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Paul Mani

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Everything posted by Paul Mani

  1. He wasn’t even talking to me pal. Good chat though ??
  2. God knows mate. Don’t even know if it’s true. Suppose Waghorn who I guess fits the remit. Based on the last couple of days, the rest are beneath us. He’s openly said he wants better than them!
  3. To be fair, TM never said we didn’t have the cash to spend. Actually he said he was happy with his budget. And a few weeks back Sharpe said the AA deal was too expensive but perhaps that statement was in context with the list TM has. So it wasn’t that we couldn’t afford AA, just that the deal was too expensive for our “D” choice... when you look at TM’s quotes they actually haven’t changed other than around not being able to get them in early.
  4. We have to beat Ipswich. Dismantled squad and a load of League 1 level additions!!
  5. Sorry guys, it was a direct lift from that tweet. Was just passing it on. Sorry for confusion
  6. “Apparently someone is travelling to Blackburn tonight ready for talks with Rovers tomorrow about a move .... interesting” ?
  7. I carry the same scars Stuart. In fact, bearing in mind the friendships I have with people who were directly involved with Rovers at the time I can honestly say it was worse than people imagined at times. The treatment of players / staff via the ‘third party’ was deplorable at times. Im waiting too for the end of the window. But I’m not sure we’ve had any of those lies since TM began so I I’m prepared to have faith in him. Agree to disagree I guess. But ultimately we want the same things ??
  8. Reading between the lines I think we had a permenant deal for Gallagher lined up them Bamford went for £7m and Southampton suddenly thought Gallagher must be worth that...
  9. Mate, I’ve been a Rovers fan all my life too. Iv gone through all the emotions you have. I’ve spent probably more than most during that time. But that doesn’t mean I choose to be cynical about everything. Just imagine for one moment if you stopped looking at the worst scenario and actually became excited at what TM is saying....wouldn’t you feel better in general? That’s me. I’m not naive, I run a relatively successful company and employ a lot of people. I know I can still be disappointed at the end of this transfer window. But I choose to be positive. All I was doing was pointing out to Chaddy that he can’t change peoples outlooks. Its genuinely nothing personal. We all care about the club.
  10. Good for you buddy. I trust TM so I’m now going to be excited until the window closes. If it doesn’t work out, at least I’ve had a spring in my step for two weeks. Glass half full and all that ??
  11. Yeah I agree but also insistent on championship experience and goals...intriguing!! You can’t get those types of players for less than seven figures can you?
  12. I think we will sign an out and out striker, an attacker / winger and a CB before the deadline with a possibility of one or two loans before the end of August.
  13. If we signed Armstrong and Chapman I’d suggest most Rovers fans would be happy. So them being our D options means that either way we should end up being very happy by Aug 9th
  14. Eh!!!!!??????? “We’re working away but would rather sign signing B rather than signing D. And although we can get signing D we will try and get signing B. And that’s why things can get held up at times.” That says to me that both Arma and Chapman are ‘d’ signings who are available to sign now but that Mowbray wants to persist with his ‘B’ signing (after missing out on the ‘A’ who went for £7m). How on earth do you see that as ‘pretty darned depressing’? ??‍♂️
  15. Yes. Looks like his ‘A’ list was one of Bamford, Gallagher etc which surely means we have £2-3m to spend???
  16. I’d take Garner in a heartbeat. Reminds me of a Dickov type. Snapping into defenders. I like him.
  17. Looks to me like they’re making the best of a very limited budget to pad out their squad. Loads of my mates are strongly associated to Bolton. I can’t wait to hammer them!!
  18. Likewise mate. I like the fact that whilst we both often come at things from a diffeeent angle your points are logical and balanced... in terms of the timing of the deals, they just get done when they get done. It takes so much to come together and this is especially difficult when the buying club isn’t prepared to pay over the odds. So ideally I’m sure TM would’ve loved to get his forward options over the line sooner but it just wasn’t doable. Not sure if you’ve seen Rich Sharpes article this evening but I read a lot into that. Basically saying that Armstrong and Chapman are way down the pecking order as they have not got the experience or goals in the Championship. Suggested that they were on his ‘D’ list and he was hoping to choose from his ‘’B’ list. I don’t know about you but if Arma and Chapman are on our D list then I’m bloody excited to see who’s on our B!!! ?
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