many are getting it completely wrong is with the loan market. I can see why because historically we were in the elite and loans very rarely pay dividends at that level. But for Blackburn Rovers 2018 in the 2nd tier with a finite budget the loan window represents the absolute best chance we have of getting the best quality. Not only that, but the ones who work out, you can usually buy (if you can afford them) but if you can’t afford them then you’ve done bloody great to have them in your team for a period of time. A ‘try before you buy’ option. Also, once the permenant window has gone reality sets in. Mark Hughes may have believed Gally was worth £7m until last Thursday but now he’s got a player on his books he doesn’t want and the player doesn’t want to be there. It’s time to cut their losses...not saying we are in for him but that situation will be a stark reality across the country at the minute. Including the likes of Brereton, Chapman and Maddison...the balance tips towards us. I’ll reserve judgement and it will take some pretty amazing business to recover from a frustrating window. But let’s see..
  4. The situation is as unclear than its ever been since Mowbray came to the club. As much as you’d like to, please don’t bend the rhetoric to fit your argument. You made another point before saying it was the “worst performance” you’d seen including Coyle. Assuming you weren’t here for the Kean era when we went three home games without a shot on target? Or if you remember a time where Akpan and Lowe were our midfield linchpins? Assuming also that you didn’t come to our first two home games in League 1 either? We were off the pace on Saturday for the first 30 minutes and then grew into a game where the 8th best team in the league needed their keeper to make 4 (Dack free kick, 2 x DG one on one & Rothwell rocket) great saves and an mom performance to stop us from trouncing them. No one is happy with the transfer situation and come Sep 1st I’m sure there will be an autopsy. What worries me is that we had money to spend but were unable to spend it. But now is not the time to simply make stuff up.
  5. Anyone who watched the match today. A match where we played against last seasons 8th placed team. A game where the opposition keeper was undoubtedly their mom. Will feel quietly confident that we are going to be fine this year.
  6. Apart from the first 25 mins I thought we grew into the game and played well. DG was unlucky and could’ve had two or three on another day. Defence looked comfortable overall. That was Bells best perf fore us imo. Smallwood not good enough. Bennett and Palmer fantastic. Palmer very comfortable on the ball. Quick and potentially excellent. Rothwell was very promising too. Need another option up front. Mid play Bennett CM in front of Smallwood. We’re a decent team. We’ll be fine.
  7. Jesus...I’m reeled back in to the transfer window pt2!! Deadline day stank the house out for me. I’m happy to believe that we have specific targets and that we have a cash budget for transfer fees BUT now I need to be convinced that we’re not being spun a yarn from Waggot and (unbelievably) Tony Mowbray. As much as I love the guy for what he’s done for my beloved club I KNOW footballers and the industry. Managers work tirelessly to make sure they never hand their bosses any change back after a window. Why wouldn’t you spend your budget? For what it’s worth I’m not blaming Venkys for Thursdays utter clusterfuck. That has to be on SW and TM. Fully believe there will be loans. Need them to be ‘with a view’ to prevent my bullshit-o meter going haywire. The only contextual soother is that it’s obvious how hard it’s been for everyone in this window. And, even the clubs around us who’ve done business (Bolton, Wigan, Ipswich) haven’t done anything great imo. I’d prob only take Garner and Edwards from the whole lot.
  8. There should be no excuses and no cliches imo. The window so far has been...underwhelming. Do I think we’d go down with this squad? No? Is it better than the one which went down? Yes, I believe it is. Just about. I do know one thing. You have here one of TM’s staunchest supporters BUT if we don’t sign some pretty decent players on loans with a view then I smell a rat. That just wouldn’t add up. It’d mean that he’s ‘refused’ to spend his budget for two windows in a row.
  9. Surely to GOD the Brereton bid isn’t blind!? They must have already spoken to him and had an idea from the club that they’re a) willing to sell and b) at what price-ish...if not then a bid at 4pm is piss poor and they will know it!
  10. Mate, are you serious? Threatening bans and sin bins or whatever for inflammatory behaviour and then you type this? Unbelievable.
  11. Hahah - No chance mate! Us ‘Happy clappers’ have been singing from the roof tops.
  12. I VERY nearly took the day off to watch us spend the projected £5-6m we were hoping for. Gutted so far...there would have to be some pretty amazing loans with views to permenant to get past the disappointment of £4m midfielders who haven’t now signed... Here’s something to think about and forgive the expressions I’m using them for ease. Whoever is right or wrong about our situation is down to opinion and context. But who do you think has had the more enjoyable last week or so? The ‘happy clappers’ or the ‘doom mongers’? ?
  13. Seen the guys stats? Third best assists in the champ, 5 goals, second highest amounts of dribbles with the ball, quick, great dead balls - Iv never seen him play but that along with QPRs reaction suggest he’s no D lister...much better pedigree than Madison
  14. I don’t for one minute think anyone posting on here wants Rovers to lose. 100%. BUT I do see (and I’m not alone) that should Rovers continue spending as has been reported that it will piss on quite a few people’s chips on here. The funny part is watching them. Rather than just say ‘I was wrong’ they go very quiet and then change the narrative putting emphasis on other potential negatives like ‘we left it too late’ or ‘at least recruit the positions where we are short’. Ultimately those two statements cannot really be quantified because no one knows what TM’s strategy actually is. How do we know we aren’t timing this perfectly in terms of quality vs cost? The wingers thing baffles me too because TM hasn’t played wingers since came here. Even when he has wingers at his disposal he inverts them so they’re cutting in. So why would HE buy wingers now? And if he doesn’t, how can people claim he hasn’t got those targets when he never even wanted them? Weird. The narrative coming from TM and the club is that he wants another 4/5 and based upon the reliable sources and the bids being reported he wants a CF on loan with option to buy, a marquee midfielder, another DM possibly, Cover at CB and cover at GK. In all honesty I’d only be upset if we didn’t get another striker.
  15. Fair enough. I don’t think you can buy a decent striker for £4m hence why I’d loan one...but we’ll see!! ??
  16. Just for tmrw pal. We need CB and GK cover but happy to do those after tmrw ??
  17. Ok, here’s my wish list for 5pm. - Chapman (£1.5m) - Striker (loan with view to perm) - Big money (£4m) creative midfielder
  18. Eh? You’re concerned that all the players fit into the same (Mowbray’s) style? But at the same time CANT see a coherent team formation? AND you’d prefer us to be buying less quality and more hard workers? This a joke?
  19. Ahhhh this guy!! Good to have you back. Get an early night pal, we need you fresh for our updates tmrw! ???
  20. Hey, apologies if this comes across a bit rude but what was the name of the poster on here who broke the Armstrong deal. He/she was absolutely on the money!! Would love some info from that guy!
  21. The deal they’re chasing is surely Gallagher on loan with a view to permanent?
  22. Freeman surely a better option than Madison based purely on his experience and stats in the Championship?
  23. Absolutely pal. But I don’t know many die hard Rovers fans who’d burn that type of cash on the club. Millionaire or not...
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